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Everything posted by ifionlyknew

  1. And with social media (which sadly way too many people get their news from) they only see news that only reinforces what they already believe. Meghan tells us what news she watches at night. She isn't watching Rachel Maddow to hear another point of view. I don't watch any cable news. And any news I see on my social media (FB only) I check to see if the link is a reputable source. Too many people are just reading the headlines which are purposely being written as click bait.
  2. And that shows what a sad state of affairs television has become. Meghan might be the most talked about co host but she is least liked and least respected. But that doesn't matter anymore. Remember when Star Jones was let go? It was because people didn't like her anymore. As been said by posters here the View likes having "Real Housewives" moments on the View. I wouldn't be surprised if the suits were hoping for their very own table flipping happening.
  3. I look for her to be roasted on social media about that. She very rarely mentions her husband or his website but now that she has Twitter will do what it does when people step in it.
  4. ABC is under no obligation to have any conservative women on the View. There is no rule both sides need represented. You can thank Ronald Reagan for getting rid of the Fairness Doctrine. And Meghan is kidding her self if she thinks she was hired because of her political beliefs. She was hired for her last name. This is true. She is so angry about it. Her whole life is built around her being a conservative that she seems to have taken the loss as a personal affront. Instead of taking a good look at why her team lost she will just double down and be nasty and obnoxious about everything.
  5. I agree. Meghan likes to complain about something but given the opportunity to remedy whatever she is complaining about she is silent. For all her ranting and raving about wanting to get a vaccine so she can go party and now that she is eligible she doesn't say a word? No something is off about that. If she isn't vaccinated would ABC want her back in the studio? It annoys me to no end when Meghan talks about Republican hesitancy regarding the vaccine and attributes it to poor messaging without mentioning the messenger who did the most damage. And it wasn't the CDC or Dr. Fauci.
  6. I seem to remember Meghan saying something just like this last summer. And something is definitely up with her either not getting vaccinated or not publicly saying she did get vaccinated. As she keeps saying she knows plenty of people who won't get vaccinated so she is probably not wanting them to know she did get vaccinated. For all her talk about being someone who goes her own way she really doesn't. She is always a team player.
  7. I finished Sharon Stone's memoir last night. I enjoyed it. It wasn't a kiss and tell memoir which was a nice change of pace. Don't get me wrong I enjoy a juicy gossip filled book as much as the next person but there is so much more to Sharon than who she dated.
  8. Assuming he ever had one which is debatable. Without her talking points she has nothing to say. We have seen her get flustered when someone pushes back on her or someone goes off script. She is not quick on her feet. Whoopi and Joy are comediennes so they can ad lib. Sunny is a lawyer so she can change gears if need be. Sara has been an on air personality a lot longer than Meghan and can wing it. But Meghan reminds me of Elisabeth who was lost without her blue cards. Meghan isn't uninformed. She knows things. She just chooses to ignore them.
  9. For someone who graduated from an Ivy League school with an art history degree you would think she would have some interest in things that are more serious and thought provoking. But then I remembered this is Meghan and her idea of a fun is drinking and shooting. I bet she was a big fan of Jackass.
  10. I think with the reboot there has to be a single person because the new dating reality includes apps and #metoo. There is comedy to be mined with dating in 2021.
  11. One night I stopped at a bar/restaurant to pick up take out. It wasn't ready so I sat at the far corner of the bar while I waited. I took out my phone and was looking at it when a man sitting across the bar said to me "I guess they put you in the corner tonight.". I looked at him and said "I prefer to sit in the corner". He started to say something when I said "that way people leave me alone". I guarantee when I left he told his friend what a bitch I was. It wasn't very often we saw any of the women sitting at a bar alone. Miranda did when Carrie stood her up. That was the night she met Steve. And I think Samantha was the night she met the short guy. A woman alone at a bar seems to make men think they are looking for someone to hit on them.
  12. I'm 52 and have been single for almost 9 years. My husband died so at first people who knew I was single so they weren't immediately asking me about it. Although there was a rude relative at the after funeral who told people I was flirting with her boyfriend. I was not flirting but simply talking to him. But that shows how single women are looked at by some other women. As a threat. I make it a point to not ask single people about their dating or lack thereof. As mentioned by @RealHousewife if they are dating someone I'm sure they will tell me. Carrie was often dismissive of her friend's interpretations of things. Just because Carrie didn't think people were looking at them with pity doesn't mean Miranda didn't feel that way.
  13. I read Sunny's book and not only was/is she not paid what her co hosts were/are making it was never officially announced she was joining the View as a permanent co host. These are things that make her feel she isn't appreciated. Can't say that I blame her.
  14. This tells us all we need to know about Meghan. Most people want vaccinated so they can be safe. So they can see family. So they can go back to work. Meghan wants to drink and gamble. Her mother must be so proud.
  15. Yes Joy misspoke. It's not like she supports politicians who want to discriminate against LGBTQ.
  16. It might have been subconscious on her part but if Joy doesn't like Caitlin Jenner it could explain why she misspoke.
  17. Meghan using words she thinks makes her sound smart is just one example of her being aware she isn't as smart as she wants to be. If she really thought she was smart she would use words that come naturally to her. She wouldn't be trying to prove she is smart. And considering what we know about her husband's job history I think it's very possible Meghan might be the brains in that marriage.
  18. Jennifer Aniston doesn't bother me but yeah she seems to always play the same character which seems like Jennifer Aniston. I don't necessarily dislike Helen Hunt but I never understood her appeal. I liked the movie As Good As It Gets but I'm hard pressed to explain why she won an Oscar for her role. She was up against Kate Winslet, Julie Christie, Judi Dench and Helena Bonham Carter. I didn't think her character was all that different from Jamie Buchman. Don't know if this unpopular or not but I like Katherine Heigl. I enjoyed her on Grey's Anatomy. I even watched her one season show State of Affairs. I like (most) of her movies and liked her Netflix series Firefly Lane.
  19. That reminds me of a line from a movie? TV show? that is "No I am not currently seeing anyone special but I am however sleeping with a lot of men who aren't special" or something to that effect.
  20. My husband was in the hospital and not going to recover. Not from Covid but from alcoholism related issues. He was unconscious and awaiting transfer to hospice care. I told him it was OK for him to let go. He died two hours after I left the hospital. As mentioned by another poster I blame the writing for it appearing like Meredith wanted to stay with Derek and abandon her children. Do I think Meredith is the best mother? No. Do I think she would willingly leave her children? No.
  21. I thought her saying Don Lemon was wrong was rude. Her and Don might see the police shooting in Columbus differently but that doesn't mean he is wrong.
  22. I remember being shocked Becky thought her parents had a college fund for her. Had she not seen her parents struggle to pay the bills her entire life? I think that was a little overboard. I don't think they needed to have Dan say that.
  23. That does happen. And we didn't see what took place between the end of season 10 and the start of the reboot. During the original series Dan did come to respect Mark (I would use the word tolerate) but that doesn't mean he didn't still think he held Becky back. I think Dan saw the same thing happening to Becky that happened to Roseanne. She married someone and had kids and put her dreams on hold. He wanted more for her.
  24. This the issue. Police are more likely to shoot first instead of trying to de escalate a situation when it involves people of color.
  25. I think Becky was probably angry and resentful towards Mark before he died but she didn't acknowledge it even to herself. She loved him but if she hadn't married him her life would have turned out differently. I remember that too. It was when Sarah Chalke was playing Becky if I'm not mistaken. I know the show wanted to give Jackie something to do this episode but we never heard about her taking Becky and Darlene into the woods to smoke and drink. Yet another missed opportunity to bring up what we did see onscreen which was Becky getting drunk with a friend.
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