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Everything posted by ifionlyknew

  1. I agree. Media outlets are getting sued for saying things that aren't true and/or contributing to the extremism in this country.. I'm sure ABC doesn't want Meghan saying something that will get them in hot water. There is a difference stating something that is your view and saying something that is patently false.
  2. He was the super old guy. The one she met when Donald Trump was in the episode.
  3. The actor Robert LuPone had a long career in soaps. He is also Patty LuPone's brother. He was 54 when that episode aired so not super old. LOL But the show did want us to think he was.
  4. When the truth doesn't fit your agenda then yes you lie. Or at least Meghan does. ABC needs to have real time fact checkers and when Meghan lies the truth needs to pop up. Her fellow co hosts rarely call her out when she "misspeaks". And I don't think I have ever heard her issue a correction for saying something that isn't true.
  5. But does she want them to still have a right to own a gun? In a lot of states you can't be a convicted felon and vote but you can have a gun. It tells me a lot that Meghan thinks people convicted of a crime shouldn't be able to have their voice heard. It should be like a debate where each person is allotted a certain amount of time. Her hogging the time is par for the course with Meghan but the fact she is allowed to continue to do so is infuriating.
  6. I knew Giles from Brothers & Sisters. I forgot about Dean on 30 Rock. He was also on Oz.
  7. I have always found him so hot. But believably hot. Like a guy you would see in your local bar. Smith was so attractive. Robert was gorgeous. Berger was cute. But I thought he had zero chemistry with Carrie. To steal a line from an earlier season they looked good on paper. Slattery is attractive but not my type. But I've loved Burke in every role I have seen him in. Gossip Girl, SVU. He oozes sex appeal. Call me shallow but neither one would have ever been on my radar. I agree. He got better with age. In real life I think Harry could probably win me over much like he did with Charlotte. I thought Big (actually Chris Noth) had greater sex appeal on the Good Wife. Me too. I wouldn't kick David Schwimmer out of bed. But Matt LeBlanc never did anything for me. They were both smart too. That always makes a guy even more attractive to me. Yes especially after he cut his hair. It's not so much his looks that make me attracted to him. It's his personality. He seems fun. The one guy I thought was absolutely gorgeous was Victor Webster. He was the stock broker who got busted while in bed with Samantha. And coincidentally was on DOOL too.
  8. Typical Meghan. Doesn't want to have to read any criticism.
  9. I don't know about the rest of you but when I had a five month old the last thing on my mind was let me take a daily pic of myself. And I didn't even have a job. Or was married. Is she not getting enough attention at home? Does Liberty want daddy more than mommy? I don't do Instagram. What are the comments? Do people like her pics?
  10. And yet Meghan still wants to get the vaccine. She is a shit stirrer. She thrives on it. Yep. For Meghan coal miners is just politics. Her and her tribe like to trot them out during election years. The reality is that yes the miners not old enough to retire will have to learn new skills. The same that happened when manufacturing plants closed. And steel mills closed. People lose their jobs every day. And not everyone is lucky enough to have opportunities to be retrained for something else at no cost. Two of her fans at ABC are no longer there so I do think it's possible Meghan is skating on thin ice. She has seen the people on her team that are the most successful are the ones who are the most obnoxious. For her it's all about how much attention you get. I'm sure she has a google alert for any time she gets any media mention.
  11. I live in a coal state and let me tell you all they are interested in is having a job that pays well and let's them take car of their families. Meghan thinks of them as a stereotype. I'm sure most of them would love to have a job that isn't underground breathing in coal dust. And I hate to break to it Meghan but coal jobs are going to continue to disappear even if they don't want to. More and more power plants are switching to nuclear from coal. It's because of that cabbie in Florida that nothing will change. Yet. As you said once more and more people get vaccinated then yes slowly things will start to change. In my county the number of positive cases have dropped considerably since more people are being vaccinated. Which Taylor Swift's tweet causing her fans to be outraged on her behalf proves that.
  12. Yeah Meghan tends to get touchy when her own words and behavior are presented to her. Remember Seth Meyers?
  13. Before she became a pearl clutcher Meghan used to be all about sex. Saying she was strictly dickly. She wrote a book with the word sex in the title. She has previously talked about dating a lot of men. So if she is saying dating means sex then yeah she slept with a lot of men.
  14. I wonder if they still use that three am guy. The View employee who's job it was to gather the hot topics for the day. When they discuss a topic like the Dr Seuss books they seem to fall for the click bait headlines without actually reading the story. Since they fall under the ABC News umbrella shouldn't they have to at the very least make sure what they say is true?
  15. Was I the only one who thought Whoopi was confusing internships with apprenticeships?
  16. Makes me wonder if he has been a faithful husband. Or has there been other young women after Soon Yi.
  17. I actually like that style of shoe but with one larger strap across the foot instead of two thinner ones. In fact I just bought a pair in black over the weekend. I just thought those particular shoes were ugly especially for what they cost. I was someone like that. LOL. Still am but not as frequently. I love heels. About six years ago I got an insurance settlement from a car accident and I wanted to buy myself a pair of designer heels. I went to Nordstroms (the only store within a hundred miles of me that sells high end shoes) and I didn't like the Manolo's but they had a pair of gorgeous Jimmy Choos pumps. They were tannish which would have went with everything. But alas they did not have my size and upon a quick google search discovered no place anywhere had my size. It was clearly their best seller. So I had to be happy with a black pair of strappy Stuart Weitzmans. A few years later I discovered that particular shoe was the most popular shoe for that year. I have only worn them a couple times but it makes me happy to have them. When I think of 90s fashion I think of BH90210 and Melrose Place. Which means baby doll dresses and vests and hats. I was in my 20s during the 90s and I did have a couple vests (which I would like for vests to make a comeback. They really do spice up jeans and a tee shirt). I remember the early 90s have leggings (but not the good ones that came about 15 years later) and long sweaters. Which is a look I still wear today.
  18. Don't they say successful writers write about what they know?
  19. It was fairly easy to copy some of the early season styles. But I also questioned what they presented as stylish. The shoe that Charlotte got for free for letting the salesman "admire" her feet I thought was nondescript and didn't understand Carrie admiring so much.
  20. Most of the outrageous outfits didn't fit Carrie's personality. If she had been an artist or someone who thrived on attention (which yes Carrie could be a drama queen but she never wanted to make a scene) they might have worked. Carrie wanted to be noticed but for looking nice. Not noticed for looking ridiculous. I can fan wave a lot of things but when you have her dressing in high end designer clothes while scrambling to come up with the funds to buy her apartment it makes me think does Pat Fields even read the scripts. I've done exactly what Carrie said. Buy a pair of fabulous shoes then have to go buy a cheaper outfit to wear with them.
  21. I agree with this. I also think that is why he married Soon Yi. If he married her he thinks it looks like they had a love affair. If he dumps her he thinks it looks like he used her. Woody strikes me as someone who is very calculating. I am unsure of the timeline with this. Was this during the time Woody was telling Mia he made a mistake? I personally think he wanted to keep Soon Yi as his side piece and have Mia as his appropriate public girlfriend. Mia finding out put a crimp in those plans but I do think Woody thought he could still get away with it. Calm Mia down and continue to secretly see Soon Yi. Woody wasn't someone who was used to being told no you can't do something. For Soon Yi to acknowledge what happened with Woody was anything but love would mean acknowledging her whole adult life has been built on a lie. Listening to the audio of him saying he just happened to find himself enjoying her company and them finally kissing sounded like a script he had written. Of course he neglects to mention she is the daughter of his long term girlfriend. For me the age difference wasn't the gross part. It was the fact she was his girlfriend's daughter. A daughter he had watched grow up. A daughter who was a sibling to his own children. Was it Woody who said during this whole thing "The heart wants what the heart wants"? Throughout history rich men are given the benefit the doubt even with a lot of evidence against them. But women are disbelieved even with evidence to prove their claims.
  22. Just a couple days ago a coworker and I were talking about musical artists and how you have to be marketable i.e attractive i.e fuckable nowadays. I told him no way Janis Joplin would get a record deal today. SATC made Pat Fields famous. Which like you said good for her but I do think at some point the fashion became more about what Pat Fields wanted and less about what was right for the characters.
  23. It doesn't go over her head. She sees it and doesn't care if it's someone in her tribe.
  24. Not ashamed to say I don't recognize half the guests next week. I do like Kathryn Hahn.
  25. It might not be our business but celebrities have been cancelled for a lot less than this. I just don't understand why he got a pass for so long. It's just fairly recently that other celebrities are saying they won't work with him. He really does seem like such an asshole. Even before all this I simply did not see his appeal. Not even talking about his looks (although if he wasn't a famous movie director I doubt he would have gotten any female attention) but his personality just seems so grating.
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