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Everything posted by ifionlyknew

  1. I agree. As a child I don't think Randall recognized Kevin was being made to feel like he was second best. And as an adult I don't think Randall understood Kevin still had issues from their childhood. Which is ironic since Randall still has issues from their childhood. And by the way where is Kate in all of this?
  2. I was the white mother of a biracial son born in 1992. I was hyper aware of anything racial. From filling out forms where I was expected to check the other box for my son (which I refused to do, I simply wrote in bi racial) to people asking me if his hair was naturally curly. Jack and Rebecca wanted to wear rose colored glasses and think everything was great and when confronted with something not great they never really dealt with the root issue. Which was Randall was looked at as being different from his family. Jack and Rebecca didn't see him that way but most of the world did.
  3. I agree. His manipulating Rebecca into going into a trial she did not want to do was a step too far for me. He had been annoying me for a couple years but that was something I will never be able to get over. And when Kevin brought it up this last episode Randall just ignored it. IMO that is something that is going to have to be dealt with. I do wonder what this season would have looked like without the pandemic. Would Rebecca have went to St. Louis?
  4. I think she is someone who really believes in love and has faith her partner feels the same way.
  5. Yes they would have to sell it for more than the mortgage to have any money from the sale.
  6. I always say it's the parent who sticks around that pays the price for the one who leaves.
  7. I'm willing to believe maybe he was an alcoholic but we as viewers just didn't hear about it. He was abusive (Roseanne and Jackie talking about the belt) so maybe he became abusive when he drank. Laurie Metcalf has been fabulous during this storyline even though she is just a supporting player in it.
  8. Why doesn't Randall have resentment towards Laurel for not trying to find him once she served her sentence?
  9. Meghan gets it but it doesn't fit the narrative she is pushing.
  10. Of course they aren't interested in that because it's not about Randall. I agree with the poster who said it would be interesting to see what one of them thinks would happen if Kyle had survived. And they could make it about Randall because if Kyle did survive Randall would not be a Pearson.
  11. I'm all for being comfortable but yikes that outfit.
  12. Yes Meghan thinks her job is to help her team win. Anyone hurt or offended is just collateral damage to her.
  13. I saw the Kelly/Clay thing live and honestly I interpreted it the same way Rosie did. Meghan thinks because she is good friends with Clay who is gay that it means something. To me it means nothing. If she wanted her friendship with a gay man to mean something she could start by not supporting people who aren't friendly to LGTBQ.
  14. It has taken over the show. And for me it is not enjoyable to watch. Let Randall get some therapy (offscreen hopefully) and focus on other things. When I first started watching I didn't dislike Randall. I didn't really like him but he didn't bother me like Kate bothered me. But for the past couple years I have actively disliked him. I understand he has issues but he is unreasonable in expecting people to understand them when it seems like he himself doesn't fully understand them.
  15. I am a white woman who has a 28 yr old son of color. I worry about him every single day. Last summer he was pulled over for what the officer said was an illegal lane change. He handed her his license, insurance card and registration. She ran them and handed them back to him and said he could go and didn't give him a ticket. He says he didn't illegally change lanes and his wife backs him up. Did that cop pull him over simply because he is of color? Maybe. I understand Sunny's fear.
  16. It is interesting she started doing this after she had a baby. As mentioned here before it would appear Meghan is needing attention. Makes me wonder what she did with her time before she had the baby. Clean her guns? Reread the copy of the Constitution she keeps on her nightstand? Drink? Gamble online?
  17. Me too. If I want to put someone in their place I will say "Listen here honey".
  18. Also because it was filmed. And we were spared hearing Barbara Walters telling us she shared a birthday with her as she always did whenever Catherine visited the show.
  19. She said this with a straight face? Has she been hitting Whoopi's stash? I think we all know who is responsible for no meaningful gun control legislation being passed.
  20. That picture showed Joy can be friendly with and enjoy someone who is of a different political persuasion. Meghan trying to get Boehner to bad mouth President Biden (who Meghan claimed to be a very dear family friend before he ran for President) showed she cannot and will not be friendly with someone who doesn't agree with her politically. If she wants to bemoan the divisiveness in this country she only needs to look in the mirror to see the cause. And I bet it irks Meghan to no end that John Boehner knew Joy and they crossed paths in the Hamptons.
  21. “I’m worried we’re headed towards the most divided time in our nation,” McCain told Boehner, who was on The View to promote his spicy new memoir On the House. Does Meghan really believe this just started? Not a Boehner fan but good to know he shut her down.
  22. I am admittedly not a Carrie Bradshaw fan and if I'm being honest not really a SJP fan. Those season 6 promos look like a glamour shoot. For someone who had never heard of the show they would think it was a Vogue layout. Did they get paid to showcase those clothes? I don't remember any of them being on the show. When I watched the show yes I admired the clothes but I watched for the characters. I think the people in charge forgot that in the last season.
  23. So all those pics to promote season 5 only featured SJP? Sounds about right. I think the audience saw the show as an ensemble while HBO continued to see it as SJP's show.
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