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Everything posted by ifionlyknew

  1. They could have asked Yamine Bleeth since she was Joey and Chandler's crush. Didn't they name the duck or the chick after her?
  2. It does seem ironic that Meghan refers to some many people she seems to only casually know as friends but someone like Abby who was thought to be an actual friend she never mentions.
  3. In Meghan's mind it isn't personal. It's just politics. I have no doubt if Biden wasn't president she would still speak of him fondly.
  4. I was married to an addict (an alcoholic) and let me tell when they fall off the wagon no matter the reason it is so disappointing. I'm not going to fault Katherine for basically reaching the end of her rope. She has had enough and I don't think she is obligated to continue to be married to someone who has caused her so much stress. Eddie did seek help and good for him but ultimately his recovery needs to be based on him wanting to stay clean for himself not to keep his family together.
  5. Was she in a public shower with a lot of people? Dr. Gupta was on yesterday. Meghan gets it but she just wants to somehow blame this administration for something, anything she can. If covid infections start to rise again she will blame the CDC for that. I know this. LOL. Anyone who follows politics knows this. I had to stop being friends with someone because I couldn't even discuss movies with her because she disliked so many actors because they didn't share her political beliefs. Meghan politicizing everything is IMO her way of trying to appear like a political analyst. Ana an actual political analyst doesn't do that.
  6. There has always been ways for celeb's bad behavior to be publicized. When I was growing up and into my adulthood it was the tabloids. And then it was TMZ and shows like that. Gossip websites became a big thing in the early 2000s. I do think social media has made it more easily spread to the masses. Also it's about having so many sites/blogs/shows/whatever that need content 24/7. Tabloids were weekly. Shows were daily. But now with everyone having a smart phone attached to them even D list celebs have their lives documented. Warts and all.
  7. This is so becoming not what I thought it would be. It is supposed to what, an hr long special? So how much time exactly will be spent on actually hearing the actors talk?
  8. Whoopi: So Meghan what do you think about Republicans trying to change the narrative about the insurrection? Meghan: The real tragedy this year is I can't get gas and it's Biden's fault. Correct me if I'm wrong but Meghan is living in the DC area (or as she calls it in the Beltway) and that area isn't serviced by that particular pipeline. So if Meghan can't find gas (which I doubt) it's because people are panicking like she is.
  9. Yes Elisabeth was a good little soldier trying to support her team. Meghan is like the general leading the charge.
  10. It's either willful ignorance or what she thinks is plausible deniability. She is still trying to keep her place amongst conservatives.
  11. Could you imagine the blowback if any other woman on that panel would lie daily? I mean for fuck sake Joy has to apologize for unintentionally saying something.
  12. This is true. Look what happened to Sean Young. Look what happened to Rose McGowan.
  13. You can be a bully and still be bullied yourself. Jennifer Lopez can have as many relationships she wants but when you move from one serious one to the next one so quickly it's hard to take them seriously. Ellen's stated reasons for ending her talk show doesn't do anything to repair her image. I liked her sitcom in the 90s. But after that I didn't care for her. I could never really explain why but after the past few years I feel like I must have sensed something. I felt the same way about Bill Cosby. Going back to his Fat Albert days I actively disliked him. It took almost 40 years but now I can say I was right to not like him. This is a very good point. It's one thing to support someone you know and care for but to publicly say the things Rashad has said makes me think she is not a good fit for this job.
  14. I'm guessing this is a rhetorical question. If it's not the answer is no.
  15. Did the video show the man? I only heard his voice. Maybe there was something about the man that unnerved the young woman. I'm not going to judge her reaction. She is entitled to feel any way she wants.
  16. I don't do Tik Tok but I have seen Tik Tok videos that friends share and the comments are always oh that is so hilarious and then I watch the video and it's not funny at all. I had a former co worker who would make videos and show them to me expecting me to say they were great. They were not great so I just smiled. I've been saying for years social media has made people think they are starring in their own reality show. When I saw the video on the View my first thought was it was a segment from 20/20 What would you do? and we would hear John Quinones voice.
  17. Meghan is worried about ultimately having to choose which side to be on.
  18. For whatever reason when men see a woman sitting alone somewhere they think it's an invitation to try to strike up a conversation. Lucky for me I have a resting bitch face (even with a mask on) and most men leave me alone.
  19. Tried going out to eat after I was fully vaccinated. Felt weird. I didn't like it. Still wear my mask when I get haircuts. It has been years since I went to the movies, sporting events or concerts so I won't be doing those things any time soon. I have went to my two local malls but I still won't go to a bigger one a little farther away. I went there on Black Friday 2019 and shortly thereafter got horribly sick with what a doctor told me was some sort of upper respiratory infection. I've never been fully convinced it wasn't Covid.
  20. Yep also no allergies or sinus headaches.
  21. Meghan was 22 years old when Twitter launched. Not a teenager.
  22. Well of course Meghan thinks the way she lives her life is the best way to live your life. She is so fucking privileged to think people have been chomping at the bit to get vaccinated so they can go party. I wanted vaccinated so I would not worry about my mother possibly getting reinfected with Covid after spending seven weeks in the hospital.
  23. Since I started wearing a mask almost a year ago when in public I have not had one sniffle. No colds. No flu. Nothing. There are benefits to wearing a mask even after Covid.
  24. One reason I stopped watching the Today Show years ago was because they covered celebrity gossip as if it was important breaking news.
  25. I remember after her second divorce saying I think she is going to be my generation's Elizabeth Taylor. J Lo has been married and divorced three times and had two engagements that didn't make it to the altar. Whatever happened to dating?
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