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Everything posted by ifionlyknew

  1. And those men are always shot down. I never saw it as Samantha hitting on men. She flirted. And she was very successful at it. It wasn't like she was pursuing men who were uninterested. She was as strong independent woman who didn't need a man to define her. I admired her for that. This wasn't that kind of show. Law & Order SVU absolutely. But SATC was a safe place for women to have sex. You had your heart broken but not your neck. However if they have one of the characters be single and dating in the revival they need to show the reality of dating nowadays. So much of it is done online and they should show catfishing and ghosting and all that.
  2. Whoopi pushed back on her yesterday. But Joy could have said something. Sunny will never really push back on Meghan regarding abortion because she only defends it as being legal. And Sara sadly won't go up against Meghan. I agree it's reprehensible she is allowed to be so obnoxious and hurtful when talking abortions. I wonder how supportive she would be if someone close to her was faced with having to lose a child to late term abortion.
  3. I heard her say that too. Meghan perhaps you should have an H after your name for hypocrite.
  4. Wasn't she also friendly with Ann Coulter when she (Joy) had her HLN show?
  5. It is admirable but too many times people of color have taken the high road and forgiven transgressions against them and the forgiven continue to not learn from what they have done and continue to commit transgressions.
  6. That one minute could have gotten that man killed.
  7. I guarantee if it was a red state governor she would be singing a different tune.
  8. Santi: "I'm build for heaven. Maybe I can train for heck."
  9. There was also the guy who tried to steal her cab. I remember him so well because he was on GH which I had watched at the time. She saw him more than once because he told her she needed to wax more. Which pissed her off and in the end she had him do some of his own below the belt upkeep. Her asking the yoga guy to fuck always seemed a little off to me. Yes Samantha loved to have sex and slept with a lot of men shortly after meeting them but she didn't even know this guy's name.
  10. Yes. If you say or do something that offends someone they have every right to not support your TV shows/movies/music/political career or whatever. Nobody is under any obligation to blindly support someone and overlook/forgive/agree with anything they find offensive. People are always confusing freedom of speech with freedom of consequences. Very few people are really cancelled. Although Stephen Collins seems to be permanently cancelled.
  11. Well when you consider how long Elisabeth Hasselbeck was there I'm not sure they do.
  12. No no no. Meghan doesn't want you to see those things. She wants you to see.........? Someone help me out here what else is there to see in Meghan's Republican party? I guess we should be thankful she didn't use the word infanticide today as she has done in the past. Her absolute refusal to acknowledge late term abortions are only done when there is a dire medical reason is one of the worst things Meghan has done. Premature babies can survive before the third trimester. Does Meghan really believe a woman is going to want to abort a baby that can survive outside the womb? Does she think any doctor would perform such an abortion? I have always side eyed Meghan's devout anti choice stance. Maybe I'm cynical but I think it's just politics for her. She is already on shaky ground in the Republican party because of her not being in favor of LGTBQ discrimation. She said something like you guys act like the only good Republican is a Democrat. Well Meghan when your party is electing people like MTG perhaps you should do an evaluation of your party and rethink your stance.
  13. 77% of who exactly? Self identified Republicans? Republican voters? Fox News viewers? Nothing Meghan said was illegal or treasonous. Her trying to compare those things to Q Anon believers wanting to have a duly elected President removed by any means necessary is ridiculous. The Liz Cheney she was just defending last week. Also how many of those 74 million people were more voting against Joe Biden than voting for Donald Trump? And how many voted straight Republican ticket? Not every person who voted for Trump was necessarily a Trump supporter. Whether Meghan wants to acknowledge it or not the Republican is a minority party. They might be loud and get a lot of attention but the majority of this country does not identity as Republican.
  14. This is true. She consistently does this. I'm sure one of our posters here can time her to see how much more she talks than the other cohosts.
  15. That is my biggest complaint about the series. I've said on this very board Carrie was the only one of the four that didn't seem to evolve throughout the series. Carrie cheated with Natasha's husband and she gets giddy about Natasha misusing the spelling of a word. She saw it as huge flaw. I swear the writers just threw that in there to somehow make Carrie look superior. I'm a Samantha fan and I thought she was written as a woman who enjoyed sex and wasn't looking for anything serious. Also let's not forget we only saw certain aspects of Samantha's interaction with the men she slept with. We don't really know how long she had known them. How she met them. How long she was involved with them. Also Samantha had been hurt by Dominic. The one who she had been involved with pre series and got involved with again in Season 2. I speak from experience when I say when you have your heart broken sometimes it's just easier to do things casual.
  16. Yep. They end up in an echo chamber. Any social media I look at belonging to someone who is Q Anon only has links to sites I have never heard of. They are never credible sources. And anyone who comments questioning them is either ignored or told they are a sheep.
  17. She paid a price by losing Aidan but then the writers made it seem like Natasha was a bitch for not wanting to listen to Carrie ask for forgiveness or explain herself or whatever she was trying to do. Carrie was never in the doghouse for very long.
  18. What happened to keeping Liberty out of the spotlight?
  19. Scary thing is that she wasn't in it that long. I thought she said started believing this stuff around election day. Some of these people have been it for years. It's not just religious people. It's also people who don't have a strong stable relationship. Lonely people who are looking for something or someone to validate them. The woman on today's show has a daughter but didn't mention a husband or boyfriend. I don't even think she mentioned a job.
  20. There is a woman who's FB page I check in on and she is so much like this former Q Anon believer only she still believes. She too was convinced something major was going to happen on inauguration day. But unlike this woman who finally saw the light she is now convinced what we are seeing isn't real. The crazy runs deep with these people.
  21. You have more faith than I do. LOL I'm inclined to believe they will do something to make Samantha look bad. Like botched plastic surgery or something. Upon multiple rewatches I find myself liking Big more but not with Carrie. I think they had incredible chemistry but it was not a healthy relationship. And Chris Noth is great in every role. He played a philandering husband who was a disgraced politician on the Good Wife and he made viewers root for him.
  22. Meghan has made it known she won't be showing off Liberty and I completely understand that. But it's her new found love of selfies that makes me think she wants to be the center of attention. There are some new mothers (and as Statsgirl mentioned above Meghan shows signs of narcissism) who have a hard time ceding the spotlight to their babies. Everyone is interested in the baby and not the mother anymore.
  23. I just realized your screen name. I loved ATWT. The mid 80s to early 90s ATWT was my all time favorite soap opera. Loved Lucinda Walsh. I had a love/hate relationship with Joan Rivers. She was very funny but she could be mean as a snake. I've never watched Ali Wong but I do think some female comics think they have to be gross to get attention.
  24. I've always liked Rosie. But yes she does have some serious deep rooted issues. But like you with Ellen I have empathy for her. And I think Rosie recognizes she has issues. Doesn't mean she has fixed them but I do think she has tried. Not sure Ellen thinks she has ever done anything wrong.
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