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Everything posted by ifionlyknew

  1. When FNL was originally airing I wrote a blog post about how it was the best show nobody was watching. I described it as watching a reality show without the people knowing they were being filmed. Everything was always so authentic. Dillon Texas looked and felt like a real place and the actors were the people that lived there. For me it was just watching five years of these people's lives. They had their ups and downs. Some people did better than others but it always seemed real. And for anyone who dismisses this show as that show about high school football my response is FNL was about football the way Field of Dreams was about baseball.
  2. https://www.yahoo.com/news/sex-city-episode-where-carrie-215102170.html Is someone reading this board? Lol
  3. I think shows aren't expected to be good anymore. There are too many choices and I think networks just hope to make some money back. A truly exceptional show would probably go to premium cable or a streaming service that gives them a bigger budget.
  4. I don't think they can. They always look for the easiest way to program. It's why you always see clones of successful shows. They think if Friends is a hit then lets put on more shows about groups of friends. Having watched Mr. Robot I can tell you it wasn't a USA type of show. I think it would have been more suited for a premium cable channel.
  5. Yes. Robert was a character who just happened to be black. Chivon was a black character. Years ago I dated a guy who's ex was related to Blair Underwood. I have always found him so incredibly sexy.
  6. Yes why did Miranda think Robert would be devastated that she broke up with him? He liked her but he didn't act like he was head over heels in love with her. Giant cookie notwithstanding.
  7. My nephew has autism and I asked my brother once how he could tell when his son was doing something that was autism related or just being a brat. He said they could tell the difference and yes his son did get punished. Adam and Kristina could have learned something from my brother. I didn't like the Crosby character but that might have been colored by my not liking Dax Shepherd.
  8. When Cheers first aired Kirstie Alley hadn't taken a turn yet so it was easy to watch her character. I liked that Rebecca had stories not related to Sam. As much as I liked Diane her stories were almost always about her and Sam. Even when she was with Frasier it was still all about her and Sam. But now if I did a rewatch I don't know if I could separate Rebecca from Kirstie. I can't watch Everyone Loves Raymond because of my intense dislike of Patricia Heaton. I'm not sure I could watch the later seasons of Happy Days because of Scott Baio.
  9. She wants to live in an echo chamber. I doubt we will ever see her on any show that she doesn't think is friendly turf.
  10. When my husband was alive there were times cashiers and servers ignored me but talked to him. It was incredibly rude. I don't know if they didn't realize I was the one who handled the money. Needless to say any person ignoring me I'm going to ignore their tip.
  11. Yes but then there would be no paparazzi taking pics of them. Yep I feel the same way. I do like a couple of her movies. Desperately Seeking Susan and League of Their own. Speaking of which.... I can picture her as Dottie. But I think she would have been a little rougher around the edges. I think her characters in Terms of Endearment and Officer and a Gentleman were similar to Dottie.
  12. Her blurting out he was bad in bed was stupid. And very childish. I really don't think Berger's friends would care if he was bad in bed. If an ex of one of my friends badmouths them to me I'm not likely to believe anything they have to say. Pre pandemic every Saturday I would go out to lunch by myself while shopping and running errands. I cannot tell you how many times after telling the hostess it was just me being asked if I wanted to sit at the bar. No thank you I do not want to sit at the bar. I don't know if I told this story or not. I went to Maui on vacation by myself a few years back and I did the submarine tour. The tour guide told everyone to look out the window and see kissing fish and then proceeded to tell everyone to kiss the person they came with. So there I sat by myself watching everyone else share kisses. I'm perfectly happy being single. But every once in awhile something happens and I'm made to feel like I'm out of place. It is always assumed you are not single by choice. After my husband died I was a relatively young widow at 43. It wasn't long before people were wanting to know if I would ever get married again. Not wondering if I would date but get married. I guess they thought I would just move from one husband to the next without taking a break. In fact at my husband's memorial service a cousin made a scene (which I didn't see and didn't hear about till months later) by announcing she was leaving because I was trying to steal her boyfriend. It should be noted said boyfriend was in his 60s and looked like Shrek. I was very newly single and I was already judged negatively. This happened to me and a friend once. But it wasn't families she was ignoring us for but tables with men. I guess she thought she would get better tips from men. Well that isn't true. SATC thankfully showed you could have a fulfilling life single, married, with children and child free. I do think single women are judged for how they spend their money. I told a friend once about something I had bought and she said something like I have to spend my money on my grandkid's Christmas presents. And I thought OK well you do you and I will do me. I only judge Carrie's spending because she was irresponsible and had to bully a friend into loaning her money to buy her apartment.
  13. I think we are supposed to see how quickly things can go from interesting to OMG WTF are they doing. It's scary and unfortunately there are people who would like nothing more than to have a court not governed by laws. I like Wanda Sykes. I'm curious to see what she does with the role.
  14. I have done rewatches of just about everything but everything you said is why I have not watched Parenthood again. The show had so many actors I liked but I simply cannot put myself through that again.
  15. Meghan definitely seems like the type to be like you can't be friends with anyone but me.
  16. Jennifer hasn't always had the best partners so if she were to end up with someone who had been a good friend and treated her well I'm all for it.
  17. One of my best friends was a home health aid for Tom Hanks mother for quite a few years before her death. She was even invited to the funeral. She said Tom and Rita were very nice. She never once mentioned Chet.
  18. God help us all if Ross thinks they are on a break.
  19. The problem (one of several) with hiring her is given her close proximity to you know who one of two things would happen. Either he would be a topic every day or they would never talk about him. Guilfoyle would not be objective when discussing any topic concerning him. Instead of hearing myfather everyday we would hear my myboyfriend or myboyfriend's father every day. They can and they should. It doesn't have to be so acrimonious. And for the record other than Meghan the other co hosts seem to like each other. If they don't they aren't letting that bleed onto the show. For every viewer who tunes into to see a train wreck how many viewers tune out because it is a train wreck?
  20. Yes. It's all fun and games until someone gets hurt. My prediction is Wackner's court turns into everything he hated about real courts. What is that saying? Absolute power corrupts absolutely?
  21. https://www.cnn.com/style/article/and-just-like-that-fashion/index.html From the article: The styling may also offer more of a costume-like take on high fashion than today's audiences have the appetite for (think of how Field's full-on styling for "Emily in Paris" failed to wow). In 2021, one can't help but wonder whether a 50-something-year-old Carrie would still sport Manolos and chunky Mary Janes pumps at a time when, it could be argued, stilettos aren't particularly on trend. Carrie didn't follow trends. She set them. And speaking as someone who continues to wear heels even though I am 50something I don't give a fuck if they are on trend or not.
  22. There are a lot of popular movies I have watched and didn't like. Titanic for example. Happy Days (no pun intended) does that for me. No matter how many times I have seen each episode if I turn on a channel and it's on I will stop and watch it.
  23. I don't know if Wackner was supposed to have been in on the plan to rehab Joey Battle's reputation or if Wayne Brady and not a Koch brother thought he would just go along with it once he started seeing the evidence. I'm totally loving this alternative court but the sentencing people to a private prison I thought was a step too far. But then I remembered contracts states had with private prisons to fill up cells no matter what and I thought yep this sounds about right.
  24. Yes we need someone with a different perspective. Not just politically but all topics. Someone younger sees the world differently. Someone unknown would be great.
  25. I honestly had no idea who this is. I looked her up and still have no idea who this is. Kristin Bell starred on one of my all time favorite shows. Veronica Mars. However since marrying Dax Shepherd I don't like her. I watch the View and I swear they seem to be guests every month. They aren't nearly as cute as they think they are.
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