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Everything posted by ifionlyknew

  1. Did I read there were more scenes of Big? Maybe flashbacks that will show them throughout their marriage?
  2. As I have yours. We have had some great insightful conversations on that board. I don't have a problem with Carrie going back to her apartment. That apartment represents who she was before she married Big so it makes sense her wanting to return there since she is no longer with Big. As much as I liked Carrie with Big I don't think Carrie with Big was the real Carrie. Her moving back home will allow her to become her authentic self again. If the writers don't fuck it up.
  3. Thank you. I have analyzed these characters for over 20 yrs. LOL
  4. Carrie's dad left the family when she was young which I'm sure affected her and led her to choose men that were not the best boyfriend material. I think Carrie was more committed to the drama that came with men like Big than the peace and contentment that came with someone like Aidan. Even after Big died Carrie was looking for drama concerning him.
  5. This is exactly how I feel. So disappointed but believe the women. If not for CN portraying Peter Florrick I would have hated that character. The same with Mr. Big from SATC. But now I will never look at those two characters the same way again. I remember when that happened and yet for some reason it didn't stick with me. Even at the time it was considered not a big deal and didn't hurt his career. Things are much different now. Wonder what happens to his role on the Equalizer.
  6. I can't remember what show a writer was talking about but they said they didn't watch the show they wrote for. If more writers feel that way it would explain why so many shows have glaring inconsistencies. I am still not over that. After watching that reboot I had to immediately watch the movie to cleanse my palate.
  7. Which begs the question? Which is worse? A physical betrayal or an emotional betrayal? For me a partner having feelings for someone else would hurt me more.
  8. It's funny because it's true. Big did tell Carrie he was going to leave Natasha. But then he told Carrie it was going to cost him and he seemed a lot less inclined to divorce her. My belief is they took the plot of third movie and have spread it across 8 (?) episodes and have added all these new characters to fill time.
  9. MPK is going to do what MPK is going to do. I don't think he has ever taken any criticism from the audience or reviewers to heart. It appears to be he is using SATC characters to tell stories he wants to tell instead of telling the stories of SATC characters. It is lazy and unimaginative. And sadly I'm not surprised.
  10. If they are in a defined relationship yes. If the kid is bringing home random hookups, absolutely not.
  11. Did Sunny save herself for marriage? She got married when she was 30 years old.
  12. MPK is like that guy who hounds you to go out with him and when you say no they say I didn't want to go out with you anyways. And you are ugly. If Kim showed interest in coming back (which I don't think she ever will) he would change his tune.
  13. I'm not proud of this but my aforementioned dead husband was married when I met him. His wife called me telling me to stay away from her husband. I told her her problem was with her husband not me. Big was the one at fault for cheating on Natasha. Carrie made very poor choices when choosing to have an affair with him.
  14. Me too. But he lost me when he went over the top crazy about J Lo when she was still married to her second husband. And of course that video of him literally kissing her ass. Wonder how long before he will squander the "gift" of being back with J Lo. But Sunny thinks blurting things out is being honest and/or being a straight shooter. Just because you blurt out something that is true doesn't mean it is a good thing to do.
  15. Thank you. It will be 10 years in June. There is no right way to grief but they need to show Carrie moving on but still feeling the loss. It's Ok to laugh and enjoy life. With that being said am I the only one who thinks she was more grief stricken after the aborted wedding from the first movie? I mean she had to be spoon fed for fuck sake.
  16. I completely understood Carrie being devastated Big was marrying Natasha. He had led her to believe he was never going to get married again and here he was marrying someone younger (and IMO prettier). So it's not that Big didn't want to get married, he just didn't want to marry Carrie. So yeah she did take some satisfaction consciously or not when Big was cheating with her.
  17. Did I really hear Carrie say Big chose her over Natasha? That isn't how I remember it. So I guess we are going to see Miranda take the same path as Cynthia Nixon and be attracted to someone who isn't her male partner. I'm fine with that storyline as I am someone who was never a fan of Miranda and Steve together. But I think Miranda would have connected more with the professor. Agree. This could be a good storyline if they write it well which unfortunately I don't think they will. I have lost a spouse and there are always going to be things you didn't know about them. Did they finish the reading of the will offscreen? Does Carrie get everything minus the charitable gifts and Natasha's $1 million? After my husband died (I was 43 so even younger than Carrie) I cried every day for almost a year. Not all day but at least once a day I would cry. I don't think we have seen Carrie process what happened. She was always an emotional person (although not as emotional as Charlotte) and what we are seeing is Carrie very tightly wound. Which is understandable. She is probably thinking if I let go I will never recover. But she will never get over the acute grief if she doesn't deal with it. Still miss Samantha.
  18. I think the writers think they are writing this show to be cool or hip or whatever the term is now to describe whatever is cool or hip. And is proving that if you have to show people how cool or hip or whatever you are then you aren't cool or hip or whatever. Has anyone here listened to podcast about sex and heard people talk about masturbating in public? It is still illegal right? And gross.
  19. So when he starts drinking again is he going to blame Jennifer Lopez? Jennifer Garner is so much better off without him.
  20. When this show was first announced a lot of us here on this board thought maybe just maybe this show would do just that. Looks like that was us way overestimating what the people involved in this show were capable/willing to do.
  21. I did a re watch of those four episodes a couple weeks ago. Yet another creator/writer who knew what they wanted to write and didn't care if it was true to the characters or not. Oh yeah. At some point on SATC Carrie stopped being Carrie and became SJP. I used to think after SATC SJP was still being Carrie in real life till I realized that Carrie had become SJP. Unfortunately I think that is going to be the base level of writing for this. Clumsy.
  22. I like Kristin but how long has she been in show business? Long enough to know celebs are judged on their appearance. Right or wrong they just are. She doesn't look horrible. But she looks different enough that you know she did have work done. And there is nothing wrong with that. She just happened to have had bad work done. She would have been better off just ignoring what she didn't like to hear or said yeah I had work done. I'm an actress of a certain age and we are expected to try and stay youthful looking.
  23. As far as I'm concerned jury is still out on the fashions.
  24. And correct me if I am wrong but wouldn't Samantha being representing Carrie the person and not just Carrie the author? Also during that scene how was Miranda supposed to know the student she called him was actually them? The writers are throwing in a bunch of stuff that feels like they are just throwing it in to say see we get it. But in reality no they do not get it.
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