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Everything posted by ifionlyknew

  1. It was because of Rock performing in some school thing that Charlotte and Harry found out. The parents Charlotte was zooming referred to how well Rock had done during her performance and Charlotte was unaware of who they were talking about. I add this to the list of plot contrivances the writers have written to facilitate a story point they need to tell. A big problem (in my not some humble opinion) is SATC was a comedy that would add in some drama and tragedy. And they would lighten the mood if things got too dark. But this show is way too much drama. The only comedy we are getting is a funny quip from Anthony. What the show thinks is funny is not.
  2. This would have made such sense. But then there wouldn't be the conflict we saw. I understand this is all fictional and the writers are going to write things to invoke drama but regarding something like a gender fluid/non binary preteen they really should try to write it in a realistic way. But since I have no personal experience with this maybe this is a realistic? I just don't know.
  3. But Rock was already out enough that the parents of her classmates knew. Now the school might not have known that but I didn't like the school presuming Harry and Charlotte weren't being supportive. Also Rock announced her wanting to be called Rock on Tik Tok and expected her parents would watch and that would be that. Is this what people in Rock's generation do? Is it too much to ask that she would have come to her parents and talked about it with them?
  4. There was the episode Samantha was seeing the man with a servant and Charlotte said something about it. I don't remember exactly what she said but wasn't it something about there being different classes of people?
  5. Perhaps this already exists but I would love to read a think piece about SATC that addresses the things that haven't aged well and how those things would be written differently today. Maybe the writers think they are doing that with Miranda and Steve but their relationship isn't something that hasn't aged well.
  6. I would believe that but I don't think the writers are writing it that way. I think they (and also Cynthia Nixon) expect the audience to think Miranda is finally finding her true self or some shit. I wouldn't have a problem with that story if it was with the right character and that character isn't Miranda. As I said on another post the writers are writing stories they want to tell and are using the characters they have available to them.
  7. I had one of those. I only saw him for a minute before they put me under but he was hot. The nurses were talking about him before he came in and I thought how hot could he be. They weren't exaggerating. Lol And I just have to say I've been enjoying the discussion on this board so much more than actually watching the show. If by some chance there is a second season they need to have us consult.
  8. This is me too. I never bought them as a long term couple but the show insisted they were so I accepted it. And now they want to say Miranda never wanted the life she ended up with. Well duh. I knew that 20 yrs ago but you didn't listen to me. You don't get to change things now because Miranda's portrayer has a different life and expect viewers to just be ok with it. Yes women sometimes later in life realize they aren't what they thought they were regarding sexual identity but they don't disavow the life they had led up to that point. If Miranda spent time with her professor and they grew close and she realized her and Steve were no longer feeling like husband and wife and she wanted to explore a relationship with the professor that is a story I would have said yes to.
  9. Chris Noth's troubles do seem to be a convenient excuse for HBO to say no thanks to a second season. But we the viewers can see with our own eyes why this show most likely will not be getting a second season. But I do wonder if they wrote the last episode with an eye toward another season. But at this point they could literally have a cliffhanger with the women hanging off a cliff and I won't care what happens to them. Yes. It's like the writers read a book called "Progressive Storylines for Once Beloved Comedy Series Reboots for Dummies". This is true and I'm pretty sure Carrie even said if they couldn't be there she would hire people. I think so too. And this isn't a criticism of just AJLT. So many shows and movies continue to show women as being helpless without a man. They had to find a way for Miranda and Che to hook up without it looking like they planned to hook up. Also since Miranda misbehaved in front of Carrie she now believes what Charlotte said about Miranda having a drinking problem. And as far as that three month time jump I would totally believe it was just so they could show Carrie in those shoes. Great minds think alike @greekmom
  10. I think a lot of it is ego. KC never let Samantha define her. But I do think SJP liked being Carrie Bradshaw. At some point I think the line got blurred and I honestly don't know if SJP is playing Carrie or if Carrie is now inhabiting SJP in real life. I also think Cynthia Nixon wanted her story told. And if this is her real life story all I can say is yikes. I've read too many interviews with MPK to not know he thinks way too highly of himself. He probably thinks this is high art.
  11. Have we heard from MPK or any of the writers since the first episode? I wonder what they think of all the criticism. They have to be aware of it. They wrote this stuff. So either come out and defend it or acknowledge you might have missed the mark. Maybe that is what they want. Ever since the second movie there was a large fanbase that wanted more. I only wanted more if it was done well and from what I have seen so far I would rather have just imagined the characters living their best lives offscreen. As good as this show has been to the stars and MPK maybe they just want to be done with it. Without Samantha (and Kim Cattrall) it was never going to be as good as original recipe SATC. So maybe they thought they would just throw everything but the kitchen sink (oh wait it was up against the kitchen sink Che gave Miranda an orgasm) at us and hope some of it sticks. I'm the opposite. I will do another rewatch just as a palate cleanser from this disappointment. I can't figure out if they are going for funny or cringe. Or maybe they think they are being real about showing women in their 50s. I am a woman in my 50s and none of this is real to me. And I am a widow like Carrie. But I didn't get the huge inheritance she did.
  12. I remember in one of the recent SATC books about the show it was said that there was a writers room where they came up with the storylines. If that is still true was there not one writer who could see the dumpster fire that this show would become?
  13. Only if we don't have to hear "my father" every day.
  14. Yes, me too. Just because I loved a show that featured four white women who mostly interacted with mostly white people doesn't mean I didn't also watch and love shows that featured a diverse cast. And just because AJLT has added characters (and actors) that are more diverse doesn't automatically mean they are telling good stories.
  15. Clearly those of us that post here should be writing for AJLT. That would have been perfect.
  16. I never liked Steve either but the writers just dismissing their marriage as something Miranda was never really invested in is just plain wrong. Yes couples grow apart but what we are seeing is Miranda hating her marriage and not caring at all about the effect of what she is doing will have on her husband. Or even her son. When she is with Che she becomes like a lovesick puppy. Miranda please listen to us. They are not worth it. Yes to all of this. I really felt for Charlotte and Harry. The school seemed to be judging them for not approving of something they hadn't really known about. I've always wondered when a show or movie needs a character that is unattractive what does the casting call sheet read? Ugly actor wanted? If a male character didn't want an unattractive therapist they would write him as being an asshole. The writers are really missing the mark on a lot of things.
  17. Aww thank you. I knew as soon as I wrote it the chances of the writers doing that were zero.
  18. When they were having lunch and Carrie was telling them about her hip I noticed how Cynthia Nixon was portraying Miranda. Louder than usual. Talking fast. And I thought why is her acting so bad. And then I realized CN was portraying Miranda as not being herself. Once you develop a drinking problem even if you are not drinking at that moment your behavior and personality changes. I think once Miranda stops drinking and deals with her reason for drinking, because there is always a reason, we will see her slowly become herself again. And maybe she will realize her marriage is worth saving.
  19. Carrie was mad at Miranda for what happened. Which I understand because Miranda was supposed to be there taking care of Carrie. However if I was Carrie I would not be happy with Che either. They hooked up with her best friend in her kitchen. I wonder if we will see Miranda feeling guilty about what happened. Will they have her tell Steve like they had Steve tell her in the first movie?
  20. It is yet one more plot contrivance. This time to get Carrie with the hot PT therapist. I wonder how the writers expect us to look at that. Would the writers have had a man do that to Miranda? And Che knows Miranda is married right? That friend used to be Samantha. Why do the writers insist on continuing to make sure we know Brady and his girlfriend are having sex? Did we really need to know they ordered lube? So now we have checked off the box for joint pain. And threw in opioids as well. Wonder what box will be checked next episode.
  21. I don't think Dershowitz should be giving any "analysis" related to Virginia Giuffre. Actually I don't think he should be given any airtime to talk about anything related to Epstein. Anything he says is going to be self serving.
  22. I watched Scandal when it was on TV but I didn't watch the episodes till the morning after they aired on Hulu. I watched before I went to work so about 6-7 hrs after it aired. So I'm watching an episode and I'm scrolling through FB and I see that someone posted her reaction to something that happened on the show. It was a pretty big thing and was a shock. I guess she had the right to post whatever she wanted but I still thought you bitch. Today you have to assume there are going to be spoilers everywhere. I had another (now former) FB friend who would post score updates on football games. I think someone finally told her to stop. Apparently she didn't realize or care how many people record the games if they can't watch them live.
  23. And Che left without washing their hands after just having them down Miranda's pants. WTF?
  24. I don't even know where to start. When Carrie was telling Miranda how wrong it was to hook up with Che in the kitchen it took her awhile to say and oh yeah you are married. I get that Miranda is unhappy with her life but to watch her spiral is tough. Did I hear Carrie refer to herself as a senior? I really didn't like Rock's school acting like Charlotte and Harry weren't supportive.
  25. I don't care what the context is of that scene. That outfit is the stuff of nightmares.
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