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Everything posted by ifionlyknew

  1. Joy probably knows him through the comedy circuit. And Whoopi as well.
  2. I'm not so sure. The writers seem more interested in Miranda finding herself than dealing with the life she has now. I won't be surprised if Steve is fine with it and moves out and takes Brady with him.
  3. This is one of my biggest issues with this story. The hypocrisy makes Miranda look even worse. I am on the record for years as disliking Steve. I wasn't one who thought she should have forgiven him in the first movie. But she did and they seemed to be happy. Fast forward to now and I could buy they have grown apart but what we are being told is Miranda was never happy with Steve and is so miserable she is cheating on her husband and barely acknowledging that what she is doing is in fact cheating. Steve felt awful about having sex with someone else. Miranda does not. When Steve finds out I sincerely hope he reminds Miranda how furious and hurt she was when the situation was reversed and treats her the same way.
  4. Oh for fuck sake. Those writers can think whatever they want but just from reading this board I know most viewers don't agree with them. And comparing Miranda's orgasm to some sort of rebirth? Give me a fucking a break. That kitchen scene was Miranda cheating on her husband. So Samantha Irby doesn't want to go online because people aren't watching this show and seeing it the way she and the other writers thought we would and it hurts her feelings. Well Samantha how many hurt feelings do you think viewers have watching characters that we seem to know better than you doing things they would never do?
  5. In some cities that is a daily commute.
  6. People want to believe what they want to believe. And Elizabeth Holmes was saying things they wanted to hear. And once you are so far in it you are more likely going to keep believing it so you don't look like a fool for believing it in the first place. Which is what I think happened to George Schultz. He was old and didn't want people to think he wasn't capable of still making his own decisions.
  7. Yes. Sunny should have said I couldn't do it but if others can more power to them. This is another example of her thinking what she thinks is the right way. And let's not forget men usually die younger than women so what are older women supposed to do? Find a new husband? Live with their adult children? Live alone?
  8. If I'm watching something that I'm not really enjoying I will seek out spoilers to see if it's worth continuing to watch. I do that with movies a lot.
  9. Of course he had to be the juror to come forward and discuss the deliberations. Didn't he think his being a sexual abuse victim might have been an issue when being chosen for the jury?
  10. I agree with Yvette. My life goal as I get older is to be Golden Girl. I would have no problem spending my senior years living with women (or gay men) and enjoying life. Sunny might think that wouldn't work for her but she is wrong to say that it's not realistic because we are sexual beings and we need to get our groove on. You can still do that without being married or living with someone.
  11. Yes. This exactly. The whole execution of this story has been a complete disaster IMO. They could have had Miranda and Steve recognizing they are having problems and had them separate to take some time apart. And then Miranda could have met someone. Although I was never going to like Che. I would actually like to hear from CN about how poorly this storyline is being received. I do wonder if she thought people would like it more.
  12. Shades of paper covers rock when Carrie thought Berger breaking up with her (via a Post It!!!) was more important than Charlotte getting engaged.
  13. I can only speak for myself but I was disappointed in Carrie for cheating with Big. But as I said on another thread she never would have cheated on Aidan with anyone other than Big. And she did feel guilty about it and ultimately confessed to Aidan. Miranda doesn't even seem to consider Steve at all. And the hypocrisy is so huge with her seeming disregard for her husband in all this when she treated Steve completely different when it was he who cheated.
  14. So they don't show an episode (Kids Can Be Cruel) that was good enough or popular enough to have a live in front of studio audience episode a few weeks ago? You are right. It makes no sense.
  15. My library has all the seasons so I'm going to start a re watch. I will pay attention to the episodes that you and other posters have said are being skipped when they are supposed to air. I wonder if maybe there is music in the episodes that wasn't cleared for additional viewings. Beverly Hills 90210 has quite a few episodes that don't stream because of music rights. And it is what has held up Murphy Brown from streaming.
  16. I was going to link this but you beat me to it. I'm not a Steve fan but the character deserves so much better than this. They can do that but nothing is going to erase my memory of how heartbroken and unforgiving Miranda was when Steve cheated on her.
  17. Yes. Even if we hand wave away her hookup in the kitchen with Che as she lost control, she was drinking and high Miranda is now being premeditated in her desire to cheat. It's like the writers have forgotten she is married. Or wants the audience to forget.
  18. I believe this. Even on SATC the writers struggled having stories for the women that didn't involve a man. Truth be told I'm surprised they haven't had Carrie stick her toe back in the dating pool yet. But I know it's coming. And I'm not going to judge her for it. Some people move on to the other people more quickly than others. And Carrie was definitely someone that preferred to be part of a couple.
  19. We don't know what the remaining episodes hold but other than Che leaving the show I am never going to like the character. I wish we knew if the writers (or Cynthia Nixon) think Che was the right character for Miranda to develop feelings for. I see zero chemistry and no matter how much they have Miranda say Che makes her feel alive and yadda yadda yadda I just don't see it. I'm pretty sure the show is using Miranda to show you fall in love with the person and not the gender but they chose the wrong person. It should have been Dr. Wallace.
  20. At the end of the show Joy brought up the Pope saying people having pets and not kids was selfish. She threw it to Yvette and said she would say something after Yvette. But after Yvette spoke Sunny started speaking and Joy did not look happy.
  21. Yeah I'm unclear on why Carrie is wanting to move to a new apartment. Yes the apartment she shared with Big had too memories. I get that. So she had a perfectly nice apartment to move back to. She even said something like she was going home. So is she buying a new apartment just because she can afford to? And let me say she is in a very privileged place as a widow who can decide she can no longer stay in her home because the memories of her dead husband are just too much. Younger widows usually don't have that luxury. Their homes aren't paid for yet and they still owe more than the house's value or they have children and they don't want to uproot them. She doesn't even sound like Miranda anymore. At first I thought it was CN playing her as someone who was under the influence of alcohol even if we didn't see her take a drink. But she is supposed to be sober now and she still doesn't sound like Miranda. Her voice sounds higher pitched and she does the fast nervous talking in almost every scene. I used to see myself as a combination of Miranda and Samantha but now I look at Miranda and think who are you. I don't identify with her at all. And I say this as someone who had an unhappy marriage before my husband died.
  22. I agree with this. As someone who cared about someone way more than they cared about me there is a lot of frustration that comes with that. As much as I usually dislike Carrie I do understand her utter humiliation and heartbreak at Big not showing up at the wedding. She was thisclose to getting her man he didn't show up. Once she got back from her non honeymoon I thought she acted the way any woman would act after being jilted at her wedding. I am not a stupid person and I don't need every plot point explained to me but yeah I don't know why the writers had Miranda's first sexual experience (or to put it another way the beginning of her extramarital affair) be in Carrie's kitchen. If there was a man (or woman) I was attracted to enough that I am willing to cheat on my partner and our first time was that situation in someone's kitchen I would not be remembering it as some great experience.
  23. It's not different but they are writing it as it is. First of all Miranda shows no sign of guilt or remorse. Now they might argue Miranda doesn't want to save her marriage unlike Steve who did but regardless of that she still cheated. I don't know if they expect the audience to be on Miranda's side or not but I'm not on her side. How many times have we heard a cheating husband say but I was so unhappy and we just roll our eyes and think asshole? Right now Miranda is an asshole.
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