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Everything posted by ifionlyknew

  1. And Giselle from Empire. If you do grow up to up to be her you get that gorgeous husband of hers.
  2. Well Carrie was the woman who said she would buy Vogue instead of food so that tells you her priorities. I don't know how NYC funeral homes do things but when my husband died the funeral home called me and told me his ashes were ready to be picked up. He was in a cardboard box but some good friends had asked if they could buy me a container for him. Which they did. It is an enamel box with the logo of his favorite football team on it. I know Carrie will probably spread his ashes but why not put him in an urn or something till then?
  3. That new friendship is totally believable to me. As soon as I saw that I thought I wonder how much Barney's is paying for that product placement. Charlotte definitely. But Harry I think would be "Just call me Harry".
  4. That episode always bothered me so much. Was there not one person on the writing staff who remembered the second season? Not to mention the actors themselves. The rewriting of them not knowing Jo wasn't even all that relevant to the plot. Just stupid lazy writing.
  5. We don't know what we don't know. He was such a good actor, On screen and off screen apparently. I don't see how he can ever come back from this. I will continue to watch L & O, the Good Wife and SATC but I will never be able to see him without thinking about what he is accused of doing.
  6. Yes, they have over corrected. Instead of having characters who just so happen to be non-binary or a person of color they have written a non binary character and three people of color characters. There is a difference. One of my best friends, a gay man, said he would rather be known as a man who is gay rather than a gay man. I'm surprised it wasn't the tutu. I like both those characters but wish they would also become friends with the other women. Our core group is spending less time with each other. He isn't that clever. My opinion is MPK has never cared what viewers thought. One of my criticisms of the original show was the seasons were filmed quite awhile before they aired. And once they were airing they were already onto the next season. So if something wasn't well received in the season that was currently airing they weren't going to fix it the next season because they had already started the next season. I'm not saying you have to write to please your fanbase but is it so hard to listen to what they have to say and consider they might have some valid points?
  7. As someone who lives in West Virginia I should have been surprised by that but I wasn't. There are a lot of people who think we are western Virginia. I'm not usually one to rant against the media but the CNN anchor should have corrected her or at the very least told the audience she mistakenly referred to West Virginia as Virginia. But sadly maybe he didn't realize it was two different states either. My impression of Love when she was on the View was that she was only interested in knowing what she already knew. So while she might have been familiar with Virginia having served in Congress and presumably lived in that metropolitan area which includes part of Virginia she was probably unaware of West Virginia. Or maybe she just didn't pay attention in geography class. Or ever seen a list of states.
  8. Speaking of porn, I laughed when Sylvie asked Luc what actress would want sprayed with Champere and he said porn actress.
  9. It was I who said groovy was outdated. At 53 I'm right behind you. So my apologies. But when I hear the word groovy I picture tie dye clothes with a CCR song playing.
  10. My question is did she ever have that? From the very beginning she had people around her that wanted something from her. You always hope your family, especially your parents, will look out for you and that didn't happen here. Once you are married you hope your spouse will have your back. And that didn't happen for Britney. Maybe her fiance is a nice guy. Only time will tell. She had always seemed so trusting and a genuinely nice person but I'm sure the past 13 yrs have caused her to be very distrusting and suspicious of everyone and everything.
  11. I agree with you. For me it's like how I found Carrie Bradshaw so annoying but loved SATC. This show is easy to watch. I don't have to overthink it and it has great clothes and great scenery.
  12. Cool will always be cool. Groovy or rad are dated. They could have had Carrie grow up to be Candace. Carrie could have continued writing books. Her books could have been optioned again. This time without Matthew McConaughey. But nope they didn't do that. I think the writers are going for things coming full circle but it's coming across as regressing.
  13. I like Lisa. I like Dr. Wallace. And now I like Seema. However the time Carrie, Miranda and Charlotte spent with them is time they didn't spend with each other. Not saying they can't have stories away from each other but there are only 10 episodes. I saw more chemistry between Miranda and her professor than I did between Miranda and Che. If I a viewer can see that why can't the people actually making the show see that? Yes I know this is just my opinion but I think Miranda connecting with someone who has similar interests makes more sense. The podcast producer screaming about them not getting enough clicks or shares or whatever she said was like nails on a chalkboard for me. I hate, and I mean absolutely hate, we now live in a world where it revolves around what people are doing on social media. Any guesses on where Carrie ends up spreading Big's ashes?
  14. There is a lot of story to be told about a single or widowed 50something woman dating. Dating in your 50s is not the same as dating in your 20s or 30s. You have changed and dating has changed. I don't have faith these writers are up to the task of handling it in a funny or entertaining way.
  15. I guess that would depend on what the cause of her needing a conservator was. And if that cause has been resolved.
  16. I understand why they made that statement. None of them want to face the criticism other celebs have faced when they have said things like "(fill in the blank) has always been a perfect gentleman to me". Privately they may reach out to him and then again they might just delete him from their contacts. The Beverly Johnson accusations were known when he was hired back in the late 90s. But as far as I know these most recent accusations have been the only ones since then. If he did something on the set during those years surely it will come out now. A lot of women find the courage to come forward after other women come forward first. The similarity in these women's accusations make me think he has done this a lot. You know with most celebs who have had sexual harassment/assault accusations against them I usually think yeah I totally saw that coming (even with Bill Cosby I knew something wasn't right with him) but with Noth I never got that vibe. Clearly I misjudged him.
  17. I wonder what would have happened if they hadn't killed off Big. Obviously this season has concluded filming but if there was going to be a second season and Big was still alive how would they have dealt with that?
  18. For a lot of people it's when the adrenaline wears off. At first you are busy doing things that need to be done. You have things to plan. People are checking in on you. And then all of a sudden it's quiet. And if you live alone you really notice the quiet. And just like that you realize your life will never be the same. For Carrie she not only needs to mourn Big she also needs to mourn the future life they would have had. My husband died nine years ago. Even now something will happen and it makes me sad that he isn't here for it. My son is having his first child in June and my husband won't be here to play grandpa. Yes I hate it. it-it- the f - it -flam - flames. Flames, on the side of my face, breathing-breathl- heaving breaths. Heaving breaths... Heaving (tm Mrs. White from Clue) Carrie would be much better suited for a podcast about shoes. I would listen to that.
  19. I agree with this. It's not that Miranda isn't interested in sex. She just isn't interested in it with him. If the writers even flirt with this by having Carrie wonder I am out. We saw Natasha after her and Big split and she was not pregnant. It would be one too many plot contrivances for me. But I can see the writers, specifically MPK, have Natasha mention her kids just to get the audience wondering.
  20. I always thought Miranda was the character who had the worst wardrobe during SATC. This might explain why. https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/patricia-field-kim-cattrall-absence-cynthia-nixon-175446462.html From the article: Cynthia Nixon thinks she knows everything — and she doesn’t!” Field laughed. “Even today, when I speak with Molly, it’s about Cynthia. I say, ‘I remember what you are going through.'"
  21. I never liked Steve. Liked him even less with Miranda. So as much as I would be thrilled to see her leave him I'm just not buying her with Che. I see zero chemistry and their personalities are just too different. If the show wanted us to think Che was Gen Z or a millennial then perhaps they should have hired an actor in that age range. Seems like they are writing the role to fit Sara Ramirez. And as far as this show being a comedy yes we might be laughing but it's not in the places they think we should be.
  22. I think if social media had been around when it originally aired I think we would have heard more about the backstage tensions.
  23. I never liked Stanford. He was whiny. He was bitchy. And honestly I saw no need for his character. If I remember correctly he only had one scene away from Carrie, him in the gay bar. I much prefer Anthony.
  24. Wouldn't be the first time I kept watching a show because I enjoyed talking about it so much. I've watched the View for years simply because of the board on this site. Anthony is the gay best friend we all wish we had.
  25. I'm inclined to believe this was Ben's fucked up way of telling the world that while yes he was married to Jen G and had kids it wasn't the right thing for him and he is so much happier being with Jen L again. Now of course he can't say it exactly like that so he says it the way he did say it to Howard Stern.
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