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Everything posted by ifionlyknew

  1. Which is why she would never join a Real Housewives show. They would eat her alive. She would rather stay on the View where the other women are too professional to hand Meghan her ass every single day no matter how much she deserves it.
  2. I would believe that. The White House would had to have been aware of her past Twitter posts and knew they would be problematic.
  3. That storyline would never happen today. I like DHP and I like Jane Leeves but I did not see any chemistry between them at all. I didn't root for them as a couple until after her aborted wedding to Donnie. I thought well OK you've come this far you may as well cross the finish line. I guess the writers thought they needed a romance through the show and didn't want to tie down Frasier with one woman. On paper I can see where Niles and Daphne might have looked good but like I said I didn't see any sparks between them at all.
  4. This was awesome. They said the exact same things so many of us have said. Meghan is so privileged she can't even see how privileged she is. She is so privileged that when anyone disagrees with her she sees it as an attack and cries about being a victim. Her co hosts yesterday all had to be thinking bitch you going to be roasted for what you just said.
  5. Yes. She is really making a name for herself. And it's not a good name. It seems like she is positioning herself as someone you love to hate. She has been watching too many Real Housewife shows. Her obnoxious narcissistic behavior isn't going to open doors for her. She will never have as big an audience once she is no longer on the View. Look at where Elisabeth Hasselbeck is now. And I have noticed she will occasionally mention Liberty on her social media and did an interview with pictures with People magazine but never mentions the baby on the View. Guess on the View she only wants to be seen as a professional political pundit. Even though her hairstyles and makeup suggest otherwise.
  6. I read some of the replies. I noticed Meghan never defends herself. She likes to say incendiary things then walk away. I think she is trying to portray herself as some sort of tough gal who isn't afraid of criticism. But tweeting something you know people will disagree with then not dealing with the disagreements isn't tough. It's cowardly. I real tough gal would have a debate with someone who disagrees with them not ignore them.
  7. She continued to badmouth Dr. Fauci on Twitter and is getting filleted for it. She is like a kid who just can't resist kicking the hornet's nest. She must like getting stung.
  8. After listening to Meghan's rant I can only conclude Meghan wants to get the vaccine so she can go bar hopping. Don't know if she knows this or not but you can in fact buy liquor and drink it in the privacy (and safety) of your own home. People are still dying. People are still unemployed because their business hasn't opened back up. But she is concerned about not being able to go out with friends. Selfish and self centered doesn't even begin to describe her.
  9. If it was a show about 50 something women dating I would be all for it. However I'm not sure SJP wants to be seen as a 50 something dating. I am a 50 something single woman and dating now is a lot different than dating in your 30s. My husband died when I was 43. Men my age and into their early 50s were not interested in women their age. They wanted younger women. Men in their 30s were however interested in older women. I detest the word cougar but for this show to be believable one of the women should date a younger man. When Samantha was with Smith I don't ever remember the age difference being mentioned. The reality of women dating in their 50s is to find someone who you are on the same level with. Men can father children at any age. If you are dating someone who doesn't have kids you need to make sure they don't want kids. If you are dating someone older they might have children they are co parenting with their ex. I have little faith the show will address any realistic issues with dating when you are older.
  10. No doubt those viewers are same people she keeps telling us we need to understand and respect their beliefs.
  11. I never understood why they had a monkey on the show anyways. It was such a gimmicky thing to do. For a show that was doing a good job being character driven the monkey was so out of place.
  12. The same thought went through my mind. Didn't someone else say something similar?
  13. Of course Meghan doesn't have a pet. She would rather shoot an animal than care for one.
  14. What Meghan fails to understand (or just fails to acknowledge) is just because someone else did something it doesn't make what the current person is doing is any less egregious. What Pelosi and Newsome did is not even close to being in the same category as what Cruz did. And this is true to form with Cruz. Only thinks of himself.
  15. During the early 2000s where I worked had a local lite rock radio station playing on our in house speakers. The day after 9/11 that radio station started playing Rush Limbaugh's show. They played it for about a month. I was so disappointed and disgusted that their response to such a horrific terrorist attack was to play the show of someone who did nothing but promote fear mongering and hatred towards people who didn't look like him.
  16. And this is the problem with the View. What was once a show about different women at different stages of their life has now become a show about women and their political views. I love to talk politics but I like to do it in a respectful way. With Meghan there I don't think that will be possible.
  17. She is angling for something with these daily selfies. I know teenagers who post less selfies than her.
  18. I'm watching it now. So which is it Meghan? Is the View infotainment as you said or news as you said five minutes later? And I disagree with her that Limbaugh was infotainment. His show was an opinion show. Everything he said was his opinion. And yes she is misunderstanding the Fairness Doctrine. It wasn't written as there needed to be an equal number of people to discuss the issues. Only that each side of the issue was discussed. If Meghan can't hold her own against her fellow co hosts then perhaps she needs to find an easier job.
  19. I've told this story before. Ken Olberman was on Real Time with Bill Maher years ago and they were talking about a very vocal conservative who's conservativism was all for show. Olberman told Maher the guy told him he makes a ton of more money that way. Whoopi is right. Limbaugh benefitted from the Fairness Doctrine being discontinued. Up to that point anyone who was on the air talking about one political side needed to let the other side also have time to say what they wanted to say. It paved the way for Fox News to exist.
  20. IMO that makes it worse. To be so hateful just to make more money. Meghan will always defend her tribe even when they are indefensible.
  21. Does her job on the View not count? Ana is routinely on CNN.
  22. I don't miss Anna Faris on Mom. I thought I would but I don't. And I say this as an Ana Faris fan. Although with it being announced this is the final season I do hope she comes back for the final episode. I also don't miss America Ferrera on Superstore. The show isn't as funny this season but I don't think that has anything to do with her absence.
  23. As I mentioned in an earlier post I don't think Ellen thinks she has done anything wrong. It comes across as I feel bad because I'm being made to feel bad.
  24. I'm going to give Rush Limbaugh as much respect in death as he gave Michael J Fox, Sandra Fluke, Chelsea Clinton and the list goes in life. So zero respect. He was one of the first to capitalize on spreading such hateful political partisanship. I don't believe in hell but wherever he is I hope he suffers greatly.
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