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Everything posted by ifionlyknew

  1. The relationship with Berger was just time killer to get to Alek. But you are right. It would have been better if it had worked and he blindsided her with the break up Post It. It happens all the time. One half the couple thinks they are so happy and the other half just up and quits the relationship. I've said many times I wasn't a fan of Aiden but I guess I should say I wasn't a fan of Aiden with Carrie. But as a boyfriend he was probably the best. He genuinely loved her but they just weren't on the same page. This describes Carrie and Big. He just wasn't into her unless it was when he was into her and that only lasted till he wasn't into her anymore. I agree with this. I didn't get a romantic couple vibe from them but they did have an easygoing friend vibe.
  2. Yes. Which is why I think she was being a drama queen. She hadn't even been with him that long. . As such was the case with a lot of SATC I think Berger was good on paper and they should have worked as a couple but the writers made them not work. Which yes I understand that had to happen to get her to Alek and then back to Big.
  3. She had to see things weren't working with Berger. I've never been able to figure out if she was upset about him breaking up with her or that he did it on a Post It. I think she would have been upset regardless of how he did it but the Post It gave her a reason to be so overly dramatic about it.
  4. She hadn't been to a concert in two years. Oh how she has suffered.
  5. This is true. We all know how much bad behavior happened at CBS.
  6. No they don't. He most likely would not have learned from the fallout from his previous behavior and there was probably worry he would say or do something actionable. It's one thing to be called out for something but once called out and you continue to do offensive things then you should be out of second chances.
  7. It did give us the clever line of "paper covers rock". But Carrie being dumped being portrayed as more important than Charlotte getting engaged was just plain wrong. I think I mentioned before I read that one of the writers or someone they knew did in fact have someone break up with them via a Post It. I get it that is was a cowardly way for someone to break up with someone but I think Miranda's story of a guy telling his doorman to tell her he wasn't coming down, ever, was more cowardly. I do wonder if Carrie's shrieks were in the script or was an acting choice she made. I do think SJP was the weakest actress out of the four. The writers could give Samantha a ridiculous scene (like at Brady's birthday party when she pulls up her skirt to show Carrie what she did in reaction to finding a gray hair) and she sold it. But there were plenty of what should have been run of the mill ordinary scenes with Carrie that were ridiculous. Mostly because of what she was wearing. Heidi on a picnic in Central Park comes to mind.
  8. I read the Carrie Diaries and I don't remember her name being short for Caroline. No way do I believe Carrie was intended to be an anti heroine. To this day I believe SJP doesn't see her that way.
  9. I only have the free version of Peacock because I already spend a lot of money on other streaming services and Law & Order is not part of free Peacock. If all seasons were available I would consider it but with only Seasons 13 and up available I will be content to get them from my library when I want to watch them. I would think they are unedited.
  10. And you get to control how the song is used. It's why some songs are used in commercials and some songs aren't In 1967 Buick wanted to use the Doors Light my Fire in a commercial. Three of the Doors consented. Jim Morrison did not. There was no commercial.
  11. I loved Veronica Mars. Had less to do with her than the show itself and all the supporting characters. I liked the Good Place but wasn't crazy about her. I find her so so in movies. Like I don't dislike a movie because she is in it but I usually find her characters as eh whatever. But when I see her on talk shows she is almost always with her husband and it's like nails on a chalkboard.
  12. I've never been one of those women who wants a man to say he loves me. Just because he says it doesn't mean he means it. Did Big love Carrie at that time? Maybe. I don't think he loved Natasha. Did he love Carrie in Paris? Probably. I think her telling him she was done outside her apartment might have knocked some sense into him. But honestly I don't think he was ever going to love her more than he loved himself.
  13. I agree with this but I have been in Carrie's shoes. I have been involved with men who treated other women better than they treated me. That shit hurts and affects your self esteem. However I wised up and said no more. Carrie just kept going back. He married Natasha. He was crazy about the movie star (Willow?). But with Carrie he just took her for granted she would be around. And she usually was.
  14. When they did get married no prenup was mentioned right? Carrie might have acted like she was so above being kept but you are right. It is what she wanted. She just didn't want it to be blatant. Like when the guy left her money. Or Big offered to loan her the money to buy her apartment. Which I doubt he would have expected her to pay him back. She did think Aidan was unreasonable for asking to be paid for the apartment he paid for. Like he was just supposed to give it to her as a goodbye gift. She had no problem with Alek paying for everything in Paris. Out of the four women Carrie was the least independent. She never would have said it or probably not even admit to herself but I do think her goal was always to find a man to take care of her.
  15. Big also afforded Carrie the lifestyle she wanted. Carrie might have gotten a lot of money from her book but Big had major bucks. And I think in her mind she thought in for a penny in for a pound. She had been with him so long may as well stay with him.
  16. At the end of the series Big was moving back to NYC from Napa. When he moved to Napa he had put his apartment on the market IIRC. So he would have bought another one and Carrie kept her apartment. Most likely she stayed at his place a lot. I always assumed they had continued to be in a relationship from the end of the end of the series to the movie. I don't remember if an explanation was given for them looking for a new apartment at the beginning of the movie.
  17. I was more surprised about Fiorina because of her age. She is going to be 67 yrs. old next month. IIRC Rice was once a guest on the show. She is also turning 67 in a couple months. I'm not being ageist when I say I think the show needs a younger woman's point of view.
  18. https://www.thewrap.com/the-view-to-fill-meghan-mccains-seat-with-rotating-conservative-guest-hosts/ Carly Fiorina? Seriously?
  19. I always thought they cast him because Candace Bushnell married a ballet dancer. I thought it was a nod to that. Personally I think there is any number of older actors they could have hired that would have been more attractive.
  20. This happened a lot in the later seasons. Whereas the show was once a mostly well written comedy with some heartbreak thrown in it turned into almost a soap opera. And I say this as someone who loves me some soap operas. I also think once they saw the end of the show coming they started positioning characters for their happily ever after. I don't know if they knew there would be a movie or not. But if they did they could have left Carrie's and Big's reunion for the movie. Everything was so rushed in Season 6. Especially the second half.
  21. Probably a coincidence but Season 13 and beyond is what is available on Peacock.
  22. If this is true then things are looking up. I had a feeling once two of Meghan's biggest supporters behind the scene were gone she would be gone and that did happen. Now if the show can get back to being what it once was it will be more enjoyable to watch. I like the idea of rotating guest hosts with previous hosts in the mix. As long as they are clear about who and who isn't auditioning. We don't want another Jeopardy debacle with viewers thinking every guest co host has a shot at filling the seat permanently. Is that Brian guy still the EP? For a show about women for women it would be nice if the EP was a woman.
  23. I liked the fuck buddy too. Mostly because I like Dean Winters. The Yankee didn't really make an impression on me. I like Craig Bierko the actor but didn't care for his character. Way too hyper for me. Other than Robert Miranda had one guy I thought was really attractive. The guy she hooked up when she was pregnant. The actor's name escapes me at the moment. He was Bart Bass on Gossip Girl and has been a bunch of other stuff. I find him really sexy. Edited to add his name is Robert John Burke and Miranda hooked up with him again after Carrie's book party.
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