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Everything posted by ifionlyknew

  1. Unless it's Damon Wayans as Oswald Bates on In Living Color. He was hilarious.
  2. It sounds like you are describing, what is the word I'm looking for? Oh yeah. Snowflakes.
  3. I went out to eat for the first time in over a year after I was fully vaccinated last month and it felt weird. I didn't like it. I guess I will go back to cooking which in all honesty I enjoy much more. There are stores I have been purposefully avoiding because they get so crowded. When the do eventually come back to the studio I doubt they will have an audience at first.
  4. 16 HOURS AGO, REALHOUSEWIFE SAID: She is so patriotic that I think it pains her to talk about anything historically or currently ugly in this country. You know I love you @REALHOUSEWIFE but Meghan not wanting to acknowledge systemic racism doesn't make her patrotic. To quote James Baldwin: “I love America more than any other country in the world and, exactly for this reason, I insist on the right to criticize her perpetually.” Do I think Meghan is a racist? No. Do I think she ignores racism? Yes. Do I think she thinks it's no big deal? Yes. Do I think she will understand what racism feels like to people who experience it? No. Do I think she will try to do better? No. After weeks of ranting about wanting the vaccine her casual reference yesterday to being vaccinated seems odd. Did she get both shots? Did she get the J & J one shot vaccine? Did she make her reservations to Vegas?
  5. Moved my comment to the Meghan thread.
  6. For me it's always about intent. Did Joy intend to offend Jenner? No.
  7. My point was defenders of predators when there are more than one accuser often use the defense that all the accusers are telling the same story. I heard that said about Cosby's accusers. People who don't want to believe a man is a sexual predator try to justify their faith in that predator in many different ways. How many times have we heard women defend a man by saying "He never assaulted me"?
  8. As far as I know the White House never called them that. That is Meghan projecting. And if that soundbite gets picked up by right wing media all the better I'm sure is what she is thinking. At this point I'm tired of hearing about people refusing to get the vaccine. We are far enough in this that people either understand or they don't. I agree with whichever co host it was (Whoopi?) who said at some point not being vaccinated might prevent you from doing something you want to do.
  9. They would say the women's stories are too similar. That they rehearsed their accusations. Ignoring the fact most predators follow a pattern with their abuse. How many women told the same story about Weinstein? Or Matt Lauer. Men stick with what they think works for them.
  10. I don't think there is anything that makes her happy. She has looked heavier for about a month or so now. Some of her clothing choices have looked awful on her. I originally thought she just had horrible fashion sense but maybe she doesn't have as many options for shirts.
  11. Today was at least the second time Meghan has used the term hillbilly when referring to Evangelicals and Republicans. She says that is how "they" think of them. She never clarifies who they are. Since Meghan is the person who keeps using that term I'm inclined to believe it is her who thinks of them that way.
  12. Don't forget Bull is a CBS show where Les Moonves was in charge until a couple years ago when he had his own metoo reckoning. Women are always told what we must do to protect ourselves. Young women going to college are given a list of things to not do so they can avoid sexual assault. But as far as I know young men aren't given the short list of what not to do which is don't sexually assault women. A few years ago during the Cosby trial I was in a garage waiting for my car to get an oil change and they had the tv on a cable news station and it was doing a story on the trial. A guy who worked there said why are they prosecuting him now. I looked at him and said because he committed a crime. Way too many people think sexual assault and sexual harassment is just a he said/she said situation. Just because a guy says "I didn't mean any harm" doesn't mean the woman wasn't harmed.
  13. It's true. When her tribe was in control I don't remember her saying they needed to be more bipartisan. She is far from being the only hypocrite in her tribe but she is one of the worst.
  14. Did anyone else hear Meghan say she hasn't been in NYC in over a year? So that means any pandemic restriction she was bitching about didn't affect her personally.
  15. Also if they were Hunter Biden's hard drives (which I don't believe) they would be worthless as evidence in anything regarding Hunter because chain of custody would not be able to be proven. And I'm not surprised Tucker Carlson didn't ask the question but WTF would Rudy have Hunter's hard drives? If they were his actual hard drives and had anything on them that is illegal surely Rudy would have turned them over to the authorities.
  16. If you have to proclaim you are an independent thinker then there must be some doubt you are an independent thinker.
  17. But this is what she is afraid of. She likes Uncle Joe unless he is threat to her and if his administration does well she sees that as a threat to her.
  18. Meghan was horrified over the negative tweets thrown at Tim Scott. Funny how I don't remember her being horrified over negative tweets being thrown at any other politicians who are people of color. And those people were called a lot worse than what Tim Scott was called.
  19. This guy does a great recap of Meghan's outrage.
  20. Meghan keeps telling us she is a conservative so when she says "centrist" she means come over to my side. She does seem to take this personally. What did she think Biden was going to do? Govern the way Meghan wants him to? It seems like he is governing the way he campaigned on. Wasn't Meghan paying attention? Just because life has been good for her, well forever, doesn't mean life hasn't been tough for millions of people. Biden's plan is a plan to lift us all up. Not just people in Meghan's tax bracket.
  21. That is how you deal with a child throwing a tantrum. I seem to remember Meghan calling someone a nasty name. What did she expect from Biden's speech? It's not like his plans for this country has been a secret.
  22. Long story or not what happens when Liberty starts crawling and looking for things to hold onto to pull herself up? She could pull the TV on top of her.
  23. Meghan continues to show her true colors. All that talk during the campaign about her "Uncle Joe" was apparently a lie. And lies it seems is what she thinks is effective messaging. She knows damn well once her team hears something it becomes gospel and any retraction is called fake news. Her calling out her own show for not covering the Hunter Biden story was low even for Meghan. For once the View showed good judgement and didn't talk about that story which as Joy noted could not be verified as being true. Even though they don't act like it the show is part of the news division and should have a set of standards concerning what topics are discussed. If one of the cohosts says something that is demonstrably false and proven to be slanderous they could be sued. If things continue to improve in this country I look for Meghan to become even more combative. She knows the better the things are the more likely her team will continue to lose. And for her it's all about her team winning. Not the country but her team.
  24. This isn't the first time she has said this. She really doesn't know the three branches are executive; legislative and judicial. And since when is Biden a liberal?
  25. But they haven't been in politics their whole lives like Meghan.
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