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Everything posted by ifionlyknew

  1. I won't be surprised if the clothes are best thing about the new show.
  2. Meghan is either is too dumb to recognize the difference or she knows the difference but wants to stir up shit. People like Meghan were the same people who changed French fries name to Freedom fries after France opposed our invasion of Iraq. It is possible to disagree with what a country's government is doing without hating the country and it's people.
  3. I watched that episode last night and the whole thing was just a big WTF. When I saw Daniel Hugh Kelly's name I thought oh are they revisiting his character from one of his previous episodes. But nope. And if they were going to use an old case of McCoy's why didn't they use an actual case that happened on a previous episode? I also wondered if this was the episode Borgia ended up dead. And the artist son being the one to kill his dad I mean sure OK if you want to wrap things up. The later seasons I have only seen twice. Once when they aired and once when I did a re watch about six years ago. Re watching them now I remember next to nothing about them. They made so little an impression on me. But the earlier seasons I can pretty much recite entire monologues.
  4. I don't like Chris Matthews either. He is one of those guys who would tell you he is one of the good ones but he is not one of the good ones.
  5. What really bothers me about this is yes Ellie Klemper will most likely apologize while people who have done things so much worse than this never apologize.
  6. Do we know if all these actors left voluntarily? I do know Milena Govich's character was a big dud with viewers. The comings and goings of the cast never bothered me that much. While I liked some characters better than others Law & Order was never a show that was supposed to be about the characters. It was always about the stories. With that being said the show was never the same after Jerry Orbach left. I'm re watching season 16 now and most of these episodes are just awful.
  7. It seems like Meghan always finds a way to make herself the center of attention. Just once I want whoever is writing the articles about her to push back and remind her that the world does not in fact revolve around her. I knew her new found love for selfies was a way for her to get some sort of deal. She says her raving about those clothes isn't an ad but I guarantee she is hoping they pay her to gush about it in the future.
  8. I don't remember Meghan's exact words but she said something about police officers having to choose between their jobs and being openly LGBTQ. Does she think this is something new? Up until recently it was legal (and still is in some states) for employers to fire you for being LGTBQ. I agree with Sunny. This is a complicated issue. I can understand many LGTBQ members not wanting uniformed police officers to march. But I also understand LGTBQ police officers not wanting to be excluded for things other police officers have done. I thought Meghan saying Live PD was the most watched show on cable sounded wrong so I checked and yep she was wrong. At the time of cancellation, Live PD was the most watched show on A&E and the most watched show on cable during prime time on Friday.
  9. There would be something else to discuss but it makes Meghan looks bad so that topic is forbidden. So many things the View can't talk about because of Meghan.
  10. Yes with Meghan it's always about the "optics". And she has made some pretty stupid choices regarding optics lately.
  11. I liked all of Matthew Perry's post Friends shows except Mr Sunshine (I never saw it). I especially liked Studio 60. I really hope whatever is going on with him he can find peace and live a happy life.
  12. And Tamron Hall which if I'm not mistaken Bill Geddie produces.
  13. Happiest woman in the world because she got to gamble. Her priorities are so fucked up. And I don't find Ben attractive at all.
  14. I love Paul Rudd and Lisa Kudrow but I thought they had zero chemistry. The character of Mike was just not right for Phoebe.
  15. I thought David was great in American Crime Story playing Robert Kardashian. I think for one brief moment when he first appeared I thought Ross but after that I thought he nailed it. I also liked him on Will & Grace but I did think his character was a cranky Ross.
  16. I think she absolutely is but I don't think she acts like she is if that makes sense. She (and actually all of them) seem very humble about their fame. David suggesting they negotiate as a team and the writers never writing any character as the lead prevented any one of them from being the star of the show. Jennifer was sincerely happy to see Maggie Wheeler. I think her friendships run deep.
  17. Hollywood doesn't think happy single people exist. Characters not partnered are either unhappy they aren't partnered or actively looking for someone to partner with. I can't remember the last time Kate's weight was even mentioned. Honestly they could recast with someone not obese and it wouldn't change the story. I don't think Kate's weight should be focus of every story but to ignore the reality that comes with being morbidly obese isn't realistic.
  18. They all did movies when they were on Friends. Some more successful than others but I think they all appreciated the work they were doing on the show. I remember reading in one of the Friends books that Jennifer growing up knew she wanted "to get inside that box" meaning the TV. I think she really enjoyed having a TV series. The movies I think were just gravy for her.
  19. I loved how they casually mentioned their families. David mentioned his daughter has started watching the show. Matt said he was watching TV with his daughter Marina and an episode came on. Lisa said she watches it with her husband Michel. One thing I always liked about the cast was even at the height of their fame they still seemed like regular people. One of my friends didn't want to watch the special because she hates Justin Bieber. I told her go ahead and watch it. Justin doesn't speak and you can't see his face.
  20. The View has become part of the dumbing down of America. I watch for two reasons. This board and habit. I have watched for over 20 years. Minus the missing Joy years. If there was a better alternative (the Talk sure as fuck isn't it) I would watch that. ABC knows most viewers will keep tuning in regardless of the onscreen antics of the obnoxious one. Doesn't mean we enjoy it but our enjoyment is irrelevant to TPTB. I don't even know if they do focus groups anymore. That is what got Star kicked to the curb (well also her using the show to get her wedding a bunch of freebies). I wouldn't be surprised if ABC now uses social media mentions as their focus groups. This show could be so much better but as been mentioned several times by posters here as long as they are making money ABC has no incentive to do anything.
  21. Meghan said more guns are being sold because people are scared. Are more people buying guns or are the same people buying more guns? Joy and Sunny did not look too happy talking to Dennis Quaid.
  22. Quality is rewarded. Ratings mean more money but a good show wins awards.
  23. I wonder if Meghan is getting paid to wear it. She is trying to be an influencer and part of being an influencer is getting paid to promote things.
  24. It was so much better than I thought it was going to be. I could have lived without the fashion show. But just hearing them reminisce was great. You can tell they are genuine friends. Has there ever been another show that was on for some many years without any animosity between cast members? There is real love between the six of them. Yeah Courteney has had work done. She doesn't look bad but different enough that you notice. Matt LeBlanc is aging well. But David barely looks any older. I swear he looked the same as 18 years ago. Lisa looks fabulous with the shorter hair. I never liked Phoebe's curls. And I'm a big Jennifer Aniston fan and she always looks great. And Matthew Perry does look different. He seemed the most subdued of the six during the special. This special makes me want to do an entire re watch.
  25. I don't know if ABC confirmed it but there were a lot of articles about it. I read the View book but I don't remember if the author referenced it or not. Surely I am not the only person who remembers things this way. ETA: I found this. https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/general-news/view-joy-behar-elisabeth-hasselbecks-428129/
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