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Everything posted by ifionlyknew

  1. Has she said a word about the dog walker? Did she at least send thoughts and prayers to him?
  2. And Miranda had money. She would have bought nice clothes. It's not like she would have been shopping at Target. I wonder if the writers told Field to dress Miranda like she didn't care about her clothes. I do think Samantha's and Charlottes' wardrobes have both held up well. Neither one of them wore anything too trendy. There is plenty of their outfits I would totally wear today. And then there is Carrie. For every outfit I liked there were three (or four or ten) I didn't like. I coveted her shoes but her (or more likely Pat Field's) fashion choices mostly had me rolling my eyes.
  3. When the reboot happened I refused to watch it because of Roseanne. And like you I didn't even want to watch the original again either. But then Roseanne was cast aside and they made the Connors. And now I feel comfortable watching the original again. Minus the lottery year. I think people forget one big reason shows which are very good are very good because of the writing. You can bring back the cast of any show for a reboot but unless it has the same writers, or at least writers who understood the original show it is not going to be as good.
  4. Selfish and self centered doesn't even begin to describe him. Most people when caught doing something absolutely reprehensible (and I think having sex with your girlfriend's daughter no matter her age qualifies) would at the very least show some contrition. But nope not Woody. Mia was and is a to put it politely a little odd but she didn't deserve to have her boyfriend have an affair with her daughter. And R Kelly. Look how long it took to bring him down.
  5. It has to drive Joy crazy since she was an English teacher. If I was around someone who was always mispronouncing words I would have to correct them. I am beginning to understand why Meghan feels so entitled and smug. It's because she gets away with everything. Is there anyone who has told her you fucked up and you need to make it right?
  6. https://people.com/parents/meghan-mccain-leaves-daughter-liberty-photos-on-dad-john-mccain-grave/ If it was anyone else I would think awww that is nice. But with Meghan all I can think is girl is thirsty for attention.
  7. Can someone please tell Meghan how to pronounce bona fides. It is not bona feedes. Also it sounded like she said Matrioux and not Matrix.
  8. Short answer is yes. Long answer is Meghan is going to play the false equivalency and whataboutism for at least the next four years.
  9. The only family member he gave a shot to was his wife. She was given the last dose. With very little time left before it would have expired. She has a lung disease which would have made her eligible. In fact everyone he gave a shot to was eligible whether it was age or health condition. He informed people in charge he had open vaccines and he was going to seek out eligible people. Which he did. The only one who seemed to have a problem with what he did was the local DA.
  10. Some of us predicted after the baby was born Meghan would feel the need to act out to get the attention her daughter had taken away from her. And here we are. I feel like Meghan would be an entire semester of a psychology course. Girl's got some issues.
  11. This is what has always bothered me about Woody Allen. Even if he wasn't guilty of molesting Dylan (which I think he is guilty as hell) he still had a thing for teenage girls. One of whom was his girlfriend's daughter. I had only seen one Allen film at that point but after that I made it a point to never see another one. A list stars still continued to work with him. I guess I shouldn't be surprised. Roman Polanski won an Oscar after he was accused of rape.
  12. Pretty sure if Florida had a Democratic governor she wouldn't be calling it a well run state. She can cheerlead all she wants but the vaccine roll out in Florida isn't something to be proud of. As Sunny and Whoopi both mentioned DeSantis is distributing vaccines in what he thinks is preferred areas while ignoring areas with many eligible people.
  13. In real life this would absolutely happen. On the revival I seriously doubt it. Miranda never needed a man to define her. She was always going to be OK single or coupled. Now if they have her divorced but looking for her next husband I will be so disappointed. But as mentioned above if they were to bring back Blair Underwood I would be happy. Lots of former couples reconnect when they get older. They run into each other at reunions or they look each other up on social media. Charlotte and Harry better still be happily married. They ended up being my absolute favorite couple. If Carrie isn't with Big because of divorce or widowhood who is she?
  14. I was in my 40s and seeing men in their 30s and what they told me was single women their age were usually looking to get married and have kids quickly. Which I understand, biological clock and all that. And the men I knew weren't interested in doing that at that time. They also told me older women were more relaxed. I can only speak for myself but I was relaxed. My son was older and out of the house. I had a job and was supporting myself. I wasn't desperate for a man. If I was seeing someone fine and if I wasn't seeing someone fine. I also didn't put my personal business on social media. I saw plenty of people fuck up their relationships because of things posted on social media. I doubt they would do it but Carrie is at that age where a lot of husbands trade in their wives for a newer model. It was never mentioned in the movies (as far as I can remember) but I wonder if they had a pre nup.
  15. https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/friend-got-covid-vaccine-first-150442501.html Meghan is now the face of vaccine envy. Her family must be so proud.
  16. She did say that. And as Sunny said which 13% got vaccinated is being questioned. Meghan also threw in there that New Yorkers are flying down to Palm Beach because they like it better there. What does that have to do with anything?
  17. This is true. I remember all the details of that. It was covered in every magazine and on every news show. I remember very little about the allegations against Allen regarding Dylan. What little I do remember was often characterized as Mia being a scorned woman who was trying to punish Woody.
  18. The fact this doctor was charged for not wasting vaccines by tracking down eligible people is beyond ridiculous. Especially since there are non eligible people hanging around vaccine clinics and getting vaccinated at the end of the day when there are left over doses and scheduled people haven't shown up.
  19. But then she wouldn't be able to play the victim. She keeps saying the Republican party is going to have to decide who they are and from everything Meghan says I can see which side she is going to be on. And I can't believe she actually said she thought Democrats would welcome Republicans like her with open arms. She has done nothing but denigrate Democrats for the past four years she has been on the View. She calls Democrats the party of infanticide and socialism and she expects them to say sure come join us? Why can't she just have her beliefs and vote for the candidate that most reflects those beliefs? For someone who always says she doesn't like identity politics she sure does seem to need to identify herself by hers.
  20. I think Miranda would have a easier time dating than Carrie. Miranda is someone who has a career. Her kid would be out of the house. She wouldn't be looking to settle down again (I think). She would probably attract someone on her level. Carrie on the other hand I think would have a harder time. Chances are she is probably going to be a rich widow so she would have to look out for gold diggers. And as I said a lot of men in her age range want younger women. So does Carrie date older men or younger men? My husband was 14 years older than me and after he died I decided I would never date someone that much older than me again. I am curious if they will have Carrie feel the same way.
  21. She is being purposefully ignorant if she doesn't understand our biggest threat right now is coming from within our own country. Meghan the call is coming from inside the house.
  22. If that is her attitude then I guess we can surmise who she voted for in the last election.
  23. She makes too much money for a pretty easy gig. And if she left the View what else would she do? With her health history even with the vaccine she would probably want to stay socially distancing if not completely quarantining.
  24. But she isn't just any mom of an infant. She is Meghan McCain a View co host. I guess that is supposed to mean something. As much as I don't like Ben Shapiro it's how Meghan seemingly forgave him that bothers me. If it had been a progressive who criticized her she would still be holding a grudge. Her tribalism runs deep.
  25. I agree with Sara. I don't think she should be confirmed. Maybe I'm old school but I don't think politicians (or any mature adult) should be calling people names on Twitter. And yes Sunny was right when tweeting about Mitch McConnell, Ted Cruz and Susan Collins she didn't say anything that was untrue. But it still doesn't look good. To quote Michelle Obama when they go low we go high.
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