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Everything posted by ifionlyknew

  1. I still haven't gotten over my (our) Steelers losing to Tim Tebow and the Denver Broncos in OT way back in 2012.
  2. That is it exactly. This show wants so badly to be heralded as some bastion of wokeness that is has forgotten how to tell stories that are relevant to the characters. I'm not sure there is any show that doesn't have things that hasn't aged well. I am re watching Facts of Life and even that has some things that make me cringe a little. Does that mean the show is garbage? No that means I am older and see and hear things differently. I have made progress. I don't think it's up to any show to lead us. I think it's up to the viewer to find their way.
  3. I never thought they should have got married. I never thought Miranda genuinely fell in love with Steve. If not for Brady they wouldn't have ended up together. But they did and it was what it was. When Steve cheated (which I will forever think was just a plot contrivance to enable Miranda to have more time to be with the girls and also lazy writing because apparently it's so hard to write for a happy couple) his reason was he wasn't getting any at home. Not defending that but when Miranda told the others how long it had been since they had sex you could see the shock on their faces. So I do think Miranda thought she was the alpha in the marriage and she didn't necessarily have to work too hard at it.
  4. Yes please copy and paste. Yes Samantha never wanted to break up someone's marriage. Doesn't make it right if she slept with a married man but I'm not going to judge her for it.
  5. I have never made a secret of my adoration for Blair Underwood. I find him sexy as hell. I swear he looks even better as he ages. If this was SATC I would say yes absolutely that is what is going to happen. The women during that time always learned a lesson when they did something that had the audience saying I don't think (fill in the blank) would do that.....Oh ok yep that makes sense. Unless we get a scene of Miranda looking inward instead of towards Che for her happiness this storyline will have been what killed the character formerly known as Miranda Hobbes.
  6. Call me crazy but when you are writing a mystery shouldn't you at the very least know the ending? I've always thought on HIMYM they were so intent on having that twist at the end of the first episode that they didn't really think what that would mean long term.
  7. Not necessarily. She has two kids in school. She might want a more regular schedule. Lisa is a known entity. They know what they are getting. I can see the show not wanting to hire someone that is going to become a huge pain in the ass like the last person to sit in that seat.
  8. I remember that Jets game. Jets missed two field goals in regulation with a chance to win it. Steelers did kick a field goal in OT to win it. That game had me so rattled I broke my TV remote by banging it on the arm of my chair. Cincinnati fans would have been just as heartbroken. They hadn't made it past the Wild Card round since 1990.
  9. I'm having a hard time thinking of a rom com that had the main character cheat on their spouse with no remorse whatsoever. Even Carrie who cheated had remorse. But Miranda is so self absorbed in what she wants she has no regard for how this affects anyone else. At first I thought Cynthia Nixon was playing Miranda as someone who was kinda manic perhaps because of the drinking and/or because she was doing something so far out of her comfort zone but now I get the feeling CN is playing her that way because she thinks this is all good. I don't think I will ever be able to articulate clearly enough to describe how much I hate this story. But this comes close.
  10. I just heard her say that yesterday. Even way back in 1980 when I heard it I remember thinking Prince Charles? Really? It is fun watching the series and hearing things I never noticed before. Natalie brings up Ralph Nader in Shoplifting, the episode where Jo shoplifts the blouse for Mrs. Garrett's birthday.
  11. As some people like to remind us Alexandria Ocasio Cortez was once a bartender. I think there is a misconception that if you are working a blue collar job it's because you aren't smart enough to have a white collar job. Which isn't true. Steve grew up in Queens and came from a working class background. Doesn't mean he isn't smart. He was smart enough to partner with Aidan and open his own bar. And as far as we know it's still doing well. Yes. Miranda wasn't some highbrow hoity toity woman watching Masterpiece Theater. She liked sports and ate pizza. I think a lot of us predicted Miranda would fall for a woman. And if what I heard was true Che was initially supposed to be a woman but once Sara Ramirez who is non binary was hired they had Che non binary as well. And there is not one person I've talked to or read a comment written by that has a problem with Miranda falling for a non binary character. The problem is how they wrote the story. And that story if I'm being honest has me perplexed. I can't make up my mind if they wrote this as as a straight up two people meet and they fall in love and it doesn't matter if one of them is married because true love and blah blah blah. Or if they wrote this as a woman who is unhappy in her marriage and clings to the first life raft she finds and when that blows up in her face realizes she needs to fix herself before trying to be with someone else. If the writers did write this as a "love story" boy did they read the room wrong.
  12. So that explains the western blouses. Wardrobe was dressing Lisa and not Blair. I definitely heard it watching season two. It's weird because I don't remember hearing it when I watched the show when it originally aired or the many times I watched it in reruns. I'm also noticing they talk about and make jokes about people's weight.
  13. I could be wrong but I don't think Cynthia Nixon cares how poorly received her storyline has been. I haven't heard or read her defending it. My opinion is she is happy her story is being told and if it ruined her character and the show oh well not her problem.
  14. I would love to see a scene of Steve and Brady sitting on the couch eating ice cream and laughing and Miranda looking in from outside realizing everything she has lost Yes Carrie made a joke about crouching Charlotte. Yes I also thought we would see Miranda run for office. Maybe we will see that if there is a second season. Since Cynthia Nixon seems to think her real life is so interesting it needs to be portrayed onscreen.
  15. None of that stuff bothered me. Was Samantha perfect? No. There are women like that. They live their life unapologetically. She didn't make it a habit of sleeping with married men. And she actually paid a price for almost sleeping with married man when his wife blackballed her from just about everything. That one guy Dominic I think was his name had hurt her once and she became very guarded after that and that was the Samantha we were introduced to. It took a long time for her to let her guard down. First with Richard who didn't deserve her and then Smith who did. Personally I would love to have a friend like Samantha.
  16. I'm not a Cincinnati fan with them being a divisional rival but I like Tennessee even less so yay Bengals.
  17. I could never figure out why they had Blair in so many western style blouses. The others dressed like teenagers. And I should know because I was teenager then.
  18. Thank you @GHScorpiosRule. You saying you are doing a rewatch inspired me to start one as well. Although I'm skipping season one. I just can't subject myself to that bad acting by some of the girls. Just started season two and I'm on the episode where Jo was assaulted by Blair's friend. It has always been one of my favorite episodes.
  19. Robert was a better match for Miranda. And if I may be shallow he was hot as fuck. If Miranda and Che end up in a committed relationship I will forever believe it was written that way at Cynthia Nixon's behest. And yes @Ms Blue Jay this board is so much more entertaining than the show.
  20. Any gratuitous nudity male or female is unnecessary. I didn't see Harry's because I wasn't looking at the screen but since the shot was during a sexual act I don't consider that gratuitous but the guy dropping the towel was definitely let's show a guy's dick.
  21. It's easier for the writers to blame the viewers than blame themselves. When the project was first announced I'm pretty sure i said on this very board I thought this would be the way to go. But I thought they would make the new characters younger. I can understand the actresses probably didn't want to be supporting cast. I still think it would have been better to use this show to spin off a new series. As much as I loved the original characters I just don't know if they can have any more of their stories told well.
  22. I would like Everyone Loves Raymond if not for Patricia Heaton. I refuse to watch anything she is in. I watched King of Queens on DVD after it aired. Wouldn't watch it again. There was not one likable character on that show. Maybe Deacon. Probably a huge unpopular opinion but I didn't like Jack or Karen on Will & Grace.
  23. It was really shitty for the LA Times writer to frame the criticism as viewers don't like new characters who are POC. Is that writer even a viewer? Just by reading this board I can see we have valid criticisms and they have nothing to do with the new characters being black and brown.
  24. I would have a tiny little respect for them if they said yep we fucked up. But every interview I read they are either defending what they have wrote or saying a bunch of word salad. I do wonder if they will be trusted to write for any other shows.
  25. I do think these writers and especially MPK think they know better than the audience. I would like to remind them if not for the audience there would not be this reboot. It's because SATC was so beloved they were given the opportunity to write more story for these women. And they have failed epically. I used to watch soap operas. And when a storyline wasn't working they would change course. Now of course there were times they didn't and viewers had to suffer through some garbage but eventually the storyline would end and it was never referred to again. I understand this season was completed before it aired so they couldn't change the direction of the storylines but if there is to be a second season (which I doubt there will be) and they ignore the valid criticism thrown their way then they are just being deliberate assholes to the viewers.
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