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Everything posted by ifionlyknew

  1. Oh Whoopi why do you think Jews were targeted? She has said some stupid things but this ranks pretty high on the list. You could tell her cohosts were trying to correct her but gave up and let her just be more stupid. I never understood why Janet Jackson was punished for her breast being shown. It was Justin who exposed it. Just one more example of a women always being blamed for something.
  2. Also I don't know Andre the way I knew Charlotte. And as you said it's a lot more work for Nya to become a parent if they are choosing to have a biological child. My son's father fathered more than a few children. That was the easy part. Actually being a parent wasn't so easy for him. Not saying that would be what Andre would do but I feel like he is thinking he can coax Nya to continue trying even though she doesn't really want to. And if they were to succeed as others have mentioned Nya's career would most likely be affected. And unfortunately as a working mother she would be judged no matter what she did.
  3. Since 2000 there have been 22 SBs. The AFC has sent eight different teams and the NFC has sent twelve different teams. The AFC East has sent one. The AFC North has sent two (now three with Cincinnati). The AFC South has sent two. And the AFC West has sent three. The NFC East has sent two. The NFC North has sent two. The NFC South and the NFC West have both sent all four in each division. Also there were only two games that didn't have Tom Brady or Peyton Manning. I for one am happy to see someone new.
  4. I am sending this link to my son. Thank you so much @GiveMeSpace
  5. When it comes to having children and both people can't agree you really can't have a compromise. If you have child then the person who didn't want one isn't getting what they want and vice versa. As been mentioned with Charlotte and Trey if they had stayed together Charlotte would have most likely had to give up her dream of having a child. And I'm sure I would have felt badly for her. So am I sexist because I will feel less sympathy for Andre if him and Nya stay together and he has to give up his dream if Nya doesn't want to keep trying? I just think there are other stories they could have told with Nya and Andre. She presumably makes more money than him. A lot of men have problems with that. They could have already had a child and with Andre being musician he could have been away a lot and Nya resented him for not being around to help raise their child. Like so much with this reboot so many missed opportunities.
  6. You know the last couple episodes they seem to have pulled that back. I wonder if while they were writing the episodes they realized they needed to make them more likable. We can all say (type) this till we are blue in the face and the writers are never going to acknowledge our valid criticism. And it's not like we have just said we hate it without explaining why. Just on this board we have wrote well thought out articulate posts about why this is so out of character for Miranda and it feels like a storyline that was written for someone else (Cynthia Nixon). But whatever. I guess we will see if the writers get another chance to continue to write for these characters. And if they do will they double down or try to repair some of the damage?
  7. This is true. It's a pretty risky move to not only criticize your audience for not liking the garbage you are selling but to also say it's because we aren't "woke" enough to get it. This is just my opinion but I have found her so annoying since she left her long term partner for her now wife. She ran for governor. She ran for mayor. Despite not being remotely qualified for either. Somewhere along the line she decided what she had to say was so much more important than.....well just about anything else. If she is happy with her life then good for her but for her to decide (and no matter what her and the writers say I 100% believe CN insisted this is be the storyline for Miranda) her character become her is the height of narcissism. If she (and the writers) didn't anticipate viewers at best were going to be disappointed and at worst be furious with the character assassination then they are clearly are so out of touch with the SATC fanbase and shouldn't have been writing this show in the first place. Blaming a viewer for not liking what you wrote is just childish. Take your lumps and for the love of god do better if there is a next time.
  8. I have a coworker who refuses to root for San Francisco because he doesn't want them to tie the Steelers six SB wins. Even though the Patriots already tied it. Any team matching our SB wins doesn't take away anything from the Steelers. Only the Steelers can take away from themselves. Which sadly they have done lately.
  9. As a Steeler fan I tip my hat to the Bengals. Good job.
  10. This. It's ironic that people like DeLaria feel free to assume things about people they don't know when they criticize people for assuming things about them.
  11. I agree. Yes this behavior does happen but I don't think it should be celebrated. When men do this we aren't supposed to say you go guy. We aren't supposed to think they are living a rom com. But according to AJLT Miranda is right to blow up her family because she was so miserable. Nobody is saying she should put Steve wishes ahead of hers. But her wishes shouldn't outweigh being a decent human being and ending her marriage and leaving Steve with some dignity. And none of that has anything to do with Miranda falling for a non binary character. For anyone to suggest viewers are being bigoted in our dislike of this storyline does nothing but contribute to the devisiveness in this country.
  12. If someone wants to work with Woody Allen I'm going to lose respect for them. But if you defend working with Woody Allen by saying you think it's all a lie in in which case you are calling the victim Dylan a liar you are going to be dead to me. Not much I can do about things Wallace Shawn has already appeared in but not watching anything new he does.
  13. No lie I'm telling my son if there is a shoe shaped urn that is what I want my ashes to be put in. I think HBO realizes how awful this show is and not promoting the finale. Hang in there guys one more episode and our ten week long nightmare will be over.
  14. Seriously? She should know better. She played a lesbian character on Orange is the New Black and was well received. I am so fucking over MPK telling the audience he knows better and if the audience wants something different than they have written then the audience is stupid and should watch some other show because we just aren't getting it. Does anyone know if any LGTBQ+ organizations have said anything about AJLT? I'm curious how the Miranda/Che storyline is being received and if they think any criticism is simply because it involves a formerly straight woman involved with a non binary character. How do my fellow LGTBQ+ posters feel about all this?
  15. Women of color don't write checks? It's like this show just wants to say shit to get attention. They can't seem to do anything right. They want to highlight all these issues and do a piss poor job of going beyond just the box checking of mentioning it.
  16. Contrast that breakup with the Miranda and Steve breakup.......and well you know.
  17. There is no way they are going to tie up everyone's stories in a nice little bow. And yes I bet the writers were shocked by the negative response. For the most part SATC had mostly positive reviews from reviewers and viewers. Even when there was a poorly received story like Carrie cheating with Big at least the audience understood it whether we liked it or not. So I'm inclined to believe the writers and especially MPK thought the audience is going to be so happy to have this they will love it no matter what. They wrote this for themselves. These stories could have been written for a completely different show with completely different characters. These stories were not stories written for Carrie, Miranda and Charlotte.
  18. It's not like there was a giant Miranda and Steve fan base. I did not like them together. However I hated how cavalier Miranda was with cheating on her husband. And just because she was unhappy doesn't mean it wasn't cheating. Add in the hypocrisy of Miranda excoriating Steve when he cheated on her one time. Plus the zero chemistry between Miranda and Che. And finally the school girl crush Miranda is exhibiting and this story has been just an awful unbearable mess to watch. I guess I should be glad Cynthia Nixon and the writers haven't called us bigots or unwoke nitwits for not liking the story. If Steve and Miranda were already separated at the start of the series and Miranda had met someone and there was an attraction and we saw them get to know one another and start a relationship I would have been fine with that. But don't serve me garbage food and tell me it's haute cuisine. They fucked up and they can defend it all they want. But all us viewers are entitled to call things the way we see them. And this storyline sucked like nothing has ever sucked before.
  19. I was a single mother for the first six years of my son's life. Mostly by circumstance but not entirely unexpected. I wanted a child and the man I was with said he did as well. But then he decided he didn't want to be around so he wasn't around. If I hadn't thought i can do this on my own I never would have gotten pregnant. I do not think Charlotte would have ever gotten pregnant or even adopted a child if she wasn't married. I do think she had always wanted a child but more for her belief that her family was going to be her a husband and kids and less an overpowering maternal urge.
  20. High praise considering there are two professional comediennes at the table. But I agree. Ana is naturally funny. She doesn't have to try. She is quick and clever.
  21. I knew that and that movie is great.
  22. I think there is going to be a line of people who want to punch Miranda.
  23. I cannot tell you how much I am going to hate that spoiler. If there is a season two and they swap out Miranda for Seema, LTW, Nyla or just about anyone I could live with that.
  24. I saw it too and all I can say is ugh. This show really missed the mark on so many things but Miranda's story will go down in history as one of the absolute worst plotlines I have ever watched on any show.
  25. But it's ok for them to smoke so much weed they can't keep track of which messages they have read? Or to finger bang a coworker's friend in her kitchen? Just to be clear @iMonrey I am questioning the writers, not you. When I told one of my best friends, a gay man, about Che and the kitchen hook up, his response was "Oh great that is the representation we are looking for" sarcastically.
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