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Everything posted by ifionlyknew

  1. And Monica knew that. She said it to her mother. She didn't want to be the person to bring down a president. This woman clearly had issues and instead of seeing a therapist she decided to find a way to put herself in the history books.
  2. He is not a guy who did what he did to draw attention to himself. He wanted to draw attention to what was happening to people of color at the hands of police. It is a shame he had his career ruined because of it. SE is a smart woman who isn't afraid to show a fun side to her. I didn't watch when Nicolle Wallace was on but I have seen many posts here saying she didn't know anything entertainment related. Women can be smart and also like mindless tv shows. SE seems like someone who is comfortable in her own skin and secure in who she is and what she believes. Those are things that have often been missing from whomever sat in that seat.
  3. When Monica and Linda saw each other at the mall there seemed to be for just one quick moment a flicker of something (remorse? sadness?) come across Linda's face and then it was gone and the angry smug look came back.
  4. If I am not mistaken Sunny was downplaying the need for therapy just last week or the week before. Of course she might have only been talking about herself. I must be old because I miss the days of only hearing from Presidents when they gave a speech or press conference. This is true. The media will highlight even the slightest negative thing while ignoring any positive thing. They make everything "breaking news" even when it's not. A lot of what Biden promised can't be accomplished with just him signing an executive order. He isn't a king nor does he think he is. Have to agree with you on that. I don't think she is too emotional. Sometimes her opinions are based on her emotions which makes her human. Not true. In addition to what @GHScorpiosRule said Joy isn't afraid to criticize her own party. She has friends who have different beliefs. She doesn't use inflammatory rhetoric to try to make her point. She isn't perfect and doesn't pretend to be. If Sara wants to be hopeful and look for the bright side of things then good for her. We are all judgmental. It's human nature. I personally think Sunny is more judgmental. Whoopi, Joy, Sunny and Sara have all called out Democrats and Republicans.
  5. The cohosts had a political discussion and no tantrums were thrown. Nobody rolled their eyes. They listened to each other and it was refreshing. It sounded like five friends discussing current events like you would over brunch.
  6. I remember watching her years ago on Bill Maher's Real Time and she didn't bother me. Sure sounds like her.
  7. The American Prime Suspect got good reviews. I think it's time slot played a part in it's low ratings. It was up against Private Practice and the Mentalist.
  8. That was the point. Drawing in viewers who recognized the name. I didn't watch either Prime Suspect but I remember the American version lasted only 13 episodes. The first episode drew a little over six million viewers. By week three it had lost a million viewers. By week five it had lost another million viewers. Without having seen the pilot for the new Cagney & Lacey I'm assuming they could have changed the names from Cagney & Lacey to anything and it would have been the same pilot. Back in 2013 Murder She Wrote was going to come back but without Jessica Fletcher and even without Cabot Cove. It was going to be about a hospital administrator who is an amateur sleuth played by Octavia Spencer. Angela Lansbury spoke out basically saying just because you call it Murder She Wrote doesn't mean it's Murder She Wrote. Needless to say that killed the project.
  9. Does anyone believe Sherri had any sort of training on how to use a gun? I can see her blindly shooting into a dark hallway.
  10. I don't mind Sherri on the View when she is being herself but when she slides into that character of oversexed woman panting for a man I'm out. Gotta be honest it was like bizarro world with them being complimentary when talking about Kim Kardashian. I don't care if she was funny on SNL. I don't care if she a successful businesswoman. As far as I'm concerned KK and a bunch of other reality show stars have contributed to the dumbing down of America. And Whoopi admiring Kris Jenner? Blech.
  11. Also Monica never said one word about having a crush on Chandler or he was the reason she became a chef. She could have said any of that in London after they slept together. Or even after they got serious. It would have been a nice romantic moment. But of course the writers writing those episodes didn't know about that particular Thanksgiving.
  12. Also it was the dawn of the internet. News traveled faster and wider. Newsweek had the story and wouldn't publish it but Matt Drudge put it online.
  13. I watch in the evenings on Hulu before I go to bed. I work during the day so I can't watch it live. I will occasionally watch it on you tube at work if someone has uploaded it. If ratings continue to be based only on live viewings then ratings aren't going to be correct. Surely streaming services have the data of how many users were watching a particular show. That should easily be added to the live viewers. This is 2021. There has to be a way to count all viewers. Not just the ones watching in front of a TV when a show airs.
  14. I agree. He craves attention. Joy shouldn't give him any mentions. About 10 years ago I read some magazine editor defend their continuous coverage of the Kardashians by saying it was what people wanted to see. I disagreed with him. The reason Kardashians (and so many other no talent reality show stars) stay famous is because the media keeps covering them. Very few people are saying I can't wait to see what Kim Kardashian does next. Will people click on stories about her? Yes. Would they care if less stories popped up? I doubt it.
  15. Meghan was on maternity leave this time last year so I don't think it's her absence that is responsible. I think it might be what @GHScorpiosRule said. Less people are home now. Do the ratings reflect streaming or DVR use?
  16. I loved Joan's daytime talk show. She was a great interviewer. She was funny without being mean. I have mixed feelings about her comedy. She was very funny even without the meanness but I will admit I did laugh at some of her insults. I don't have a problem with Kathryn Hahn portraying her in a movie. I like Sara Silverman but I don't see her as Joan.
  17. After Corcoran insulted Whoopi before she could respond Ana said Whoopi I got this and said to Corcoran Sara Haines and Jill Biden already wore that dress. Ana was pissed in defense of her coworker and it was glorious to see.
  18. I recently did a complete re watch of the original. And as I was watching the last season I was thinking why did they leave James out of the reboot. And I would have liked to have known what happened to Michelle Stevens. They really did screw up the opportunity to revisit the Ewings and Barnes again.
  19. My shrink says the same thing. That it is was more than just him being a dog.
  20. I take it on a case by case basis. Sometimes I think it's a good idea but the execution is flawed. I was looking forward to the Murphy Brown reboot because I thought it would be fun to see how the characters had changed with the way the news business had changed. It didn't live up to the original but I didn't think it was horrible. Will & Grace didn't want the characters to have changed. They went so far as to rewrite the original series ending. Having not watched the Roseanne reboot until it became the Conners this is my prime example of good idea but poor execution. Things look the same. They kinda sound the same but it's not the same. I don't miss Roseanne, the actress or the character but I do miss what she represented. She was the glue that kept it all together. They missed a good opportunity to show that yeah it sucks beyond belief when you lose a wife/mother/sister but you need to go on and you need to make things better for those still there. Adding Katey Sagal as Louise might help. I didn't hate the Dallas reboot but what was the point of bringing it back if you were going to ignore the enormous history of the show and spotlight new characters the audience didn't know and didn't care to know?
  21. I don't ever recall them fat shaming (jokingly or not) someone to their face.
  22. Yes. Sara didn't roll her eyes or call Joy a bitch.
  23. They did push back. But there was something about Sara's demeanor that felt off. It was like she was arguing a different point than Joy and Sunny.
  24. It is clear Monica didn't understand the ramifications of what she was doing with the President. This wasn't just some ill advised hook up with your boss. During her talks with Linda she sounded like a love sick teenager. Even after she realized there could be trouble she still was only thinking about it in terms of how this would affect her relationship with the President. She didn't want him mad at her. There was a scene in a previous episode where she hadn't heard or seen him in awhile and she made the remark he was probably seeing someone else, I think she said stewardess. So Monica I think wanted to do anything she could to keep him happy lest he move on to someone else. I wonder if she mentally blocked out the fact he was seeing someone else, his wife Hillary. And while Monica might have been ignorant of what could happen if they were caught Bill Clinton most certainly knew. It still baffles me how someone so politically savvy could be so stupid when it came to cheating on his wife. And not only cheating on his wife but exposing himself to federal charges. Clearly he let his little head do most of his thinking.
  25. I liked it too. But that is one of those cuts you have to keep maintenance on. Growing it out won't be pretty. Sara who I normally like seemed argumentative yesterday. While I might agree with her that there would be people who could afford community college who would take advantage of free tuition I don't think there would be so many that preventing that would save billions of dollars. And free tuition would just be for community colleges right? Not just any college a person applies to and is accepted? But I do wonder what would happen if there was free tuition for community colleges and people who can afford to pay to go to college go to four year colleges and what happens in the job market after they all graduate. Will employers want to hire the person who has a degree from what they consider a better college?
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