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Everything posted by ifionlyknew

  1. This show also celebrated female friendships. Too many times women are shown to resent other women. Undermine other women. Steal the other women's husbands. But this show showed these four women as having each other's backs. I think the misconception is women who are single don't want to be single. That they are just waiting for a man to come along and marry them. In my own personal experience I am much happier single than I was married. While I liked Samantha with Smith I think the first movie showed that Sam felt like she wasn't herself anymore. I can related to that.
  2. So if John Corbett is in the reboot and Chris Noth isn't are we to conclude Carrie ends up with Aidan? Because third time is the charm? Not. I like seeing callbacks to the original series anytime a series is rebooted but if they have Carrie and Aidan hooking up again I can only think the writers didn't even try to write something new.
  3. The problem I have with celebs pushing things that are questionable is when they are so smug about it. Like they know so much better than everyone else. Jenny McCarthy I'm looking at you.
  4. So a couple years ago I had a FWB and I found out he was having a relationship with someone. I confronted him and he wanted me to be his side piece because he wasn't sure if things were going to work out with the girlfriend. I told him nope. Also told him I might tell the girlfriend about me. In the end I didn't have to because she broke up with him that same day. Karma can be a bitch. If Natasha hadn't caught Carrie in her apt that day I wonder how long the affair would have continued. Didn't Natasha say something about how she already knew? I remember Big wavering about leaving her because as he said "it was going to cost him". You are right @qtpye he wanted to have his cake and eat it too.
  5. Conspiracy theories tend to take on a life of their own. All it would take is for someone to take one tiny kernel of something that is true and turn into something that is unfathomably ridiculous. I think one of the reasons this whole Q thing as grown as big as it has is because people are willing to believe it. Is it believable? Not from where I sit. But for people who want other things to be true they buy into this.
  6. I think Samantha should be a huge success and living her best life somewhere. And yes Carrie should be single. Although I can see Miranda single after divorcing Steve. I can imagine once Brady went to college she realized her and Steve really didn't have anything in common. And she can seek out Robert and live her best life. I agree with this. He didn't want Carrie coming to Paris to simply be with him. He was not looking for a commitment with her and lo and behold he meets Natasha and before you know it he is marrying her. I actually did feel sorry for Carrie when all that happened. I have myself been Carrie in a situation like that. A man tells you they don't want a commitment when what they really mean is they don't want a commitment with you. Big ran in some pretty high society circles. I can see him not wanting to bring Carrie into that orbit. They went to that one party and yes the hostess had a stick up her ass but Carrie still chafed at being there. I think he liked the attention but also I think he was embarrassed by her sometimes.
  7. The only one I can think of is Sanford in the gay bar. But would Big have cheated on Natasha with someone other than Carrie? I don't know. I think if he did it wouldn't have been so soon.
  8. I could have sworn a poster here used the length of a hot topic segment as a comparison. Is Meghan reading our boards?
  9. And then the show ended with all four of them being coupled. And a lot of people criticized them for that. I didn't mind that they were all in relationships at the end of the series. I wasn't a Steve fan but I understood Miranda wanted a family for Brady. Charlotte always wanted the fairy tale. Samantha finally let herself love and be loved. And Carrie finally got her Mr. Big. If a woman wants to be married or in a serious relationship because it is what she wants then I think that is great. If a woman marries because she thinks it is what she should do then I think she needs to rethink things. And this is the problem. People assume if you are single it is because you can't find a mate. Being part of a couple is considered the normal. And if you aren't coupled then you aren't normal. It wasn't so long ago when filling out forms the choices were married, widowed or unmarried. Not single but unmarried. Thankfully that has been changed but it took forever. My husband died when I was 43. I'm 52 now. And I am single and I love it. I went out with men after he died but it was never with the intention of finding a new husband. I am the lone single woman amongst my friends. Samantha enjoyed being single. Charlotte did not. She wanted the ring. Miranda wanted a boyfriend but not necessarily a husband. And Carrie IMO wanted a man to choose her. We all remember her telling Big "say I'm the one". With this latest reboot, sequel whatever we are calling it I would like to see at least one single woman.
  10. And Sunny went to Notre Dame law school. That is nothing to sneeze at.
  11. Jennifer Lopez might know something about this. I do think Big thought Natasha was "wife" material. His first wife also seemed like Natasha. When Carrie and her friends had lunch and they were talking about The Way They Were I think there was a lot of truth there. However when Carrie thought complicated I thought drama. She always wanted her and Big to be farther along than they were. Or more than they were. I can see where Big just wanted someone who was easier.
  12. Carrie never respected boundaries where Big was concerned. As we have talked about several times on this board her inviting Big to come to Aidan's cabin was so wrong.
  13. Am I remembering correctly that she was with Big in her apartment while Aiden was out of town?
  14. I've always liked Bridget Monahan. Poor Natasha had her husband cheat on her with Carrie and poor Bridget had her boyfriend Tom Brady leave her while she was pregnant for Gisele. Carrie disliked Natasha for obvious reasons but at the end of the day she did sleep with her husband. Natasha was lot more polite than I would have been.
  15. I almost always watch on Hulu and it's true. I have read about things that happened live here on this board and when I watch it on Hulu it's missing. Why anyone feels it's necessary to not show Meghan as she really is is beyond me. But you know this isn't the first time a blond Republican has been protected on the View. I can remember trying to find clips of some of Elisabeth Hasselbeck's worst moments and they all seem to be missing.
  16. Meghan has made it perfectly clear she does not like people of color protesting. She criticized Colin K for peacefully protesting. And criticized BLM protests. But when a bunch of white people were protesting mask mandates she implored us to understand and respect them.
  17. That is such a white privileged thing for her to say. Not surprised but still.
  18. If you have Hulu it will be uploaded. But probably not till late. They used to upload episodes in the evening but since they came back after the holidays they haven't been on till after I go to bed. I watch it in the morning before I go to work.
  19. I'm guessing she didn't have a publicist present for this interview. A lot of times when a woman is confident she is called a bitch and I think that is totally uncalled for. But in this instance.......
  20. When Ana said Nepotism Barbie did anyone else think she was getting ready to call out Meghan? If Meghan and her tribe hate big government so much perhaps they should leave the running of it to people who want it to function the way it is supposed to.
  21. She was also usually pregnant or post partum when she was on the show before. I agree she has really stepped up to the plate. And she seems to be enjoying herself. I love her laugh.
  22. https://pagesix.com/2021/04/15/john-corbett-reveals-he-is-part-of-sex-and-the-city-reboot/ For anyone who is an Aidan fan this is good news. For me this news makes me think the reboot is just going to be same ole same ole.
  23. https://www.thecut.com/2021/04/meghan-mccain-hair-carmen-currie.html Meghan's hairstylist speaks out.
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