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Everything posted by ifionlyknew

  1. I agree with this. Out of the four Miranda changed herself the most. And it wasn't personal growth which I think Charlotte and Samantha both achieved by letting themselves love men who might not have been what the initially thought they wanted (well in Samantha's case loving a man at all). I firmly believe if she hadn't gotten pregnant with Brady she never would have ended up with Steve. But she did have Brady so OK still didn't need to end up with Steve. OK she decided she did love Steve but she didn't need to move to Brooklyn. Ok so she did move to Brooklyn. She didn't need to have to struggle so hard juggling family and career. OK so she did struggle but the writers did not need to make her the villain when Steve chose to cheat on her. Once she was with Steve it became all about what she had to do. It was never what he had to do. In life I think your partner either lifts you up or brings you down. I think Steve brought Miranda down. Harry lifted Charlotte up. He showed her you can have a happy life without it being picture perfect. Smith lifted Samantha up. He opened her heart up and let her love and be loved. I can't really say I think Big changed Carrie for the better or for the worst. I do think Alek brought her down though. She gave up her life in NYC to go to Paris for seemingly no reason other than to be with him.
  2. Meghan's team hates Joy a whole hella lot more than they like Meghan. So yeah they aren't watching the View. I don't think Meghan has a lot of fans anywhere to tell you the truth. She has some conservative beliefs but she is publicly LGTBQ supportive (that is whole other discussion for another time) which makes her not conservative enough with a big portion of her tribe. She has a very abrasive personality which makes her unlikable. She gets media attention because of name recognition.
  3. Even though I love Meghan being called out more and more in the media it will only cause her to double down and as 2Jewell says So either Meghan identifies with the crowd Katie Couric says need deprogrammed or she has a serious cognitive skill impairment and doesn't understand what people say. And Meghan can just quit with the horror of conservatives being criticized for their beliefs. Do you know how many times liberals/progressives have been called mentally ill? And she needs to stop with the 74 million Trump voters need to have their concerns heard and blah blah blah. Their concerns were heard when they cast their vote. She wasn't on the View till almost a year after Trump was elected but I doubt she would have been saying the 70 million + Hillary voters needed to have their voices heard. She is going to continue to get even nastier and spouting off ridiculous stuff. She is nothing if not a team player and she will support her team no matter what.
  4. Sara made a lot of sense in that clip. And I don't think Meghan misinterpreted what Katie Couric said about Trump republicans needing deprogrammed. I think Meghan whether she meant to or not admitted she backs Trump.
  5. Any criticism she voices concerning her party is in relation to how badly it's making her party look. For her it's all about optics. Meghan doesn't really care if something is bad. She only cares if it looks bad.
  6. She might not like them but I think she wants to be them. She so badly wants to be a political power couple.
  7. That is a good point. They all had their flaws and the other characters routinely pointed them out. As did the writers. One of the very few times Carrie was written as really fucking up was her affair with Big. But of course afterwards she was back to being the wronged party because Natasha wouldn't give her the absolution she wanted.
  8. Meghan is definitely a liar. And since she has been in politics her whole life it comes easy to her.
  9. Meredith Viera moderated for the View's first 10 years or so and I found her very likable.
  10. I find myself comparing SATC to two of my other favorite shows about four women. Golden Girls and Designing Women. GG and DW were (and correct me if I'm wrong) meant to be shows about the four characters. Nobody was supposed to be the star with the other three supporting the star. GG might have intended Sophia to be supporting but they quickly changed that. But with SATC Carrie was supposed to be the main focus while the others had smaller storylines. That of course changed but I wonder if the writers thought they still had to write Carrie as the star even if the others got more storylines. And I've noticed something. When I have recently watched GG and DW I find the episodes as enjoyable when I watched them over 30 years ago. I can't say the same about SATC and that makes me sad.
  11. I agree with all of this. Meghan is not what is drawing viewers in. Elisabeth Hasselbeck constantly bashing an administration that she didn't like got old real fast. In Meghan's case if there are legit things for her to criticize she might keep her place at the table but if she is nitpicking and misrepresenting things as she is wont to do then I think she might be asked to leave and we will hear I am leaving to spend more time with my family.
  12. Dave Chappelle always seems to be forgiven for things that other people aren't. I used to enjoy his comedy but now he has become one of those people that I can't separate the person from their work. It has become a trend to make the death of a person all about yourself. I blame social media. Before social media when a celeb died the media would reach out to people to get their reaction. Larry King himself would do this. When someone famous would die his show would be about that person and people who knew that person would be his guests.
  13. I think one of the reason the show appealed across so many generations is because like you said the heart of the show was their friendship. There were teen girls that watched it and thought that will be me in 10 years. There were 20 and 30 somethings who watched and identified with the characters because they were at the point in their lives. Women 40 and older watched and thought that was me before I was married. But you know that isn't entirely unrealistic. Not all groups of friends are all good people. What was unrealistic was very few people ever called Carrie out on not being a good friend. As someone posted above Sanford did and Miranda called her out for the bullshit bagels. But mostly Carrie was allowed to be a lousy friend sometimes.
  14. If they did a reboot with a different younger cast I would probably enjoy that. Showing single women dealing with all the changes in dating that have occurred since the original went off the air would be interesting. And as I said in an earlier post if the reboot shows the women dealing with the reality of being women in their 50s that might be interesting. But if they try to show these women having the same lives they had over ten years ago then I'm not going to enjoy it. As much as I loved these characters (tolerated Carrie) sometimes you just have to let them go and imagine their future yourself.
  15. Meghan will make it all about her. She had a long Instagram post about him. You have room for me? I've never watched Wendy's show but I've seen enough clips to know it's not my cup of tea. And I know enough about Wendy to know she is not my cup of tea. Wendy thrives on negative energy. I think in a previous life she was an old Hollywood gossip monger. She really enjoys talking about celeb scandals. It seems fitting she had one of her own.
  16. I agree with that but I think they thought fans would wonder and probably criticize a decision to not show Mabel. Having seen them use Mabel I can say I wish they hadn't but if they hadn't shown her I probably would have said they should have.
  17. She doesn't have a point of view. She as you said regurgitates her tribe's point of view. Contrast Meghan to Ana who clearly articulates her point of view and why she believes what she believes.
  18. I've done a Big Bang rewatch a couple times and just recently did a Modern Family rewatch and I do no think I would watch Modern Family again. It just wasn't as funny the second time around and most of the characters I couldn't find anything likable about them. With Friends I felt like I knew them. And there was that added twist of oh I can't wait to see what happens next. It was a serial comedy. The plotlines continued through episodes.
  19. It is what she does. It is actually all she does. It is her default personality. She said yesterday she hopes Biden's administration will find a cure cancer. So if he doesn't find a cure Meghan will criticize him for that. Ignoring the fact that the previous 45 presidents didn't find a cure either.
  20. That actually makes sense. She is intentionally antagonistic towards Joy. If she isn't being a whiny brat the media doesn't pay attention to her. She would never actually be on a Real Housewives show because she knows those women would eat her alive. So she stays on the View and uses that exposure to further her brand. Which she probably thinks is smart political pundit who has been in politics her whole life but is in reality poster child for spoiled rich kid entitlement.
  21. Truth be told she doesn't even want that. What she means is she wants Biden to adopt the Republican agenda and do that. With Meghan it's always the same thing. We must understand her side. We must work with her side. Does she ever tell her side to understand the opposing side? Does she ever tell her side they need to work with the other side?
  22. I agree with this. I think the writers didn't really know how to write for Miranda. Or Samantha for that matter. Miranda and Samantha could have easily been stereotypes (and Charlotte as well) and to be honest I think they sometimes did seem like stereotypes. We have discussed before how Miranda's wardrobe didn't seem to be as on point as the other three. I think the writers room put more effort into writing for certain characters. I thought Charlotte and Harry were written well as a couple. Unexpected love happens and differing religious views can be a problem and I thought the show handled that well.
  23. I've read a couple of the Friends books and IIRC they had an inkling the pairing was going to be a big hit because of the audience reaction while they filmed the disclosure it was Monica in bed with Chandler. And honestly once they paired them they more or less had to keep them together. They were already doing the on again/off again with Ross and Rachel and if they had had Monica and Chandler get involved and then break up it would have been hard to have them go back to being just friends. I do agree Monica became more shrill in later seasons. What had once been her cute neuroses became annoying character flaws. I still liked her but there were times she was just too extra. Seinfeld is one of those shows where you see it a certain way while watching it but when you rewatch it you see it differently. I would catch reruns after it went off the air but I have never done a rewatch from start to finish. Do I hate the characters? No. Do I want to spend time with them? No.
  24. I agree with this. On the original show the fact they didn't have a lot of money wasn't the sole focus. The show was about these characters who just happened to be low income. Yes their money woes were sometimes part of the plot but not every single episode. The reboot does get some things right with regards to the current Conner money issues but then they do something stupid like Becky spending a lot of money on a party. I thought the first season after killing Roseanne off was pretty good but each subsequent season has been less good. At this point I'm only watching because I'm a completist and having watched from the beginning way back in 1988 I want to finish it till the end.
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