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Everything posted by ifionlyknew

  1. Oh hell no. If that was even briefly something that crossed their minds they should be ashamed of themselves. As I said before they have seriously underestimated how much viewers liked Samantha and Kim. If they are trying to recreate the original series and the appeal of those four main characters they need to rethink that. Those characters are a lot older and the world is a lot different. If the writers can't take the characters into this new decade then they need to just not try at all.
  2. I didn't watch the season Rosie P was on but from everything I read here and elsewhere was she was a nice person and good actress but not cut out to be a talk show host.
  3. I know women like that. My former boss had a long term girlfriend who hated his daughters and granddaughters. She got along with his sons and grandsons though. I pointed it out to him and he said omg you are right. She was threatened by any woman she thought her boyfriend would pay attention to. I see shades of that in Meghan. I think her being a daddy's girl contributed to it. She sees men's attention as more important and doesn't want to share that male attention.
  4. I didn't watch when Michelle or Rosie P were there. I have only seen Paula when she has guest co hosted and I had preconceived idea of who she was by the comments here. And honestly if not for those comments I would have thought she seems nice. But knowing her opinion on certain subjects made me think well maybe she isn't so nice. Sometimes it's better not knowing things about people. I liked Abby. I didn't agree with a lot of what she said but she seemed nice and fit in well with the table. Minus Meghan of course.
  5. Meghan doesn't like anyone she thinks is some sort of threat to her. Whether it's someone who disagrees with her politically or someone who is more conservative than her, someone who gets more likes on Instagram or someone who gets more retweets. I think she has deep rooted issues that have made her the person she is. For someone who has seemingly had a pretty good life she sure seems miserable.
  6. I had a friend who had the opposite political views and for years we avoided political discussions because she would get nasty when talking about things. It got to the point we couldn't discuss anything without her making it political. We are no longer friends. Ana has a quick wit and can be very funny. I like that about her. She also doesn't fall in line with her party if it's about something she disagrees with. Joy was my favorite for years (after my beloved Meredith) but she has said some things over the past few years that have made me see her in a different light. I don't dislike her and I agree with most of what she says but regarding some things I think she still thinks the world is like when she was younger. Sara seems genuinely nice. If the View was like it was when the original crew was there she would have been a perfect fit. But with the shift to wanting to be Meet the Press daytime version she is a little bit out of her comfort zone. That being said the past couple months she has said some things that I thought were on point and I found myself nodding my head in agreement. I don't dislike Sunny but I could never be friends with her. She is too competitive. Could you imagine playing Scrabble with her?
  7. On the View Sara is all over the map with her wardrobe. One day she looks nice and the next day she looks ridiculous. When they were in the studio it was the same with Meghan. Is there just one stylist for all the cohosts or does each cohost have their own? Joy and Sunny almost always look very well put together.
  8. It's always about money. If Meghan thinks ideology trumps (no pun intended) money she is even dumber than I thought.
  9. For someone who attended an Ivy League university it truly is. Meghan's ignorance comes from wanting things to fit her narrative. As she so often tells us as a Republican, as a conservative her whole identity is wrapped up in her political beliefs and now instead of questioning those beliefs she is trying to make things make sense so she can confirm those same beliefs. In other words girl needs to chill and reevaluate some things.
  10. I think she thought he could come out of this relatively unscathed. Her tribe loves to forgive their own.
  11. Anger because of your socioeconomic situation is only allowed when you are white. If Meghan doesn't realize that she is being deliberately ignorant to what has been the reality of this country forever. When she talks about "real Americans" in the middle of the country we know who she means.
  12. She had no problem with any of the horrific things that happened over the past four years. She always found a way to excuse them or spin it into whataboutism but this time people on her own team are saying the gig is up. She had a choice. She could speak out like Ana or she could bury her head in the sand and hope things would work out in her favor. She is now feeling the same apprehension that we all have felt for the past four years.
  13. This. So what exactly is her feelings about this? Disappointment? Horror? Oh shit I might suffer for being associated with these people? Meghan is late to the party. Millions of people saw this coming and if she is saying she isn't then she is lying or is one piss poor political expert.
  14. Meghan has been back a week and it has completely changed the tone of the show. It is not enjoyable to watch. I have watched this show for over 20 years (minus the Joy missing years) and I don't look forward to it anymore. I watch on Hulu when I get home from work and last night I'm watching it and thinking I don't even want to post about this. If they get back in the studio and get rid of Meghan that might help. And hopefully after January 20th there will be happier topics to discuss.
  15. I don't think the writers were interested in writing a good story for Samantha. Or maybe they just didn't know how. The show went from being about four single women to the movies being three women coupled and one single woman. I don't know why they couldn't either make Samantha have a functional happy relationship with Smith or someone else or have her be happily single. In the series I never thought Samantha was slutty. I thought she was a single woman who enjoyed having sex. She wasn't sleeping with multiple men to fill some emotional hole and needing validation. She was confident in who she was and owned everything she did. But the movies Samantha was not that Samantha and I think Kim Cattrall knew this new version wouldn't be either. Will I watch the new show? Probably? Will I like it? Doubtful.
  16. How many times have we heard her say it's all about optics? She is play acting a concerned citizen. And if she is that concerned she might want to look at how people she knows are reacting to all of this. Meghan you are known by the company you keep.
  17. In the final season Miranda, Charlotte and Samantha all moved on and had different lives than when they first became friends. It was Carrie who felt like she wasn't moving on hence her desire to go to Paris with Alek. I could see Samantha making tons of money and retiring to someplace fabulous. Who knows? Maybe Smith would have went with her.
  18. I enjoyed it as well but I have little hope the limited series will be written as well as that book.
  19. I agree. He doesn't seem like a people person. Alex Trebek will be a hard act to follow and I can't see them giving the job to Jennings.
  20. Wasn't it just a couple years ago Rep's were decrying net neutrality saying it would hurt Big Tech? I just can't keep track of who they are BFF's with.
  21. It just won't be the same without Kim Cattrall/Samantha. The main draw (for me anyways) was the friendship between the four women. Miranda's son Brady would be 19/20 right? And Charlotte's girls would be 16 and 12 right? So Brady would probably be off to college but Lily and Rose would still be at home. And Charlotte would be a devoted mother so she would be involved with whatever their activities are. Miranda would presumably still be the main breadwinner so she would have a job. And Carrie would be............Still writing books? But knowing SJP I will expect her to have Carrie still be the Carrie of 20 years ago. When Candace Bushnell wrote her latest book that is exactly what she did. She wrote about how her and friends had to adjust to no longer being the young hot things they once were. And they want to start filming in late spring. When the pandemic will still be happening. That might limit where they can film. My fear is the limited series will just be a showcase for fab clothes.
  22. Meghan is the stereotypical spoiled rich kid. Her dad was away a lot. Her mother had other interests. She was probably indulged to the nth degree. And up until recently she was indulged on the View. But this past week there seems to have been a shift. She is definitely off her game. She is trying to straddle the line of supporting her team but not supporting what they are doing. Good luck with that.
  23. Yep Meghan has used that phrase (usually when talking about someone not in her tribe) so I thought it was karmicly appropriate to use regarding this.
  24. Dare I say the chickens might be coming home to roost.
  25. As Joy said without Trump as their leader his base won't be so motivated. Hawley wants to be their leader. That will never happen. If Trump had won she would gladly be telling all of us I told you so. She only cares about what happened because it makes her team look bad.
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