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Everything posted by ifionlyknew

  1. Season one wasn't one of their best. And Roseanne's acting was horrible. There was a lot of staff turnover the first season so I think that contributed to it not being as good as it became in the next few seasons.
  2. I have only downloaded one book in my life and that was because it was part of a mystery series and that particular book was only available electronically. I also like holding a book. I missed the View doing their summer reading lists this year. I always get good suggestions from them.
  3. When my state and neighboring states shut down in March I missed libraries so much. The library I frequent the most opened in June with curbside pick up which was great. They are now fully opened but items are quarantined for five days when they are returned. I can live without going to restaurants. And I haven't been to a move theater since 2015.
  4. I heard her say it and I thought yes many African Americans are fortunate enough to have athletic skills to earn scholarships to colleges but the way Sunny said it made me cringe. I don't know if she meant college is out of reach for African Americans because of their financial situation or not but in case she didn't know there are millions of people of all races for which college is out of reach because of their financial situation. But if she didn't mean because of lack of funds then I'm not going to guess what she meant.
  5. When Sunny says she wouldn't divorce Manny over infidelity then I assume she believes they would overcome it. But when she says things like being an adulterer makes you evil she does sound self righteous.
  6. If there was infidelity I think Sunny would blame the woman her husband cheated with.
  7. I thought the first season was one of the best. And a lot of that had to do with John Kelly/David Caruso. I agree. Unfortunately he thought so too and thought it would lead to bigger things. But his departure led the way for Jimmy Smits joining the show and thank god for that. I liked Kim Delaney but did not like Diane. I'm not quite sure why but I just couldn't warm up to her. I did however like Jill.
  8. When I heard Sunny say that I thought wait a minute. Isn't she the one who said she would forgive Manny if he cheated and not divorce him?
  9. Easy mistake. Whoopi defends so many horrible men it's not hard to lose track.
  10. I think her aspirations might be even higher than that. In the 90s there was so much coverage of their marriage/divorce with each side feeding information to the media. I do know after Diana's death and especially after her children were much older there was a concerted effort to make Charles and Camilla more palatable to the people of England. He was/is going to be king and he wanted Camilla by his side no matter what. Was Diana a saint? No. Was Charles a horrible person? No. Lousy husband absolutely. I think what some people forget is members of royal families (and all celebs for that matter) are human beings. They have the same flaws and emotions as everyone else. The attorney general is smart enough to not say anything that will look like a partisan attack. Unlike some people she isn't trying her case in the court of public opinion. How long before we see a movie about the 2020 election? And depending on who the filmmakers are what exactly will the movie show? I thought she said that when defending Roman Polanski.
  11. While Sara might not have said something that was factual I agree with her sentiment. If I was a voter in GA I would think he should be fired (not reelected) for failing to show up for a debate. She is sometimes in over her head with political discussions but with regard to this I don't think what she said was nonsense.
  12. I like the actor Josh Malina but he always seems to play the same character. His character on Scandal David Rosen could have just as easily been Will Bailey. Even his BIg Bang Theory character college president Siebert wasn't all that different. I didn't actively dislike Will but to me he was just a poor substitute for Sam Seaborn and I could never get past that. It was blatantly obvious the only reason Will Bailey the character existed was because Rob Lowe the actor left the show.
  13. He is my senator and all I can say is he doesn't represent me. When he was on the ballot two years ago I wrote in my own name.
  14. She wants attention and if it makes her look like a concerned mother all the better. As you mentioned she has friends and family members who have had babies. But she wouldn't get the likes and comments if she asked them.
  15. I'm in the middle of season 3 and I just finished that story arc. Abby was thinking as a wife first and doctor second. I think season 2 and 3 are the best seasons. The writing was always top notch throughout the Sorkin years but these episodes it was just near perfect. And there were laugh out loud lines in almost every episode. I cracked up when riding to the rally to announce Bartlett running for a second term Abby tells Jed she is leaning towards voting for him. It might not sound funny but it was.
  16. I read his book and he always thinks he is the smartest person in the room. I thought he had a condescending tone and his dislike of Sunny was apparent to me.
  17. I watched that show. It was Blue Bloods. While watching her I kept thinking I wonder if her filming that show was the only time she has left her house in the past eight months
  18. I didn't think she was was equating the two. She said she had been on the receiving end of being shamed on social media and therefore wouldn't be shaming anyone for things they have done. I can go either way on Sara. She seems like a genuinely nice person but yeah she is in over head with serious discussions. In real life she is probably the co host I would most like to hang with. I heard her say it too. I've always liked Sunny more than I have disliked her but lately I'm not liking her too much. She is developing an attitude and it seems her co hosts are noticing it too.
  19. I always watch Die Hard and Die Hard 2 for Christmas. They are absolutely Christmas movies and anyone who says they are not deserves coal in their stocking. I also watch Long Kiss Goodnight with Geena Davis as an amnesia stricken bad ass who gets her memory back in time to save upstate NY on Christmas Eve. I am 52 years old and I watch Santa Clause is Coming to Town every single year. It is my absolute favorite animated Christmas show.
  20. Agreed. When she who shall not be named returns the tone of the show is going to go back to the way it was. It's been pleasant to watch it without her and we are going to lose that.
  21. I read her book and it was very good. It was not a hatchet job like Meghan implied. She has a degree in clinical psychology. When she speaks about her uncle she should believed.
  22. It seemed like Sunny was being deliberately antagonistic. Sara was being polite and saying she didn't think it was her place and Sunny was saying no it is your place but then kept shooting her down. Sunny wasn't interested in having a debate. She wanted to school people. At least that was the impression I got.
  23. She just would not let up. She wouldn't even concede the others were making good points and they were making good points. Abolish slavery meant exactly that. Abolish slavery. Defund the police although some people mean that literally does not mean take all funds away from police forces. If Meghan had been there to argue it would have proved Joy, Sara and Whoopi's argument. That some people will use the phrase and turn into something that scares people. Totally agree. Why she wants to die on this hill is beyond me. Defunding the police (or more accurately reallocating funds to agencies better equipped to deal with certain situations that police are not trained for) is something that absolutely needs to be done. The wording you use to campaign for that is less important. I think Sunny thinks people who are questioning the phrase are not passionate about the cause. And yes I was shocked that Whoopi said something that made a lot of sense and was actually very succinct. She came across as very smug and it was very annoying. She had her opinion and the other's had their opinions but you could tell Sunny was thinking I am right and you are wrong.
  24. My opinion is Sunny thinks since she is a smart as she is she shouldn't have to dumb herself down. But trying to make those not as smart as you understand something is not dumbing yourself down. It's helping them become better informed.
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