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Everything posted by ifionlyknew

  1. https://www.cordcuttersnews.com/pluto-tv-is-adding-6-new-channels-for-classic-tv-fans/ Happy Days is coming to Pluto TV. Yay. It says all 11 seasons.
  2. Whoopi ended up on the View because she was cancelled.
  3. Oh yes the heretofore never seen Clarence the cook. The show should have left Clarence unseen the same way they did the Pulaski twins and Hooper triplets. As we talked about earlier Jenny Piccalo should have also been left to our imaginations.
  4. I read Sunny's book over the weekend. All I can say is with how ABC has treated her over the years I think she has reason to have a chip on her shoulder. I used to like him but he has indeed become a smug condescending ass. Bill was making it sound like the Democratic party and not just people who happen to be Democrats cancel people for no reason. I can only speak for myself but I think people who do offensive things should be called out not so they can be cancelled but so they can learn from their mistakes and do better. And what some people call cancel culture I call choosing to not support someone who has done wrong. Bill Maher has developed the shut up and dribble attitude. Except for himself of course. Exactly. Being woke is more than simply announcing you are woke.
  5. So is she saying she didn't think she would enjoy motherhood?
  6. It's me. Never saw the movie. Never want to see the movie. But I also know the quotes.
  7. I noticed it too. Her demeanor has definitely changed. There is a strident tone that I don't think was there before. I still like her but she has said some things that while I may have agreed with them I didn't care for the way she said them. There is a difference between optimism and naivety. I understand that she wants to see the good in people and hope they do what is right but (and I use this quote a lot) when people show you who they are believe them. We are over 8 months into this pandemic and things aren't getting better. You can't blame the virus for that. The virus is going to do what a virus does which is spread. So therefore it's up to people to do what they need to do which is use precautions to slow the spread. Unless people do that things will just continue to get worse till there is a vaccine. And let's not forget the vaccine isn't going to make it disappear. It will just (hopefully) protect the people who get the vaccine.
  8. When my son was little I would say either you behave or else. His response was else. He thought he had a choice. My state also has a mandate and most people abide by it but there is always a few that don't. The younger people always look clueless like they don't even realize they are supposed to be wearing a mask but the older people have a smug look on their face like they are getting one over on all of us.
  9. People are selfish. All you need to do is read the comments on local news sites to see that. What I find baffling is all these people who are are not taking the virus seriously are the same people who are saying they will refuse the vaccine. Burying your head in the sand is not going to make this go away.
  10. Very few shows stay consistently good. Laverne and Shirley should have never moved to Hollywood. Archie Bunker should have never opened a bar.
  11. We had heard about Jenny Piccalo for some years without every meeting her that when we did it was such a let down. The difference between the show when Ritchie (and Ralph) left and after they left is like night and day. The beginning of the end actually started before they left when Arnold's burned down. The first few seasons were character driven. You were watching a show about these people who lived in Milwaukee in the 1950s. But then it changed into something else. It became gimmicky. As much as I liked Garry Marshall he really screwed up the final seasons of Happy Days.
  12. I just finished a season one rewatch and while I remembered the space shuttle story with Toby's brother I honestly think I had forgotten about it when the other space shuttle story came up in later seasons when I watched it when it originally aired. Watching the show now while all this real life political upheaval is happening is so surreal. It saddens me that so many of the issues they talked about and fought about on the show over 20 years ago is still being fought about today.
  13. That was funny. All the women are in much better moods. It's like a black cloud has been lifted. I feel the same way. I haven't popped any champagne corks yet but I have put it on ice. I feel Joy's joy. I've been very diligent in my social distancing and staying home when possible. Haven't eaten in a restaurant since March. Hopefully this Spring I can.
  14. Meghan has two full brothers and an adopted sister from her parent's marriage. She has a half sister from her dad's first marriage and I think two step brothers from the first marriage.
  15. The show is called the View and the co hosts job is to give their view.
  16. That was a very moving montage. I myself got choked up. We have come along way baby. I am curious how Meghan is going to act with a Biden administration. I have a hard time believing she will be as gracious as her mother.
  17. Yes. Hopefully once he is out of office and the pandemic is over the View can go back to having hot topics that aren't so polarizing.
  18. I was too old. LOL. But I still liked it. I didn't watch BH90210 when it aired because I thought oh I will catch it online. Well it is no longer online so I guessed I missed out.
  19. Bet my unpopular opinion is even more unpopular. I liked 90210 the sequel. Wasn't as good as the original but I enjoyed it enough that I am currently doing a rewatch.
  20. Tracy and Helena were written as characters you weren't supposed to root for. They were supposed to be people you loved to hate. But they portray Carly as someone the audience is supposed to view as a heroine Shows doing that shit is why I can't rewatch the Sopranos. I have no problem watching a character who isn't a good person but I do have a problem with the not good person being portrayed like they are. Also my dislike of Carly fluctuated with who was playing her. I was more forgiving of Sara Brown's Carly but outright despised Tamara Braun's Carly. I had given up GH by the time Laura Wright was playing her.
  21. This is true. Meghan would have taken what Sunny said as a personal attack. It is possible to have a discussion about uncomfortable things without throwing a temper tantrum.
  22. The media never tells you the whole story. And sadly most people wouldn't pay attention to the whole story anyways. We live in a world that is now all about sound bites and headlines and tweets. I still read books. I might not know something as soon as it happens but I will know the full story when I do read about it. And speaking of books I am picking up Sunny's this weekend at the library. I will let you all know what I think of it.
  23. Perhaps she needs a refresher course. Some things are not a matter of opinion. Racism and sexism really shouldn't be up for debate.
  24. Hulu only had the Jonathan Karl interview. Is Sara stupid? No. Is she smart? I don't know if I would call her smart. She isn't willfully ignorant of facts but her intelligence IMO seems tilted to things other than politics. She understands what she hears but I don't think she could ever explain something to someone. Joy had her own show and discussed politics regularly. Sunny is a lawyer. Ana is an actual political pundit. Whoopi discusses politics through the lens of how things affect her. But Sara is better suited for more light topics and that is OK. I think she knows what her lane is and keeps in it. Meghan on the other hand considers herself a political expert even though nobody else considers her that. She is free to voice her opinions as we all are. It's her attitude of "I know this is true and if you don't believe me I don't care because I know I am right" that is so off putting.
  25. I am atheist but I do believe in positive energy. So I'm choosing to put as much as I can out into the universe and let the universe do with it as it sees fit. Meghan is incapable of that. She is very rigid in her beliefs (unless it conflicts with the image she is trying to project) and only sees her own side. For her the other side is wrong and it is up to her to show them how wrong they are.
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