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Everything posted by ifionlyknew

  1. Sometimes I wonder what our world would be like right now if there was no social media. On the one hand social media has enabled people who otherwise would have never met or reconnected to do just that. But on the other hand it has enabled people who have never met or reconnected to do just that. For some people that is a good thing. Friends who have lost touch find each other again. For some people that is a bad thing. People reach out to old flames and cheat on their spouses. Disinformation is spread like manure. But lots of money is raised for worthy causes. I think the problem is when people start living their lives in response to social media. They find validation through how many people like their posts or how many times their tweets are retweeted. I think Chrissy's life goal should be to make herself happy. She has a husband and two adorable kids. She is very blessed. I doubt anything on Twitter can compare to that.
  2. I'm in the middle of a re watch and about to start Pam's last season. The show really did change after she left. Dallas during it's heyday was appt TV. You couldn't wait to see what happens next. As mentioned by other posters the reboot focused too much on Elena and her family. There was so much history to mine why they brought in a new character and her family was beyond me.
  3. These two shows are two of my absolute favorite shows. I just did a re watch of WW a few months ago. It really holds up. I did enjoy the final season. I like politics and I enjoyed watching the campaign. Was it as good as the Sorkin years? No but still better than a good bit of what is put on TV today. When I wrote for a blog when FNL was on a lot of people dismissed the show as that football show. Friday Night Lights is about football the way Field of Dreams was about baseball. That first season it was like watching a reality show where the people don't know they are being filmed. Everything was so authentic. It really was a small town and the people who lived there.
  4. Her hypocrisy is one of her worst qualities. It's a big reason why people continue to call her out. And as mentioned on another post does she think people don't remember things she has said previously?
  5. If she didn't then she is even dumber than I thought. Meghan said she can't do her job unless she is on Twitter getting all the news. Funny how her fellow co hosts are able to do their jobs without living their life on Twitter.
  6. The later seasons can't even compare. I've rewatched the first season of Murder One a few times. Even though I know how everything ends it is still sucks me in every time. I've only re watched the second season once. Twin Peaks I don't even think I finished the second season.
  7. Of course Meghan blocked her. She could have had a thoughtful discussion with her but nope Meghan has to be childish and put her her fingers in her ears and say la la la la la.
  8. Murder One's season one was awesome. Twin Peaks also was great.
  9. I think she gets validation from the attention. Good or bad I think her self worth is how many retweets she gets or how many google alerts are about her. I would say that is sad but this chick has had everything given to her and she is still fucked up. At some point you have to think she likes the drama.
  10. I think people will be looking for things to nail Meghan with her hypocrisy. Twitter loves to show receipts.
  11. I think generally shows have a great first season and then have a hard time living up to that (Lost for me was that) or they hit their stride in the seasons 2-4 (Friends and Roseanne for me). There are the rare shows that are consistently good throughout their runs (the Wire for me). Also I think backstage stuff plays a significant role. A lot of times producers and writers leave after seasons 1-3. I think if we looked at shows that really went downhill after a particular season we would find there was a change behind the scenes.
  12. Did she actually say this? If social media is affecting her so negatively then get the fuck off social media. Last summer my son and daughter in law quit social media because it was affecting them negatively.
  13. Maybe she’s holding out for The Whoopi Goldberg Story. Maybe they can't meet her asking price.
  14. Denim is always risky when not jeans but that dress is cute. Edited to add. I have read the correction on the pic. I thought that looked too thin to be denim. Either way it's cute.
  15. She can make any topic about drinking and getting drunk. I was married to an alcoholic and he didn't even talk so much about booze. She goes from being interviewed by the NY Times magazine to the Daily Mail. I can see how the trajectory of her career is going.
  16. As @GHScorpiosRule so often reminds us Meghan got owned by Paul Begala on Real Time and I think that has made her leery of that ever happening again. She will hide behind her Twitter and say things but she won't risk someone coming at her in person. She was genuinely shocked when Seth Meyers did it. Her co hosts though have subtly been doing it lately. Joy and Sunny both threw shade at her by bringing up the fact that so many privileged white mediocre people get far in life for no other reason than they are a privileged white person. I do have to say I'm enjoying Meghan continuing to step in shit that she herself has made. Nobody would have brought up Meghan agreeing with Trump a year ago if she hadn't tweeted out something that contradicted that. She wouldn't be getting dragged right now if she hadn't pretty much said non white people hired might not be as qualified as white applicants. I do wonder if her co hosts are acknowledging it. Are they sending her stay strong messages? Or are they just thinking you made your bed and now you have to lie in it?
  17. So she is friendly enough with reporter to be invited to his wedding. Guess we know where all the leaks were coming from.
  18. Once again she thinks people hate her because of her opinions. No Meghan we dislike the way you present your opinions.
  19. Cloris Leachman died in January. Do we know when this blind item was written? Valerie Harper and Cloris Leachman both divorced in the late 70s. I think they have to be who this item is about.
  20. But where is going to be better than the View? She was already at Fox and she didn't make a big enough splash to be asked to stick around. She is never going to have the exposure she has now on a network daytime talk show. I don't doubt someone is telling her she can break out and be blah blah blah but I don't see it realistically happening. She isn't a likable person. And it's not even that she is someone people can love to hate. She is just so awful in so many ways.
  21. I would believe this 100%. Meghan is laying the groundwork for being once again a victim of cancel culture or identity politics or whatever she can say instead of admitting she fucked up.
  22. And that was never disputed. Her exact age was but not the fact he had sex with his girlfriend's daughter who was young enough to be his daughter. The sister of three of his children. And Hollywood acted like it was no big deal. Normally I don't care about May/December romances. If both people are legally adults fine whatever you found someone good for you. But I think the age difference is relevant here because he knew Soon Yi as an underage girl. He watched her grow up.
  23. Well if she was a man I would say it was to compensate for his shortcomings.
  24. Aren't we all just waiting for Meghan to one day say you can have my guns when you pry them out of my cold dead hands? She does this after every mass shooting. Her "rights" supersede someone's life. All I can say is that is a fucked up way of thinking.
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