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Everything posted by ifionlyknew

  1. I've said before I thought Carrie and Berger should have worked. But his character was just filler to get us to Alek and eventually the ending with Big. Out of the one shot men I liked Dr Bradley Meego. The good on paper guy Carrie met in the Hamptons. Although he might have been too normal for Carrie.
  2. I didn't think Carrie and Alek had chemistry and SJP had chemistry with just about everyone. For me I think I think the idea of a larger than life character such as Alek worked better in theory than practice. I always thought Carrie wrote simply as a means to an end. It paid her bills and gave her a lot of free time to do what she really wanted to do. Shop and have lunch with the girls.
  3. I thought so too. But when they showed Pounder's character being frisked up against the wall and Diane's look when he said it made me realize that was the writer's way of saying African Americans are having their ideas stolen. I was never a Kurt fan because his beliefs are the polar opposite of mine (and Diane's) but his love for Diane has won me over. Her singing I Touch Myself was awesome.
  4. I find that statistic high. This is the 90s and early 2000s we are talking about not the 50s. So 8% of adults had never been married? I find that hard to believe. On the show Charlotte definitely expected to be married. Carrie wanted a commitment from Big. I don't think it necessarily had to be marriage. Miranda played the cards she was given. If she hadn't had Brady I think she would have been happy staying single. But with Brady and wanting a family for him she got married. No way was Samantha ever getting married. So just from that sampling of four women there was only one that really wanted it. I read that book a couple years ago. I think that book would have spoke to Miranda but I'm not so sure about Samantha. I don't think Samantha thought of herself as being independent as anything other than just who she was. But I do think Miranda thought her independence was a statement.
  5. One of the policemen said the not a Koch brother alerted them. Said CCH Pounder was stealing intellectual property by having a court similar to Judge Wackner's court. Earlier CCH Pounder's character told Diane Wackner stole her idea. I think the writers were showing us how many things are routinely taken from African Americans without them receiving credit. So Kurt and Diane are going hunting with ST Laurie. Perhaps Diane will come back with a new position. David Lee's maybe.
  6. Merry Christmas Mrs. Moskowitz won the Primetime Emmy for writing. It was well deserved.
  7. I saw a great meme a couple years ago It said Boomers see the glass half full. Millenials see the glass half empty. Gen X sees the glass is filled with piss. That is Gen X in a nutshell. We see things for what they are and go about our business.
  8. Yes in the first movie Miranda was doing the sandwich thing. Taking care of an elderly parent (in law) and raising a child. There is enormous stress that comes with that. Especially if you have a job that requires a lot of time. And while none of them will likely have financial issues heading into retirement I can see Carrie being out of her depth if it were something discussed. We saw Samantha deal with a younger woman out for her job. Charlotte dealt with trying to go back into the work force where there were younger applicants. If Carrie had stayed at the paper she would have had at some point someone younger gunning for her job. I hope the show doesn't ignore the fact these women are older and there are issues that come with that.
  9. I didn't want to generalize and condemn all Millennials but there are some who like that author only sees things from her point of view. I actually think having Carrie, Miranda and Charlotte interact with Millennial women would be something I would like to see. Lest we forget they did not care for too many younger women during the original run. Friends gets the same criticism. I've always thought that show and SATC were simply about a particular group of people and their specific lives. However it was when they would go outside their box that things didn't quite seem to go right. So hopefully almost 20 years later we can see these three women have more experiences of a wider range. it is interesting to me Frasier which aired during the same time period doesn't get criticism for not showing more diversity.
  10. You don't know how many times I have had to remind someone there is a generation between Boomers and Millennials. It's like we have been forgotten. Yes. But my hope is any added diversity is organic and not feel like they were trying to meet a quota. SATC didn't always handle anything that wasn't of the white straight world well. I blame advertisers for this. The 18-34 yr. old demographic is always coveted by advertisers. Whatever they are watching, buying or wearing is thought to be the best things around. Just because someone is that age doesn't mean they have good taste. And yes there are some Millennials who think they are the first generation to be "woke". Which simply is not true. Samantha and Miranda both saw changes that needed to be made in the world. Charlotte as she evolved became more aware of the world outside her bubble. Maybe on the new show Carrie will be more aware.
  11. https://www.cnn.com/2021/08/24/opinions/sex-and-the-city-filipovic/index.html This article is about the diversity of the new show. But this line has me puzzled. As much as "Sex and the City" -- which debuted 23 years ago (!) and ran for six seasons (with two film adaptations) - defined New York for a certain subset of the population -- White older Millennial women, of which I am one -- it never quite lined up with real-world New York City, or at least not with the New York I've ever lived in. The original cast was Generation X. The oldest Millennials would have been 16 when the show started. I have always thought of those women as my peers. I am soon to be 53. I'm not saying Millennials didn't watch the show but I think more women in my generation watched and identified with the show.
  12. When I saw the headline I thought well that is unfortunate. Whoever wrote it knew it would get clicks.
  13. I have not listened to him in years. I don't listen to the radio and Pandora doesn't play his music anymore. They cut ties with him in 2018. https://pitchfork.com/news/apple-music-and-pandora-no-longer-promoting-r-kelly/#:~:text=Pandora has also ceased promotion,behavioral%2C ethical or criminal issues.
  14. Yes. He lost the on camera job. But he still has his behind the camera job which comes with a lot of power and money. If you ask me he hasn't been cancelled or even really faced severe consequences for his past behavior. He lost a job he didn't have a month ago. I don't think too many people are feeling sorry for him.
  15. If there is "dirt" on prospective hosts then maybe it should be dug up. I'm sure Sony doesn't want to hire someone and have something problematic come up after they start filming. Which is what happened with Richards. I don't agree with much of what Mayim has said over the years but I don't think she has said anything that will cause her to lose the primetime Jeopardy hosting job. In this day and age with all the technology and with people posting on social media and speaking on podcasts if someone says something that is going to be controversial it's going to become part of the public record and it may in fact come back to bite them at some point down the road. That is the reality we live in.
  16. They aren't looking for someone perfect. But someone who the Anti Defamation League isn't requesting an investigation about because he said disparaging things about Jews, women and other groups would be nice.
  17. I feel like I say this so much anymore. Once again I have to ask who?
  18. There are some shows that none of my real life friends watch so without boards I wouldn't have anyone to talk about them with. The only board I frequent that gets heated is the View board. LOL
  19. That is another thing. So many extreme fans think everyone else loves what/who they love. I have a relative that would tell me stories about people and I would say I'm sorry I don't know who you are talking and she would say yes you do, they are on Teen Mom. The way she talked about them was like she was friends with them. I grew up during the time before the internet so when you watched a show and something big happened on a TV show the night before the next day at work or school everyone would be talking about it. In some ways I miss that but in other ways I'm glad we now have boards like this to talk about it.
  20. Yep my first thought was this is the same person who criticized Mary Trump for writing a book that was her point of view of things that happened in her family. It was not gossipy at all. But I bet dollars to donuts Meghan will spill what she thinks is tea. Most of us will just think *Yawn*.
  21. I knew he would have something to say about this.
  22. Audio book? No hardcover or paperback? That tells me publishers don't think it will sell well. From the article: As well as addressing her early life, the audiobook will also reportedly tackle McCain’s time on The View where she was the constant target of ridicule thanks to her almost daily shouting matches with co-hosts Whoopi Goldberg and Joy Behar. Did the author of this article ever watch the View? There weren't shouting matches. It was Meghan shouting. Whoopi and Joy rarely raised their voices. And as far as Meghan being the target of ridicule that was her own doing.
  23. It's that old choice of quality vs quantity. Of course there are the rare exceptions that a hugely popular show with huge ratings also gets awards. I can remember growing up and looking at the ratings in the TV Guide and I watched most if not all of the top 10. Nowadays I'm lucky if I watch one show in the top 20.
  24. Stanford was invited too. So I'm guessing they knew Kyra a long time ago since the other women didn't seem to be friends with her. This was the couple's third child so I thought it was odd they were having a party where gifts were brought. Usually you have a shower for the first kid but not any after that.
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