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Everything posted by ifionlyknew

  1. In my county yes, school board members are elected. Superintendent is someone who is hired for the position. I personally think school board members should be teachers, or at least someone with some sort of knowledge of the education system. I hate to see curriculums becoming political. And increasingly more and more parents and teachers on opposite sides with the kids caught in the middle.
  2. As a Steeler fan I was happy to see him go. I was more upset about Santonio Holmes being traded after all his drama. My former boss is a Raider fan and when they signed AB I told him good luck, now he is your problem.
  3. And if there is a new trial any potential jurors will most likely know all about this. They are going to know that one jury already convicted her of five of the six charges and a new trial was only ordered because of legal technicality. Who knows? Maybe she will finally decide to play whatever cards we all know she is holding.
  4. It was almost 20 years before I realized the Baltimore Ravens were named that because of Edgar Allen Poe.
  5. Yeah the impression I got was Seema must have been getting a huge commission from selling Carrie that apartment. There was nothing about the apartment that was even remotely close to Carrie's style. And how rich do you have to be to buy what I assume is a multi million dollar apartment and then decide to sell it shortly afterwards? I'm asking because I don't know, is it wrong to have Madame Alexander dolls now? I am only vaguely familiar with them. And I'm confused about the timeline. At the end of last week's episode it was three months from Miranda's kitchen hook up. So where are we now in time? Carrie bought an apartment and closed on it. How long does that take? No mention of Miranda seeing Che again. Are they texting? Did Che hit it and quit it? And I would have thought Charlotte would have been more judgmental about Miranda cheating on Steve rather than Miranda possibly being a lesbian. Clearly Anthony is playing the role that Willie Garson would have played had he been able to continue playing Stanford. On the one hand I find it weird because I don't ever remember Carrie and Anthony being friendly (although once Anthony married Stanford I'm sure they did become friends) but on the other hand we get to see more of Anthony which is fine by me. Yes. Maybe that is the doctor's schtick. Flirt with every patient to get them to have procedures done. They played the instrumental Hello It's Me when Carrie opened the box with Big's records. It is a really beautiful piece of music. Rock is not being a brat which I'm pleasantly surprised about. Usually shows will have a kid their age be sullen and miserable.
  6. Are we supposed to find Harris throwing her bills in the garbage funny? And Dan being proud of her for doing that? I will keep watching because it is what I do but I'm finding less and less to enjoy about it. I don't think I cracked a smile once, let alone laugh, one time during this episode.
  7. I'm not a huge fan of Ana's however I agree with everything you said. Sunny seems to want a foe and Ana is a convenient target. But as you said when she had a co host who deserved to have Sunny's frustration turned on her it didn't happen. It is rude though. Especially cutting into Yvette's time. She didn't even apologize. As I have said before I will shocked if Sunny is on the View next season.
  8. As much as I liked them as a couple I never bought they were each other's soulmates or they were meant to be together all along. I don't think any man Carrie was involved with seemed like the end game. Now that I'm older and have had quite a few years and several re watches to look at things differently, I would rather Carrie have ended the series single. Now that she is single let's see what the writers do with that.
  9. The show never really liked to show Carrie actually working. Yeah they would show her typing on her laptop and she made a few appearances at Vogue but mostly we saw Carrie being free to do whatever she wanted. Honestly I cannot imagine Carrie having a job that required her to be someplace for eight hours a day doing something that she gets paid for. I wonder what her life with Big was like. He had a job. What did she do all day? Miranda had a job until recently. Charlotte had the kids. Samantha had some freedom with her job but she wouldn't have been hanging with Carrie all day. Maybe she hung out with Sanford.
  10. I understand that however when we see Carrie moving on which I take to mean she will eventually date what exactly will that look like? What was it that Jackie O'nassis said. First you marry for love then you marry for money and finally you marry for companionship. Is now the time Carrie finally finds a man that is right for her? I was a Big and Carrie fan but I never thought they were right for each other. They better not bring Aidan back and make it seem like they were always destined to be together. What are they going to say? Third time is the charm?
  11. I thought about that too. Maybe she thought it would humanize her. Or make her look sympathetic. Most likely she never thought she would be convicted. For anyone who is interested in the whole story about Theranos read the book Bad Blood by John Carreyrou. He is the Wall Street Journal reporter who first broke the story. There were people scared to talk to him. My belief is Holmes and later Sunny knew what they were doing was bullshit and were so far in it they had to keep going because they knew if they were caught they were in big trouble. It amazes me that some very smart people fell for her con.
  12. That is what I thought they would have done. I pictured one of the them doing online dating and all the fun stuff that could have come with that.
  13. SATC never shocked me. So why MPK thought he needed to with recent SATC projects is beyond me. The show did have storylines. They continued for years. But with the second movie and the proposed third movie it became all about lets see what crazy scenario we can put the women in. I think they are trying to compete with other more buzzworthy shows. Which in the process they lose what made this show so special. Other than the second movie I never rolled my eyes at any of Samantha's storylines. KC always took what was written for her and made it work. Even when she pulled up her skirt to show Carrie what she did with her nether region. I laughed because I totally believed Samantha would do that. I only cried twice when watching this show and one of the times was when Samantha caught Richard with his head between another woman's legs and she broke the heart painting saying there now your heart is broken too. I felt so bad for her. I have had men cheat on me and I felt her hurt.
  14. I might have had them divorced. Carrie having signed a prenup she could have had to start over. And if there was a divorce they could have shown the reality that as a woman gets older it's a lot more likely her ex is going to remarry and to a younger woman. Carrie could have had a new stick figure with no soul to hate. When this show was first announced I did theorize Miranda would run for office. I also thought they might have had her run into Robert. She might have caught a glimpse of a road not taken. They could have done any number of things with Charlotte. I would have kept her happy with Harry. But I do think with her girls getting older and needing her less she might have felt like she needed something to do. She could have volunteered somewhere. Or maybe she could have become a lifestyle/mommy blogger or something and become famous. Not in my wildest dreams did I think they would have Carrie peeing in a Snapple bottle and Miranda cheating on Steve in Carrie's kitchen.
  15. Regarding Elizabeth Holmes it is absolutely the fact she was an attractive woman that she was able to do the con for so long. It's not a coincidence that it was men she initially conned into investigating. I remember reading the book about the whole thing and her claim that a single drop of blood could diagnose a long list of diseases and thinking get the fuck out of here. Even I knew that was bullshit.
  16. When SWSNBN was there the co hosts had to make it a point to emphasize they were not holding her responsible for her party's actions. It's unfair for Sunny to hold Ana responsible. Especially when she isn't in lockstep with most of her party's policies.
  17. What would have even been the thought process behind writing that storyline? It wouldn't have been well received. I mean just look at the horror of just hearing about it. There is no way Samantha would have done that. And the writers, assuming it was MPK, clearly didn't care enough about the characters (or maybe just Samantha and by extension KC) to be true to them.
  18. The fact Miranda cheated is being glossed over. Miranda's explanation to Carrie that she is unhappy doesn't excuse it. That was Steve's excuse in the first movie and Miranda didn't cut him any slack. I feel like the writers expect us to sympathize with Miranda and I would do that if maybe they showed her being the least little conflicted but all I'm seeing is her giggling like a school girl over an absolutely awful character who I no doubt is going to end up hurting her. When Carrie cheated on Aidan she at least felt guilty about it. And yes I know her and Aidan were on more solid ground than Miranda and Steve. If they have Miranda stop drinking will she better deal with her unhappiness? Because I'm really hoping the woman we are watching now is just drunk Miranda and the real Miranda will make an appearance when she gets sober.
  19. From the article: But in our collective older age, many of us are wise enough to know that’s not the end of every woman’s story. Maybe things continue to change, and maybe everything she thought she had figured out ends up being nothing like she expected. Maybe that’s uncomfortable. And maybe that’s good. That is not what we are seeing. That is what we wanted to see. And the writer said the scene in the kitchen was steamy. Yeah, no.
  20. As a Steeler fan I have wrestled with my feelings for the man off the field and the QB on the field. Whatever you may think about him he had a tremendous career and I will miss him as our QB.
  21. I'm afraid that this will be a criticism of any criticism leveled at the show. That the audience just doesn't get it. As if we are the problem. Has anyone read a positive review of the show in general or this episode in particular? I know that movies and TV shows get criticism (mostly valid) that sex is shown in an unrealistic way. Too perfect. Nobody is sweating. A woman's hair is perfect. But I do think SATC did a good job with their sex scenes. But I don't know what AJLT was going for with that kitchen scene. It was uncomfortable to watch. It's getting a lot of media attention so maybe that is what they wanted but if I were to ever rewatch this episode I will be skipping that scene.
  22. I legit thought they were both pics of Khloe. Did Chrissy show a pic of Khloe to her doctor and say I want to look like her?
  23. Golden Girls worked and still works because their "wokeness" wasn't wokeness. They were just who they were. They believed what they believed and treated people the way they treated them because they were on the right side. There was never an agenda. The same cannot be said for AJLT. I had heard the name Samantha Irby before but didn't know who she was. Am I wrong in thinking Che is supposed to be her?
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