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Everything posted by ifionlyknew

  1. I read a quote from CN where she does say that. It might have been in the recent HBO book. It still feels like that storyline has taken over the whole show. While I would so love to see that if this putrid storyline is true to CN's life her and Che will become a solid couple. If someone calls me ma'am (I'm 53) I playfully cringe and tell them ouch that hurts. They usually laugh.
  2. Wait till she realizes Che is going to be gone a lot. Unless she travels with them Miranda is going to be alone a lot. I was telling a friend recently that I really haven't liked Cynthia Nixon since she came out and left her partner. It has nothing to do with her being gay. It just seems like her personality changed and she rubs me the wrong way. And now that seems to have transferred to Miranda. This happens so much and we are disgusted by it. How many times have we seen men leave their wives for younger "more vibrant" women? I'm not even a Steve fan but he deserves better than Miranda and I hope he finds it. Che has a completely different lifestyle than Miranda is used to. Traveling. Being very sexually blunt. Are we to believe she will just easily adapt to that? I think we are going to see her become super clingy and it will turn off Che. This is what I thought AJLT was going to be. A passing of the torch so to speak.
  3. It occurred to me after watching this episode Miranda's storyline has been the only one that has continued through each episode. Carrie and Charlotte are having different storylines each episode. Actually I'm not really sure you can call what Carrie and Charlotte do each episode storylines. Why did AJLT become the Miranda show?
  4. Seinfeld was another finale I hated when first watching it but came to understand on a rewatch. This describes Succession perfectly. Great acting all around but the plot moves forward at a snail's pace. I agree. It showed us that just because you are free doesn't mean you aren't being punished.
  5. No Miranda you are not in a rom com. And they showed male frontal nudity. And for no other reason than they could. So Miranda told Steve. And now she is on her way to the airport to go be with Che. Did she tell Brady? While I am on Carrie's side about the neighbor being too loud it definitely had shades of get off my lawn.
  6. Silicon Valley is filled with guys like that. Guys who never got the girls when they were younger now have the money and power to get the girls and then treat them like shit.
  7. I have to agree with you. I never thought I would say this with regards to Carrie but her character is looking the best of the three. Not counting Samantha who I believe is living her best life in London. Now it's true she has been made to vomit and attempt to pee in a Snapple bottle but she still comes off looking better than Miranda and for the most part Charlotte.
  8. This is a really good point and applies to a lot of shows. When I rewatch something I notice things I didn't notice before because I'm looking for them. I understand why things happen when upon the first watch might have thought WTF. I came late to the Sopranos. Didn't get HBO till a couple seasons in. Bought the DVDs to get caught up. I remember watching it thinking I don't think this is the best show ever but it's OK. When I did a rewatch a couple years after it concluded I found myself liking it even less. But as I said above I weirdly enough liked the finale better. I also came late to Breaking Bad. I thought it was OK. I have not done a rewatch. I will admit I started watching both those shows because they were purported to be the best shows ever. On the other hand the third show which is usually mentioned as the best show ever, The Wire I have rewatched at least four times. I came to it after it had originally aired and fell in love with it. I have gotten better at not watching things just because so many other people love them. So no Games of Thrones or Walking Dead for me.
  9. If they were hellbent on having Miranda fall in love with someone who wasn't a man it should have been someone she had things in common with. Like Nya. Those two have more chemistry in their scenes together than Miranda and Che which IMO have zero chemistry.
  10. I live in WV and he might have lost the last time except he had a horrible opponent. I refused to vote for him and wrote in my own name. If he runs again he could win. Unfortunately come election day (which isn't till 2024 for him) voters will most likely have forgotten about his screwing over his constituents. Ana is 100% right. If it's not him it will definitely be a Republican.
  11. I think HBO needs blamed as well. They have always considered themselves edgy and always pushing the envelope so of course they aren't going to tell these "woke" people they aren't doing a good job. If they had we would hear an endless chorus of "we didn't have the support we needed" or even worse "we didn't get to do what we really wanted to because we weren't allowed". And interestingly enough Cynthia Nixon and Kristin Davis both did a lot a publicity for AJLT. Both were guests on multiple shows promoting it. SJP did not. Maybe she is busy filming something but I would still think she would have promoted it.
  12. But the actresses are in their 50s. And these aren't just fresh off the turnip truck actresses. These are well established actresses who are also producers on this show. Not one of them read this garbage and said maybe this isn't reflective of what most women in their 50s experience? I'm becoming more convinced with each episode that everyone on the cast and crew simply just wanted to get paid. It doesn't seem like the carry over writers from SATC or SJP, CN or KD really had anything they wanted to say with regards to the original characters.
  13. I watched ER from start to finish when it originally aired. I did a complete re watch in 2012. There is no way I would ever do it again. I would maybe do the first five or six seasons but then I would have to just pick and choose certain episodes from the later seasons. Abby really did drag down the show for me. I would say it was the actress but I liked her on Newsradio but didn't like her on the Affair. Or maybe I just didn't like the Affair. I agree. That was a really good finale. That is a show I need to re watch. I'm sure there were things I missed when I watched it the first time. There was always so much going on.
  14. I sometimes will like a show finale better after some time has passed. Hated the Sopranos finale. I like millions of other people thought my cable went out. But when I did a re watch some years later it didn't bother me. After having years to think about it I realized David Chase was in a tough position. No matter what he did viewers were going to pick it apart so he just cut to black. On the other hand I sometimes dislike a series finale upon a re watch. I loved the SATC series finale. Everyone got their happily ever after. But now (even if there wasn't the two movies or the reboot) I think Carrie should have been happily single. Or at least still looking for someone better for her. Then you have the Newhart finale which will always be just perfect. My unpopular opinion is I didn't mind the Dexter finale.
  15. It really does feel like this show has an us against them type of mentality. And that is definitely not being inclusive. On the podcast I listened to it was about that particular episode and Irby did say the negative things people were saying online hurt her feelings. So yeah she is upset it is not being received the way she intended. Or like you said @SuzieSioux this is how she intended things to be and now she can say viewers just aren't woke enough. My friend and I were discussing how the sex on this show is so decidedly unsexy compared to SATC. The sex on that show looked fun, especially Samantha having sex. But on AJLT I'm uncomfortable watching it. I had heard he name before but didn't know who she was. Once I found out she was writing for this show I looked her up. Am I wrong in saying she isn't as famous as we are supposed to think she is? Kinda like Che right?
  16. Yes. I understand representation is important and there are issues that need showcased more but if you are not doing any of that well I don't think you are helping. It is OK to not like something that is "woke" if you don't like the way they are telling the story. Normally I would applaud the effort but this particular effort has just been so bad. I don't like Che. And it's not because they are non binary. It's because I don't like their behavior. See how easy that was reviewers?
  17. I have always adored Valerie. She seems like a genuinely nice and funny person. I usually don't care when celebrity couples break up but when her and Eddie split I was legit sad. They were just so damn cute together. But I understand it is very trying to be married to an alcoholic. I'm glad they were able to still be friends afterwards. I have read her previous books and have this current one on reserve at the library. She always writes from the heart.
  18. Golden Girls was more substance over style. Although Blanche had some nice clothes. Their storylines had some very progressive themes. SATC had both, although it was more style less substance. But the reboot has little of either.
  19. MPK has created four shows, not counting AJLT. Two I had never heard of and didn't last long. One was the Comeback with Lisa Kudrow which critics loved but didn't get a lot of viewers. I liked it but it it wasn't your typical comedy. So many things were cringeworthy but they were meant to be. The other show was Two Broke Girls which did not get good reviews. It did well enough in the ratings to last six season but I think that had more to do with it being part of the Monday night comedy block. The most successful thing MPK was part of was SATC. A show with characters he did not create. If he had created AJLT and used the stories him and his writers created and had all new characters I doubt a pilot would have even been filmed. You know I always like when someone does a really shitty movie or TV show and afterwards they say yeah I really screwed up with that one. Somehow I doubt we will ever hear any of them say that about AJLT.
  20. This is true. They portrayed the comic book guy as a slacker. Yes he lived with his parents but he was trying to have his own business. For all we know his business did become a success. But the writer seem to be under the impression just because Che is non binary that nothing they do is going to be troublesome. They get high all the time? So what? They were ghosting Miranda? Yeah not really they were just too high to read or remember all their DM's. They are knowingly having an affair with a married woman? Who cares they are non binary so it's all good. That is what this whole thing plays like. I would like to hear from real life non binary people and hear their take on Che.
  21. I don't mind the later seasons. They made some missteps like Pippa and the two backdoor pilots, the episode with Blair buying Eastland and the one with Natalie moving to NYC, but overall I can watch the entire series all the way through without thinking ugh is it over yet.
  22. I've read more than a few books about Epstein and Maxwell and Prince Andrew being sexually involved was mentioned in at least two of them. It was Maxwell that introduced PA and JE if I'm not mistaken. Also Maxwell grew up very rich and ran in the same social circle as some of the Royals. Their sleeping together would not be shocking.
  23. If I have committed to a show I will stick with it no matter how bad it gets. I will just come to this site to commiserate with other disappointed viewers. Currently that show would be AJLT.
  24. As a Steeler fan it hurts me to say this but I'm rooting for Cincinnati. Actively dislike Tennessee and KC. Don't dislike the Bills but I know Cincinnati better and like you said AFC North. If not my team it may as well be someone in our division. Can't root for the Rams, Packers or Bucs just because I don't like their QB's. I could maybe root for the Niner's but after the whole Colin K thing I just can't do that.
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