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Everything posted by ifionlyknew

  1. Oh boo hoo. If I have any contempt for straight white men it's because they deserve it.
  2. The only stand up I saw Seinfeld do was his bits on his show. Some of his jokes were I thought amusing but never hysterical. I always thought his comedy was middle of the road. Not offensive or all that smart. My tastes were more George Carlin or Chris Rock. As mentioned above his love life always grossed me out. First the very young girlfriend and then the newly married to someone else girlfriend.
  3. Yes. The writers gave her all the comic relief dates. As a survivor of online dating when I say "fun" I mean entertaining to watch. In real life it can most definitely be a nightmare. Lifetime is filled with movies about it. But for the new show to ignore online dating will not be realistic.
  4. I didn't like it when it first aired. I like millions of other people thought my cable went out. But upon further reflection I like it. Life goes on. Or doesn't. We are left to decide for ourselves what happened.
  5. I remember a scene from Mad About You and I can't remember which character they were talking about but Jamie asked her husband Paul what men think when a woman sleeps with them on the first date and he says "Yippee." I do think there is still a double standard regarding sleeping with a man on the first date. Men think the woman is too easy. Not girlfriend material. But you never hear a woman say the same about a man who sleeps with someone on the first date. After my husband died and I went back out into the dating world I had a friend tell me if I wanted a man to respect me I needed to play hard to get. I said I am not playing that game. I was in my 40s at the time and said I was too old to act like I was saving myself. With all the online dating sites now if a woman won't sleep with a man right off the bat all he has to do is swipe and he will find one who will. In the new show they need to have a character be on Tinder or whatever. That is such a part of dating now and they could have a lot of fun with that. Perhaps the character is on a date when the guy gets what he thinks is a better offer and leaves in the middle of the date. I could see that happening to Miranda. She always had the weirdest dating experiences. The guy who died. The one who got diarrhea. The one who's doorman told her the guy wasn't coming down. Ever.
  6. I don't think that was what Sara was saying. I think she was saying once she had kids her bosses started treating her differently. They thought she wasn't able to do what she had done before kids. And then of course Meghan has to chime in and say she isn't being treated differently even though she has a kid. I swear she always has to counter everything Sara says.
  7. Meghan says she keeps getting pitched tough things. I'm going to need to see those receipts. What is being offered to Meghan and who is offering it?
  8. Hypocrisy thy name is Meghan McCain.
  9. So Meghan says she knows lots of Republicans on Capitol Hill who are embarrassed about Gaetz. Ok. Then why aren't they speaking out? That was the point Joy was making. Meghan's party continues to look the other way when their members do bad things. Because Meghan can't have a rational debate with anyone because the garbage she spews is so easily countered with facts and logic. Two things she likes to discard if they don't fit her narrative.
  10. If you are talking about the Stand I think the creators offered her the part. And to be fair I do think she was right for the part. I'm inclined to believe Whoopi thinks she shouldn't have to read or audition for a part. She is an EGOT winner and people who have no awards but have reached a certain level of their career no longer have to read or audition.
  11. A few years ago I read a book by two casting agents. They said any part for a woman over the age of 50 goes to Meryl Streep first. If she declines then other women get considered. There are not a lot of good parts for women over the age of 40 in Hollywood unless they themselves produce a project. Reese Witherspoon does this a lot. I think Whoopi is someone who works when she wants to. I wonder when was the last time she actually sought out a part.
  12. I didn't like her either. I saw the actress recently on a Law & Order episode and I didn't like her there either and she was supposed to be a sympathetic character. Yes to this too. I like Peter Hermann and I think he has strong chemistry with Bridget Moynahan.
  13. I agree with you. I get a weird vibe from him. I too am puzzled as to how he gets such hot women. Sure Ok maybe he makes them laugh but sense of humor only goes so far. At this point a rich man not cheating on his wife would be surprising.
  14. She did previously have pneumonia. If they are not returning to the studio yet simply because Whoopi doesn't want to I doubt ABC will let that continue to happen for very long. As mentioned by others I think they will return to the studio in September.
  15. This is true. Samantha was an independent woman. Although I liked her with Smith during the show I hated what they did to her in the first movie. Not every woman loses her identity when in a relationship. I would argue even Miranda lost her identity when she married Steve. I think the new show has to address how different dating and relationships are now. If they don't I will be even more disappointed than I think I already will be.
  16. Me boycotting someone because I don't agree with something they have done or said is not the same as me going on Twitter to defend a celeb or donning a tee shirt to show my allegiance to a spurned wife or whoever.
  17. Whenever Meghan has to clarify that she believes something that is widely believed I always chuckle because I think well Meghan the assumption is you are just as crazy as some of your teammates.
  18. We don't have to agree with them. But for me personally if I find an artist to have done something I find offensive I'm not going to watch/listen/read whatever they are doing. In the grand scheme of things it doesn't matter but it makes me feel better. I barely know who Mulaney is so his personal life is uninteresting to me but I do find it odd that people get so defensive and passionate about celeb's private lives. Remember when people were wearing Team Aniston or Team Jolie tee shirts?
  19. I'm confused with Meghan's train of thought. So if not wearing a mask is about asserting your freedom then isn't wearing a mask also about your freedom? I have to admit I'm not surprised Meghan and her team are up in arms about people still wanting to wear a mask. At the end of the day I think they just want people to listen to them. Because they always think they are right. That is rich considering she belongs to a party who has members who proudly show their disdain for science.
  20. I was talking about this with my shrink (yes I see a shrink monthly). Being single (especially happily single) isn't considered the norm. If someone is single most people assume they are in between relationships. Forms asking for marital status only within the past 20 years changed unmarried to single. It was (and mostly still is) presumed being married is what most people are. Or have been hence the other choices being widowed and divorced. The happiest times in my life have been when I have been single. But it rare to see a movie or TV show that has woman single and being happy and fulfilled with her life.
  21. I like the outfit but it does not look good on Meghan. Her pants are almost up to her chest. At first I thought she was pregnant and then I realized what I thought was a baby bump is her breasts. She needs to lift and separate those puppies. She is also trying way too hard with that selfie. The coat draped over her shoulders is too much. I wonder how many different poses she tried before settling on that one? Coat on or off? Coat over one shoulder or two? Show purse or not? And from what I can of the shoes not crazy about them.
  22. I liked Piper on Orange is the New Black. I didn't like Christina on Grey's Anatomy.
  23. Yesterday she called them her executive producer when talking about not being able to get gas. She does not have her own executive producer. Isn't that Brian guy the executive producer of the View? And isn't he in NYC?
  24. Those two opinions are not as unpopular as you think. Kelly Ripa has her career by sheer luck. She happened to be Live with Regis and a psychic asked her if she was pregnant. It was great TV and here we are 20 something years later.
  25. Now see that would would be a great part of the reunion. If we could hear about things like that. And why only one of Rachel's sisters? Where is Christina Applegate?
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