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Everything posted by ifionlyknew

  1. It was funny but Owen Wilson was obviously reading cue cards. It was very distracting.
  2. Oh for fuck sake. Seriously? So white men don't want to go to college because they will be attacked for being white men? That's our Meghan always sticking up for underdog.
  3. Sunny has said abortion is legal. She criticizes some new abortion restrictions but I do not believe she is pro choice. Ana on the other hand just said yesterday that while her religious beliefs influence how she feels about abortion she respects the fact that not everyone else feels the same way.
  4. This didn't sound right to me so I checked and the tv producer was a different Joe Behar. Wouldn't it be great if she isn't mentioned at all?
  5. So Sunny was uncomfortable watching those women share their stories of why they had abortions. How uncomfortable does she think women are listening to people debate whether they have the right to make their own fucking reproductive choices? She might not use the word infanticide the way the other one did but I find her stance just as obnoxious. Add me to the list of people who think Sunny feels more comfortable now showing her increasingly obvious conservatism.
  6. I agree. Someone can be knowledgeable about politics without being immersed in it. I personally think someone who's previous job wasn't as a political analyst/pundit might be more sincere in their opinions. It would nice to hear someone talk about how a particular issue affects them and not simply about polling numbers which she who shall not be named brought up a lot. I thought about this as well. A young single woman would be great.
  7. I don't know. A lot of men cheat. But how many of them actually develop an intimacy outside of sex with another woman? The man (or woman) becoming close emotionally with someone other than their partner is more likely to leave their partner for that person. But Ana is right. Manny would be dead either way.
  8. It is wrong to paint an entire generation as immature because one person in her 20s wasn't cut out for the job. I wasn't watching the View when Debbie was on so I can't speak to her immaturity but I did watch when Lisa Ling was on and she was only a couple years older than Debbie when she started and she wasn't immature and represented a younger person's point of view well. The View needs a younger woman's perspective. The five women they have now are all well established in their careers. They need a woman who can represent the woman who is still trying to find her place in the world.
  9. I literally laughed out loud when Sunny was asked which was worse, an emotional or a physical affair and Ana said Manny is dead no matter what. The show was fun today. There was a lot of laughter and the cohosts played off one another well. And there was no political hot topic. It felt like an old school episode of the View. More of this please.
  10. I liked Trial by Jury and rewatched it a few months ago. I would have loved to have had another season of Conviction.
  11. I agree with this. Clinton was telling her things she wanted to hear so he could use her. Monica I'm sure didn't want to believe that was what was happening and Linda egging her on definitely didn't help. I wonder at what point did Monica realize what happened with Clinton was simply about him getting what he wanted.
  12. I get that SP is a good actress but she gets so many roles. Can we spread the wealth around? That being said if I didn't know that was SP playing Linda Tripp I would have had no idea.
  13. Since we are talking about SVU may I nominate Alexandra Cabot for District Attorney? I think they have to have at least one or two familiar faces. Starting a reboot of a show with no characters from the original will be a tough sell to viewers.
  14. Sara I think just goes along to get along. The stylist is probably telling her she looks fabulous and Sara is deferring to them. Sunny on the other hand I can totally see saying nope I don't like it redo it.
  15. Anything moderate looks far left because right is far right and far right is miles beyond that. Manchin is my senator unfortunately and the bill he is against would greatly help my state but he is enjoying being the fly in the ointment because otherwise nobody would pay attention to him and woo his vote. When common sense policies that actually help people are labeled far left you have to wonder is there any hope to end this political divide? I think Whoopi has always seen herself as someone who was progressive. But now that she sees a younger more progressive movement she feels like she is being shoved aside. And also her taxes you know.
  16. My first thought was Demi Moore was the subject of a documentary then I realized you were talking about Demi Lovato. Who would have thought there would be two Demis?
  17. There were a lot of memorable defense attorneys. Maybe they will have a couple of them come back as District Attorney and assistant District Attorney. Knowing Dick Wolfe he will have heretofore unknown children of original characters be characters. Me too. I mean how can I not? I just finished an entire re watch (it took me a couple years) and was sad when I finished the last episode. Was thinking of starting over but now I have this to cautiously look forward to.
  18. Sunny reminds me of Elisabeth Hasselbeck when her husband was with the NY Giants. There was a Playboy magazine or something like that in the locker room and she was very upset because she thought it was inappropriate. Her cohosts tried to explain to her that men like to look at those kind of magazines but she didn't want to hear it. She even went so far as to say why does Tim need to look at that when he has me. I'm sure Manny would never admit it to Sunny but I'm sure he has noticed other women. Like Sara said you are going to look at people other than your spouse and think things but you choose to not do anything about it. Didn't she say he was her fantasy husband or something like that?
  19. And didn't answer questions Joy asked her. She said she liked diversity of thought but seemed awfully rigid in her thoughts.
  20. So Jada Pinkett Smith didn't want a traditional marriage but yet she took her husband's last name. I hope Sunny's marriage is as solid as she thinks it is. I see things the way Joy and Whoopi do. Some people just don't want to be married.
  21. Bruce Jenner wasn't ugly but he had zero sex appeal. I feel the same way about Caitlyn Jenner.
  22. ABC must think Whoopi is a draw for viewers because she is a movie star (but not really anymore). Or maybe they are afraid there would be backlash if they didn't renew her contract. I doubt she would go quietly. She makes a lot of money at the View for doing very little. Since she has been out the show has flowed so much better. As much as we complained about Meghan dragging down the show Whoopi does that too.
  23. So who contacted Manny's hospital? And Paloma's school? Because if that is contract tracing that is pretty damn quick. My mother had a positive covid test in December and spent seven weeks in the hospital with covid and not one single person asked her for a contact list. She also had to deal with hateful people calling her and saying vicious things to her online. So glad Whoopi was not there. That would have been a clusterfuck. Joy has always been quick on her feet. And Sara has shown herself to be a real team player.
  24. I knew you weren't criticizing. It is true politicians from both parties consider politics when dealing with LGTBQ issues but to equate the parties as the same is wrong. Ana knows who her party is.
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