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Everything posted by ifionlyknew

  1. I hope I don't regret saying this but could anyone be worse than Meghan? They need to hire someone who can play nice with others.
  2. And I don't think the ratings dropped when she was out on maternity leave. I personally don't think Meghan caused any new viewers to tune in but I'm willing to bet she caused a lot of viewers to tune out. Just on this board alone how many times have we heard posters say they stopped watching because of Meghan?
  3. That may be true but Meghan has drawn nothing but negative attention. I think ABC decided she just wasn't worth it. We will see how she speaks of the network and the show after she leaves. And where she lands.
  4. She still has two years left on her contract. No matter what ABC says I would bet money ABC is cutting her loose and this isn't her decision.
  5. This is exactly why it was considered groundbreaking and rightfully so. But the writing and acting wasn't anything to write home about.
  6. Already trying to change the narrative. He was not exonerated. This needs to be said every time anyone says differently. He was found guilty based on the evidence. The prosecutor's fuck up has nothing to do with that.
  7. I agree. It was your standard sitcom about a family who just happened to be an upper middle class black family. I have re watched tons of shows from the 80s and have never once wanted to re watch the Cosby Show. Smug is the word I would use. Eddie Murphy and Richard Pryor and later Christ Rock were all so much funnier than him.
  8. Me either. I would rather read a transcript of a podcast than listen to one.
  9. I am a single woman and before the pandemic I went out to lunch every Saturday by myself. It didn't bother me at all. I've went on vacation by myself. Samantha is confident and secure enough that being stood up by a man would make her angry not embarrassed. I was stood up once. I ordered lunch and texted the guy do not ever contact me again. This is why her having a relationship with a man who required so much care and attention seemed out of character. She isn't wrong. LOL. I once told a man I hated him and he said I know and....... I think it took the writers awhile to find their groove with Miranda. I think they wanted her to be the strong independent career woman and they eventually realized she could be fun as well.
  10. I have only seen Cold Case episodes when they originally aired so I don't have a lot of clear memories of them but one scene I vividly remember was Scotty walking down the street with Lily's sister. My first thought was ugh.
  11. She is a co host on a show called the View. She should understand when other people express their view. Which seems to be that was not a flattering look. She tries too hard. Fashionable people are the ones who look like they aren't trying.
  12. I thought that too. The two of them were/are Republican Barbies. Wind them up and they say the same things.
  13. I never liked him. Not even during the Fat Albert days. Even as a kid I got a vibe from him that there was something bad going on with him. When the accusations started I thought yep I knew he was a bad guy. My sincere hope is he lives the rest of his years as an outcast. I don't even want to see any interviews with him. Other than Phylicia are any other celebs celebrating his release?
  14. It might be a work of fiction but it was however written by a former assistant to Anna Wintour.
  15. It's true. But when the shoe is on the other foot her response to bipartisanship is nope we don't need any bipartisanship. It's how entitled Meghan is. She thinks the government should always be ran according to her beliefs.
  16. Kathie Lee Gifford did that a lot. On the flip side Meghan rarely speaks about her kid. She has decided she is a political pundit and that is all she wants to talk about. The topic could be tacos and she would make it political.
  17. Yes she said her relationship with the flag is not allowed. What kind of relationship is she having with the flag? She is so predictable. Once again she is presenting herself as some kind of victim because she can't do what exactly? As I say every day with regards to Meghan her hypocrisy knows no bounds. Meghan doesn't experience injustice and abuse (in her mind yes but in reality no) so yes she thinks America is great and if you can't see that then you are the problem. It's easy to worship the flag when your whole life has been about having things handed to you simply because you were born a white rich woman. She will never understand the struggles of people of color or even white people who are lower income because she simply does not care.
  18. I don't know why they wrote him that way. It didn't make him lovable. It made him annoying. Debbie and Steve made more sense than Miranda and Steve. Yes Carrie dressed for attention. A lot of times her clothes looked like costumes. Carrie might be fun for a couple dates but long term she would be exhausting. Big even said as much. He said it got so hard. I think that is how they thought viewers would see the women. Which is insulting to the actresses and the viewers. As if we can't see beyond appearances.
  19. I'm sure the other cohosts adore their parents as well. Meghan refers to him on an almost daily basis.
  20. I also think what Steve did was worse. Big might have humiliated Carrie but Steve betrayed Miranda and tried to blame her. And Miranda got very little sympathy and support from her friends. Charlotte thought it was such a terrible thing when she found out Big cheated on Natasha with Carrie. But thought maybe Miranda should forgive Steve. As @Ms Blue Jay mentioned above it was like Miranda's friends thought she was lucky to have him.
  21. Charlotte said something about being mad at Steve for what he did to Miranda but not on the same level as she was mad at Big for what he did to Carrie. It was during this conversation she says what she would say to Big if she ever ran into him.
  22. I don't remember the exact words but they were arguing about something and Carrie said something about Miranda should or needs to forgive Steve. She said it in a snotty way. I just looked it up. Carrie told Miranda for the last five months she thought Miranda made a mistake letting Steve go. Like it was wrong for Miranda to let a cheating husband go. That was another plot contrivance. Let's not blame Big for jilting Carrie. Let's blame Miranda for something she said in passing to Big.
  23. Fast forward to the movie when Carrie told Miranda she thought she was wrong to not forgive Steve. I will forever think it was wrong of Carrie to say that to Miranda. Miranda never really got judgy with Carrie. She needed a cigarette after Carrie told her about her affair with Big but she didn't judge her. She let Carrie make her mistakes and was there to pick up the pieces. But her going to Paris with Alec was life altering I completely understand her not wanting Carrie to make that big of a mistake.
  24. Also people she follows on Twitter and people who follow her on Twitter. Social media has made people think they have a lot more "friends" than they really do.
  25. Yes I was agreeing with you. If the show had continued for another season I wonder if they would have done the Alec in Paris plot.
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