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Everything posted by ifionlyknew

  1. Especially when things just magically work out for the financially illiterate entitled person.
  2. Come sit by me and we can talk. I definitely don't think SJP is as nice as she wants everyone to think. I've always thought SJP (and MPK) took any criticism of Carrie in SATC and the movies as the audience is just misunderstanding her. Like the audience was wrong for not finding her as adorable as the writers seemed to find her. So with this show they are having Carrie be the character everyone is supposed to have sympathy for and Miranda and Charlotte (and even Samantha offscreen) are going to do things that will make the audience think poorly of them.
  3. I watch another show who's showrunner thought it would be a good idea to kill off the main character's husband shortly after having the audience think yay they are getting their happily ever after. I'm not only upset about Big's death I'm also upset that we were told there were no deaths. That was a shitty thing to do.
  4. In Candace Bushnell's recent novel "Is There Still Sex in the City" the lead character is a woman Carrie's age who suddenly finds herself single and it's about how her and her friends navigate their 50s. If the show wanted to have Carrie be single they should have whatever caused her to be single (widowhood or divorce) happen before the show started. This series is I think 8 (?) episodes. Not a lot of time to deal with Carrie's grief and hopefully have her able to move on. I will continue to watch but I don't have high hopes it will be enjoyable. I think MPK wants the show to be what he wants it to be. Not what the audience wants or even what would be a natural evolution of the characters.
  5. She also handled herself with grace after her loss. Unlike some people. Hillary is a human being and is allowed to feel what she feels.
  6. https://www.huffpost.com/entry/meghan-mccain-christmas-tree_n_61b12b5fe4b0bb13fd01f57a# The comments are great. Even without the View Meghan is still finding ways to keep herself trending. Even if it's for being an idiot.
  7. I'm going to chalk that up to a youthful mistake. In addition to being nice to look at he is also smart and seems like a nice caring guy. Which makes him even more attractive. With regards to Sunny I think she is planning her career beyond the View and is trying to (to quote former executive producer Bill Geddie) make sparks. I won't be surprised if she leaves after this season.
  8. Do I think SJP "was out to get Kim"? Not necessarily. Do I think SJP made it a hostile ish work environment? Maybe. I've always said life is like high school. And not in a good way. Kim was the breakout star of SATC IMO. The show was intended to be a project for SJP to star in. But it evolved into more of an ensemble and Kim's character was a lot of people's favorite. SJP could have resented that. She might not have even been consciously aware she resented it. It could also be something as simple as they had different personalities and just didn't click as friends. From everything we have seen and read SJP likes to dress up and go to events in NYC. Kim doesn't seem interested in being a celeb at all. I think for her being an actress is her job and once the job is done she goes back to her regular life.
  9. Legit question. Has there ever been a televangelist not accused of shady shit? On a related note I watched Eyes of Tammy Faye earlier today. Jessica Chastain was fabulous.
  10. I feel safe in saying I'm sure ABC will find a way to fuck up what seems to be working. They seem hellbent on having the "conservative" point of view represented. Neglecting to see that some of the existing co hosts do in fact have some conservative views. It was funny that Joy has suddenly discovered air fryers. They have been around for awhile. Reminds me of when Barbara was there. She had connections to everyone.
  11. I will cut her some slack. She did say after coming through cancer she feels like she has to enjoy life because it can be taken away very quickly. I am glad to see she is working again. She was right in saying what Amy Coney Barrett was saying was nonsense. Talking about Safe Haven laws as if that is an alternative to abortion. The issue isn't what happens after a pregnancy is carried to term but whether a pregnancy should be forced to be carried to term. If a former blond co host was still on the show this discussion would have been much different.
  12. Yes. Real change that is transformative is incremental. But today with everything being live streamed and reported on in real time there seems to be an expectation of things literally changing overnight.
  13. I agree but Sunny more than Joy regarding the Cuomos. Joy did preface her remarks acknowledging she knows the family. Whether it was unethical or not it just plain looks bad. Sara was right. This just gives credence to people who think the media (and CNN specifically) are not honest and trustworthy. I get what he was saying and he is right that for some people being "anti-racist" is virtue signaling. However I do think the more people who show their willingness to understand racism is still very much alive in this country is a good thing.
  14. Anyone who watches the show regularly can see the difference from when SWSNBN was there and now. Just think of how many hot topics would have been avoided out of fear the other one would have had a melt down. There was always tension in the air before and now that tension is gone. Now if we could just move Whoopi out of that moderator chair.
  15. Sunny is right. I have heard people choosing to not have kids because they can't afford it criticized. And I have heard people choosing to have kids even if they can't afford it criticized. People are going to criticize because that is what people do.
  16. I googled the billboard company and I'm pretty sure that is in Arizona. She has to have a billboard in her own home state to promote an audible. When will she realize that unlike Sally Field people do not like her, they really do not like her?
  17. All I'm going to say about this is Kyle Rittenhouse shouldn't have killed anyone. Period.
  18. Season 9 EP 23 and 24. The two parter Refuge about the Russian mob. I've said before it is my absolute favorite episodes. It had great police work and great courtroom scenes. Also Season 10 EP 16, Trade This. The one about the stock broker who committed fraud. There were some great twist and turns. It had Vincent Curatola (Johnny Sacks from the Sopranos) who I always loved to see in anything.
  19. If they openly say how awful she was SWSNBN would just use it to further her always the victim narrative. I'm enjoying the little digs they are all throwing out there.
  20. That was/is still happening. Harvey Weinstein did that to so many women. That is how I see it. If it was already widely known why publicize it now? I'm going to save my outrage for the still living predators. Woody Allen and Roman Polanski to name just two.
  21. This show had incredible writing and unbelievably they never won an Emmy for writing. They were nominated once for Killing all the Right People in 1988. It lost to an episode of Frank's Place. This show could take any serious topic and present it in such a way that was not only respectful but laugh out loud funny at the same time. Reservations for Eight is one of my favorite episodes. I loved any episode that put most of the cast in the same room together. Another favorite is E P Phone Home when they go to Memphis.
  22. And I'm not sure this is even something people are talking about. I had not heard or read anything about it till they had it as a "hot" topic on the View. So many other things to talk about and they chose this?
  23. One of my best friends, known her since kindergarten, is an LPN. She and her family had Covid a couple months ago. Her mother died from it. She took a leave of absence from her job because she is refusing to get vaccinated. She lives in a state that has mandated health care workers be vaccinated. Honestly we talk a lot less than we used to. I can understand Sunny not being able to consider Jed her friend anymore.
  24. Even after Sunny said that two of those 762,000 were her in laws. If Jed had said I am not going to get the vaccine and explained why and then said but for anyone who can get the vaccine please do that would have been one thing but for her to act like the vaccines don't work so why even get one is wrong. Yesterday she identified herself as "a conservative who grew up in NYC" so I guess she no longer wants to be coy. I remember reading all the comments here during her co host tenure and I remember thinking there is no way that woman is not a conservative.
  25. That is actually a good question. I have a coworker who has an auto immune disease and on immunosuppressive meds so he cannot take the vaccine and unfortunately he had Covid last month. He was sick for a couple weeks. Didn't Jed have Covid earlier this year or maybe last year? Maybe that is why she thinks she is protected.
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