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Everything posted by ifionlyknew

  1. But they didn't promote anti gay policies. Good for Liz Cheney for evolving on the issue but it's easy for her to say that now when gay marriage is legal. One of my very best friends is gay and he has repeatedly said even though he has some conservative beliefs he cannot belong to a party that actively wants to make his life all but impossible to live. Jenner needs to be asked that question.
  2. I agree with this. It would have either leaked and people would have thought they were trying to hide something or they would have kept it a secret and caused people to hypothesize any number of conspiracies. With such a high profile guest testing should have been done earlier. Or the VP should have been a remote interview from the start.
  3. Yep all weekend I kept seeing the positive story popping up on different sites even after the negative tests were announced. It's true I guess. Bad news travels more and faster than good news.
  4. The fact she was MTP an NBC show and not This Week on ABC a network that employed her for almost four years says a lot.
  5. I gotta be honest. I have always got that vibe from Sunny. Maybe she was just having a bad day but I definitely sense a bitchiness in her.
  6. But Sunny and Ana have been very vocal about their displeasure of what is happening at the border. If they had been absent from the interview without an explanation that would have looked fishy. I agree. But unfortunately it's the times we live in where people see conspiracy theories lurking everywhere.
  7. Just more evidence Meghan McCain is a garbage human being.
  8. Al had it last year. Did Ana have it last year? I don't remember her saying she had it at that time.
  9. That was why I asked earlier if they did daily testing or if this happened only because VP Harris was scheduled to be there. Maybe it's protocol for wherever her and President go and ABC was unaware of it till the last minute.
  10. And now those exposed people will have unknowingly exposed many more people. Manny sees patients. Ana presumably is staying in a hotel while in NYC. Sara's kids.
  11. Do we know if they test every day at the studio or were they testing today because of VP Harris being there?
  12. Covid is so transmissible right now because of the Delta variant. I will surprised if Joy and Sara don't test positive shortly.
  13. https://www.cnn.com/2021/09/21/entertainment/the-view-anniversary-memorable-moments/index.html I had forgotten about some of these.
  14. This. I have never once wanted Stabler and Benson together. And I have watched from the very first episode. I always liked the fact they didn't have any romantic feelings for each other. But now that his wife is dead all of sudden they have the hots for one another? Lazy predictable writing.
  15. So she is finally acknowledging she is selfish self centered and lacks empathy for anyone not like her? About time.
  16. Yesterday's discussion of hot topics was a throwback to Barbara Walter's original vision of the show. It was like four friends hanging out talking about things. It's ironic Whoopi just signed a new contract because the past two shows without her have been so good without her.
  17. Out of all the sad/stressful/tragic things Darlene has went through it's her breakup with Ben that makes her turn to God? Yeah I'm not buying that at all.
  18. I have no problem believing Sara was naive at 22. But I know I wasn't and I don't think Monica was either. I wasn't a big fan of Psych but loved the West Wing. It is nice to see Dule continue to have great success. His Charlie might have been the only character on WW who never annoyed me.
  19. When I first read that sentence I read Graham Norton as James Corden. Don't like either of them. And can't stand Andy Cohen if only because he foisted the Real Housewives on us.
  20. It's true. It sounds like a song Beyonce would sing. She has told us herself how jealous she gets. Throwing away a birthday cake a female coworker gave Manny. But if I am not mistaken she has also said she wouldn't divorce Manny if he cheated. I think she identifies with Hillary. And speaking of Hillary Joy is right Bill Clinton cheating and getting caught so publicly had far reaching consequences for Hillary. Some people vilified her for staying. Which I thought was wrong. It was her marriage and her choice to stay. As other posters have mentioned Bill Clinton was not the first older married man Monica became involved with. When I was 22 I was but one year away from becoming a single mother. How many 22 year olds have died in our many wars? How many 22 year olds are tried for crimes? Monica was an adult. Yes she made a mistake. Well two actually. One for getting sexually involved with Clinton and two for telling all to Linda Tripp. But this was not some naive girl who fell off the turnip truck. First of all Monica was not cancelled. Nobody knew who she was before this. How can you be cancelled if you never were? Were there opportunities taken away from her after this? Maybe. She was an intern. Who knows where she would have ended up if this had never happened. It could be argued she made lemonade out of lemons. As Sunny mentioned she had a handbag line which never would have happened if she didn't have name recognition. She never would have hosted a reality show. And she wouldn't now be producing shows about what happened. If you ask Monica I bet she would say the aftermath was worse than being used by a married man. If you ask Hillary I bet she would say finding out your husband cheated would be the worse thing. Honestly I don't care what Bill Clinton would say. Fornication is sex between people not married to each other. Adultery is when a married person has sex with someone not their spouse.
  21. I don't remember the details but there was a lawyer, might have been a district attorney or something like that and he was accused of doing something to women on the subway and he was referred to as a kid and he was in his 40s.
  22. I've noticed it too. Something is going on with her. The scandal happened 25 years ago. I doubt most people even think about it till someone brings it up. I understand that Monica had her life upended but she did go to the London School of Economics and earned a degree. She doesn't have to continue to let it define her life.
  23. I actually don't think this sounds like her voice. Whenever she was on the View she would say stuff like this like it was rehearsed. She would have a statement ready whenever it was her turn to talk. Almost as if someone had wrote her thoughts for her. But when she would be asked to talk off the cuff she would either get flustered because she had no prepared remarks or she would sound like an idiot. She is obviously trying to appeal to a certain base. Will be curious to see if this wins her any points. She is not well liked on either side of the aisle. Yes she does. Wonder what the topic will be at the Thanksgiving table this year.
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