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Everything posted by ifionlyknew

  1. It shouldn't be expected of her. The previous Republicans that filled that slot didn't act like that. Ana doesn't act like that. You can make sparks without acting the way Meghan acts. Disrespecting your coworkers is wrong no matter what your job is.
  2. Yes the rich privileged white woman thinks she is the champion of marginalized groups. All four of the other women have more compassion and understanding in their pinkie than Meghan does in her whole body.
  3. I think the word you are looking for is bitch.
  4. I don't do deep dives on actors on shows I like to watch. However if I read or hear a news story about an actor that is deal breaker for me I quickly turn my back on that actor's projects Once I found out things about Patricia Heaton I never watched Everyone Loves Raymond again.
  5. At this point it's obvious Meghan is being allowed to take as much time as she wants. For what reason I don't know. If I were her cohosts I would be questioning why. I'm not surprised ratings are down. The election is over. Hot topics are tepid at best. And they aren't drawing the best guests. And oh yeah Meghan McCain is probably turning viewers off. Just judging from what some of our own posters are saying they aren't watching as much as they used to.
  6. Greta took on Trump. If Meghan tries to come for her Greta will make mincemeat of her.
  7. I once joined EHarmony. Their prices went from three months to a year. Why pay for a year? You would be thinking it will take you that long to meet someone. I saw this. If Big is part of the reboot why is Aidan there? Also I have yet to see anything about Harry being part of the show. Charlotte better still have her happily ever after.
  8. It could be considered a hostile work environment. If Meghan treats her coworkers this way I can only imagine how she treats the backstage personnel. Didn't she once say she had a horrible Uber rating? I doubt she treats people who work for a living with any sort of respect.
  9. I am going to agree with you on that. She says things that can so easily be refuted. Her saying she never shies away from discussing her family or herself is not even close to being true. Quite a few of us posters here have easily come up with a list of things to prove her wrong. Is she so self absorbed that she thinks everything she says is true simply because she believes it?
  10. She didn't talk about her miscarriage. If her dad was still alive I doubt she would talk about any votes he cast in the Senate that didn't reflect well on him. As it is there are a lot of things this show hasn't discussed because they are things Meghan doesn't want to deal with.
  11. Also Chris Cuomo is a professional.
  12. I knew she would get worse. Her team lost and she hates that. Her whole identity is built on which political party she belongs to. She cannot separate herself from it. So if her team is in the doghouse she thinks people are putting her in the doghouse. Now she of course could avoid that by not attacking people she views as her opposition but she won't do that. Most likely these are people she saw on Twitter. And I question Meghan's definition of "highly educated". Meghan has a degree from an Ivy League college so........
  13. Thank you. I thought I understood it the way you explained. Them not mentioning stimulus money is the just the writer's way of making them perpetual victims of their own financial mistakes.
  14. I thought stimulus checks eligibility were based on your last year's tax returns. There is no way everyone living in that house filed together.
  15. OMG you are right. They tend to play similar characters.
  16. Funny how she always magically knows someone that believes whatever she is spouting. Reminds me of Elisabeth and "the friend" she would always talk about.
  17. Not to mention he is engaged with newborn twins. If she did reach out because she is hoping she can get him back that makes her a very selfish person. For all she knows Kevin is madly in love with his fiancee. I keep hearing the Rolling Stones singing "You can't always get what you want but if you try sometimes you get what you need."
  18. You shouldn't have to be rewarded for doing the right thing.
  19. As mentioned by other posters he was so great in Midnight Run, Dave, Beethoven. He was one of the good guys. He will be missed.
  20. Meghan says Remember: Just because someone repeats something with conviction, that doesn't make it true. If only she was being self aware.
  21. I can see it from both angles. When my son was younger his grandmother (my mother) would often try to overstep the boundaries. Now that my own son has a child I do my best to not overstep the boundaries. My granddaughter is 8 and whenever I want to do something with her I ask her parents first. I wish the story would have had more information. It was said the grandmother asked her daughter first and she didn't respond then she asked again including the grandkids on the text. How long was it between the non response and the next text? Five minutes? A day? A week? Here is an idea, pick up the phone and call your daughter.
  22. I have told this story on a different board but it's relevant here as well. Years ago Keith Olbermann was a guest on Bill Maher's HBO show during his departure from MSNBC and Maher asked him where he would go next and suggested Fox. Keith said no he had already worked there and didn't like it. He said one of the Fox personalities had told him he was only acting the way he acted because there was more money in being that way. I think the people who make money from the platforms that give voice to Carlson and Morgan don't care as long as they keep making money.
  23. I could live with that if they didn't have people like Justin Bieber and Cara Delevingne as part of it. Just who is HBO trying to appeal to? Do they really think fans of Bieber will subscribe to HBO MAX just to see him on this special? The clips of the cast talking about the show makes me really want to see that but the rest of it I'm probably going to roll my eyes at.
  24. And it had nothing to do with wanting to see other women. I do think Big liked having her around but in his mind he was keeping his options open. Which is exactly what happened when he went to Paris and met Natasha.
  25. Funny how talking about parenting or even her own child seems to bore her on the View but whenever People magazine does an interview with her she is always gushing about Liberty and being a new mom.
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