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Everything posted by ifionlyknew

  1. I wasn't an Aidan fan but at least him and Carrie had a real relationship. What Carrie had with Big was at best dating and at worst hooking up. The more and more I think about it I wonder how many viewers thought maybe if I just hang in there the guy who's been stringing me along will finally tell me I'm the one.
  2. I agree but I will take what I can get.
  3. I always look forward to the View's summer book suggestions and this year's all sound interesting. I have just requested all three from the library. I also have Sunny's book requested as well. There is a long waiting list for it so good for her.
  4. Which begs the question, what is his role in the new show? Are they still married? If so are they happily married? If so why is Aidan part of the new show? One of things I enjoyed about the original show was the women finding their way through life and it didn't always involve a man. I did enjoy Charlotte realizing her happily ever after didn't have to be picture perfect. I also enjoyed Samantha realizing it was OK to like a guy. But the strongest stories were the ones about the women's friendship. I hope the new show focuses on that and not just standard couple issues.
  5. Nobody is stopping her from being a vaccine advocate. She can tweet about it all day if she wants. The View could do their own in show commercials for it. She wants the White House to to use her because I think she thinks that will lead to some other job. Like senior advisor or some shit. She has a way overinflated ego and thinks everyone thinks as highly of her as she thinks of herself.
  6. All of this is true. But the writers thought that was the happily ever after ending. A lot of fans clamored for it. Myself included. I absolutely loved the scene when Miranda told Big go get our girl. I am not a fan of Carrie but I now think she would have been better off coming back from Paris and starting fresh. And then the first movie could have been about Carrie finding a new love.
  7. Thank you. When Carrie broke things off with Big at the end of season one I thought she was overreacting. She wanted something more and he wasn't willing to give that to her. Which was his right. But she made the choice to say no I want more and if you can't do that I'm not playing this game anymore. But then she did end up playing the game again. She even hid it from her friends. When she had the affair with him I understood it. I thought she was wrong for doing it but I understood it. Big had hurt her badly and here he was wanting her again. That can fuck with your emotions. However once that blew up and Natasha and Aidan both got hurt her and Big should have realized they were toxic together. And something I just realized. We saw Carrie feel badly about hurting Aidan but we never saw Big even show an ounce of regret for hurting Natasha. All he seemed concerned about was how much it was going to cost him. As much as I love Chris Noth as I have gotten older and upon multiple re watches I like Big less and less.
  8. I was that stupid. LOL. And I was older than what Carrie was. You can convince yourself of a lot of things when you want it to be true. You know we didn't see the four women maneuver around the city all that much. A couple times in cabs. Never the subway. Carrie once considered riding a bus. We did see them walk a lot.
  9. Well the View hired someone who became famous or perhaps infamous is a better word, for her medical beliefs. I wasn't watching during her tenure because Joy wasn't there but I remember reading here maybe that she wasn't allowed to espouse her medical beliefs on air.
  10. I have a former coworker who's fiancee has a 14 yr. old son who wants to get the vaccine. His mother has refused to give permission for him to get the shot. She of course is anti vaccine. My co worker said she has done her research and thinks she knows best. Yeah she knows better than thousands of medical experts. I watched JLC fawn all over Meghan and it was worse than you guys described. WTF service is she thanking Meghan for? Richard Branson can explain his space ride any way he wants but from where I sit it was just a billionaire indulging himself.
  11. This is true. No matter she was back with Aidan. No matter her being "friends" with Big was disrespectful to Big. It was what Carrie wanted. She had a hard time quitting Big the same way she had trouble quitting cigarettes. I think after she broke it off with him at the end of season one because he wouldn't say she is the one Carrie decided she would just wait him out till he did say she is the one. I think no matter who she was with in her mind she always thought her and Big would end up together. I never watched the Carrie Diaries but I read the book. Carrie was raised by her father. I think her mother died. She had a younger sister. And I think her father was a professor maybe. Of course in the show Carrie's father left her and her mother and there was never a mention of a sister.
  12. I avoided all his movies after his abhorrent beliefs became public. But this past weekend I thought well I guess I can watch Conspiracy Theory. But I didn't enjoy it. I kept seeing him onscreen and thinking you are such an asshole. So I guess I'm back to avoiding his movies.
  13. Clearly JLC doesn't read this board. Or goes online after any of Meghan's rants/meltdowns/everyday behavior.
  14. I don't believe a word Wendy says. The conversation very well could have been Wendy: I hear Meghan is leaving. Joy: Yes.
  15. When they were talking about their best friends Meghan once again found a way to say she is one of the few ideologically conservative women in liberal spaces. I swear not a day goes by that she doesn't mention her political identification.
  16. I'm inclined to believe that was an acting choice SJP made and she either kept making that choice or the director decided to make that a thing. Either way it ruins a lot of scenes for me.
  17. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-9785627/Empire-star-Nicole-Ari-Parker-spotted-set-Sex-City-reboot-time.html I loved her character on Empire.
  18. That is a very unflattering outfit on Charlotte. And the shoes? The less said the better.
  19. This is a nice outfit but I'm not loving the shoes. And those close ups of Kristin really show the work she had done. If I hadn't known it was her I probably would have thought that looks like Kristin Da....Hey it is Kristin Davis. Carrie's outfit looks like a Pat Field creation. Are we sure she isn't working on the show? I don't like it. It has way too much going on.
  20. I'm waiting for the book I hope Joy writes. She knows where all the bodies are buried at the View.
  21. I'm not a fan of the poofy sleeves. I love the skirt and the purse is gorgeous but wouldn't be practical for me. I need a big purse. And what exactly is that Burberry thing she is holding?
  22. When a celeb dies if it's someone who's work I have enjoyed I feel sad but I don't grieve for them. There are of course celeb deaths that have made me go oh no. Like Luke Perry. Or JFK Jr. Luke because he was close to my age and died too young. And JFK Jr. because he could have done so much more with his life if he had lived longer.
  23. Yes his status as a sex offender will be reconsidered after his probation is over. And no matter what he said when he was sentenced I don't buy him being remorseful.
  24. What makes it worse is the charges were dropped to way less than what he was originally accused of. There has to be more victims right?
  25. If that was true that was just one more way Meghan got her way. I think so too. I said awhile back she would run for office. Yeah, going off on that rant was beyond ridiculous. Bitch can't leave fast enough for me. She said Bernie Sanders is the leader of the Democratic party and then immediately caught herself and said something like a faction of it or whatever the word was she used. She is hellbent on portraying every Democratic politician as a socialist whether it is true or not. But yet she gets furious when someone points out the offensive things her party does. A little over two more weeks and then we can say Meghan who?
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