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Everything posted by ifionlyknew

  1. Let's be clear. If the monarchy is destroyed because of this it will be because of their own actions. You would think Meghan would have sympathy for an innocent baby being fodder for the tabloids considering Meghan herself worried about her own baby being the target of a hateful media. But nope. She has to refight the Revolutionary War.
  2. That is only Meghan McCain's opinion. Pretty sure lots of people would disagree with her.
  3. She learned her lesson. The next time she married a real person who loved her unconditionally. I've said before Charlotte and Harry ended up being my favorite couple. What was it that Jackie O'Nassis said? Your first marriage is for love, the second for money and the third for companionship. Lucky Charlotte only needed two to get it all.
  4. But for Charlotte it was. She thought she had found her prince and was going to get her fairy tale.
  5. Woody even with his I'm awkward and fumbling persona strikes me as someone who is very controlling. I said in an earlier post I 100% believe he thought Mia would forgive him for Soon Yi and they could continue on with their relationship. The only relationship I remember Woody having before Mia was Diane Keaton. I was unaware of his two previous marriages. He doesn't seem to have ever really been single. That there was always a woman right after the previous woman was no longer in the picture. I also believe if Mia had forgiven Woody he would have either ended things with Soon Yi or continued to secretly see her. I think the reason Woody does himself no favors when he talks about Dylan's allegations and his affair with his girlfriend's daughter is because he doesn't think he has done anything wrong. That he so badly wants to say yes OK all of it is true but so what. As he once said the heart wants what the heart wants. It's impossible for someone to feel guilt or regret if they think they are in the right. I wonder if Soon Yi ever felt any regret or guilt for what she did to her mother.
  6. Guess he directed so many movies he thought he could direct real life too. He is such an unlikable person. Even if you take away what happened with Dylan and Soon Yi he still seems like such a dick. For the life of me I fail to see what any woman has ever seen in him.
  7. Whatever Mia's faults she never had sex with a boyfriend's child or been accused of molesting any of her children.
  8. She has a new baby and she is bored? Nah I think she is thirsty for attention.
  9. He did not care one iota that what he did hurt someone. Not Mia. Not Soon Yi. Not Dylan. He turned the whole thing into him being the wronged party when it was his actions that set everything in motion. My personal opinion is he took advantage of those opportunities. And if not for the fact he was a rich famous man he would not have had so many opportunities without getting caught. And look at what happened when he was caught. He still got away with it.
  10. Yes. If Meghan McCain took herself out of the public eye nobody in the media would ever mention her again. But Meghan Markle will have media focus on her forever even if she never gives another interview.
  11. I don't think they are whining. I think they just want their side of the story out there since so much has been said about them. Until Meghan McCain gets death threats because of the color of her skin she can sit down and STFU.
  12. This is going to be her new mantra.
  13. If they are giving them based on age eligibility all her co hosts will be vaccinated before her. All I can say is sometimes the universe has a way of giving people what they deserve.
  14. Sorry not sorry but I enjoy Meghan not getting everything she wants. She has had such a privileged life and seems to not appreciate it. I'm sure she has more than once said don't you know who I am and this time it isn't working.
  15. Why go after Joy? I'm sure there are plenty of people who have said worse things concerning her allegations.
  16. She really does think she should get the vaccine before older vulnerable people. She is a healthy 30something. She isn't high risk. WTF is her problem? Other than her narcissism which knows no bounds.
  17. In my best Frasier Crane voice Oh My God.
  18. Pathetic isn't it? I would love to know what goes through her cohost's minds when Meghan goes off on her outrage rants. With them being out of the studio we don't get any reports of any backstage squabbles.
  19. How long before we see tee shirts proudly proclaiming I am a neanderthal? I read about this in one of the Meghan and Harry books last year. It wasn't a secret. So yeah I do think the timing is suspect. And as Meghan and Sara both mentioned yesterday they Royal family and their firm really need to deal with Prince Andrew and his behavior before they criticize Meghan Markle.
  20. Well.......if the shoe fits.
  21. Let's not forget that Meghan had help during those three months. She said her husband and I think a sister in law helped her. How many new mothers do not have help? I remember asking an aunt who lived close to come over and watch my newborn so I could take a shower.
  22. It's all Meghan has. Outrage. If there isn't anything real to be outraged about she will make it up. It hasn't gone unnoticed by me that in the six weeks since Biden has been President she has found more things to be upset about than the previous four years of the Trump administration.
  23. She is a snowflake. All part of her victim mentality. It's the look at me I want attention but don't say anything negative about me attitude. People are allowed to not like your hairstyles Meghan. If you don't want to hear people's opinions then stop posting so many selfies.
  24. People might let a bitch live if she wasn't so insistent about living on Twitter/Instagram. If you put yourself out there people are going to comment.
  25. For me it was the Heidi outfit that was the jump the shark moment. I always wondered about that too. They did have a prenup and Miranda helped her negotiate so she probably got a cash settlement as well as the apartment. But Charlotte did come from money. She might have had a trust or something.
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