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Everything posted by ifionlyknew

  1. I liked Miranda in SATC. I even identified with her a lot. However never did I once think she should be the focus of the show. I think most of us here thought Cynthia Nixon had an agenda with this show and it seems we were right.
  2. PF doesn't really go into details. https://www.glamourmagazine.co.uk/article/patricia-field-cynthia-nixon Molly is the costume designer on AJLT.
  3. She said they got sick several weeks ago and she has been miserable ever since. Was that before or after she posted pics of her and Ben and Liberty outside in the woods looking pretty damn happy? I also have a hard time believing she didn't give hourly Twitter updates on her health.
  4. I had to think for a second to remember who he played for. Houston.
  5. It was a scandal because they got caught. And as @Haleth said there was also fraud involved. It wasn't just "donating" money.
  6. Patricia Field had this to say about Cynthia Nixon. "I know those gals! Sarah Jessica [Parker] thinks she knows everything – and she does. Cynthia Nixon thinks she knows everything – and she doesn’t! Even today, when I speak with Molly, it's about Cynthia. I say, 'I remember what you are going through.'" I always thought Miranda was dressed so poorly compared to the other three. I had originally thought it was because Patricia Field didn't know how to dress the character but now I'm inclined to believe CN thought she knew better how to dress Miranda.
  7. She was also drinking a lot. Would she have been open to having an affair if she hadn't developed a drinking problem? I haven't made up my mind if she fell for Che or fell for the first person that showed her any attention. As other posters have said instead of dealing with the issues that led her to start drinking she has turned from the bottle to Che. Miranda needs therapy. If you are that unhappy you can't rely on someone or something to make you happy. Because once that goes away you are going to be even more unhappier.
  8. And as Joy mentioned yesterday Jared Kushner's parents gave Harvard 10 million dollars to get him a spot.
  9. https://www.cnn.com/2022/01/26/sport/aaron-rodgers-accountability-divisive-packers-nfl-spt-intl/index.html No Aaron there are so many other reasons to not root for you.
  10. I think having Carrie do the podcast was just a way to introduce Che. As so many others have said if they wanted to have Brady still living at home they could have just had him home from college because of Covid or it was cheaper than living in the dorms. As for Lily I don't know what the writers were thinking. If I was writing this show I would have made LTW, Nya and Seema friends already but without Carrie, Charlotte and Miranda knowing that and have them just happen to all run into each other. Honestly I think if LTW, Nya and Seema were friends I would rather watch them. Funny has been hard to come by on this show. I might have cracked a smile but I know I have not laughed out loud once watching any episode. I'm also in their age range and on SATC I definitely related to Samantha and Miranda and Carrie on my worst days. But on this show I don't find anything relatable. As someone who never liked them together I find it plausible their marriage isn't working anymore. It's just the way they have written it. Miranda is spiraling but Steve doesn't see it. Miranda chooses to have an affair and only tells her husband when her lover says she has to. So much of this could have happened before the show started. Did we really need to see Miranda be such a hypocrite? Even if she gets a giant dose of comeuppance her character is ruined for me. If they ever broke them up I think that would be my deal breaker. They have been my favorite couple since Harry proposed.
  11. In a perfect world people would be admitted to colleges simply based on their grades. But we do not live in a perfect world. We do not know what implicit bias people who work in college admissions offices have. There could be racists. There could also be people who think students from red states or blue states aren't deserving of a spot. I do agree with Sunny on there being way too many legacy spots. Back in the late 90s I worked for a company that contracted with a small private college. My son would have been ineligible to attend tuition free because I didn't work for the college. However children of college employees could attend tuition free. But only if you were a salaried employee or professor. Which meant the children of the hourly employees such as the janitors and employees who took care of the grounds were excluded. I thought that was a very shitty rule.
  12. Good God they couldn't be stupid enough to do that again could they?
  13. I think they do. They have shown me they really don't know or don't care what women in their 50s are really like. Despite the fact they have three actresses in their 50s portraying the three main characters. One thing SATC was really good at was viewers weren't expected to sympathize with the characters. Sure there were times we did but I don't think the stories were written with that purpose in mind. We watched the women live their lives and sometimes we related to them. Sometimes we thought they were making huge mistakes. But overall mostly we enjoyed watching their stories. But this storyline with Miranda they have tried so hard to tilt things so the audience will be on Miranda's side. I keep hoping this is just a set up for us to see Miranda be dealt a big dose of reality but I wouldn't bet on it.
  14. And we didn't get to see that. We only have Miranda's point of view. At the end of the first movie they recommitted to each other and the second movie they seemed fine. But now because the writers (and Cynthia Nixon) want to tell this specific story we have Miranda telling Carrie how unhappy she is. If they had done the third movie instead of this series and they had shown Miranda and Steve growing apart and her meeting someone I think we probably would have been more open to that.
  15. Yes. It's not like she has gotten into a Twitter feud with insults being hurled back and forth. She simply set the record straight. I don't think she will. He apologized, as lacking as it was, which I think is all she wanted.
  16. I just watched that scene and I couldn't make out the title but the book did look like it had a ribbon on the cover. The kind that say it is an award winner. Regardless of what the name of the book was the Steve we met that episode was not the Steve he became as his relationship with Miranda got more serious. And as many of us has said I have no idea why they seemed to dumb him down.
  17. I caught that too. Maybe he just likes Eilish and doesn't like Swift. Yes. I think she felt the need to respond because this wasn't just someone saying he didn't like her music. This was someone who was saying she wasn't actually writing her music. I would have responded too.
  18. Yes but he didn't leave her. He knew he made a mistake and wanted forgiveness. Now if he had told her our life means nothing to me and oh by the way I met someone Miranda would have made his life even more hellish. And no way would have Carrie told her to forgive him if Steve had wanted to come back. Her using the phrase rom com was just so wrong. Yes I get that she thinks she is living that but we the audience don't see it that way. If we don't get to see Miranda finally understand how awful she has been acting then this whole series will have been a colossal waste of my time. I said on an earlier thread if this is supposed be Cynthia Nixon's story I feel compassion for her ex.
  19. I agree with this. She wasn't always nice to him and he called her out on it. Miranda I always thought needed a man with a strong personality to match her strong personality. But seeing how she acts around Che she seems to have lost that personality while sitting on the couch eating ice cream. I don't know if it was the writer's intent but I think having Brady behave so awfully with regards to having his girlfriend stay over and have loud sex in the room besides his parent's room was to have us think Miranda should happily walk away from him and Steve. Actually I think that character would also be intensely disliked. That is one of the big problems with this storyline. It's being shown as none of this is Miranda's fault. We are supposed to feel sorry her and say you go girl get your happiness. Could you imagine if this was a man doing this? I hate how Miranda is with Che. She comes across as so desperate. Like she is willing to accept whatever crumbs Che throws her way. I have this sinking feeling we aren't going to see Cleveland. I look for the show to pick up at some point after Miranda flew to Cleveland. This show hasn't shown a lot of things they should have shown. The writers would probably argue they didn't have enough time but I think it's just that they didn't want to deal with some things.
  20. Feel free to judge me but I have a lot in common with Samantha. Probably why she was always my favorite.
  21. My problem with the M & M thing is the company said they are putting the female M & M in a lower heel/sneaker because they think that is more representative of their consumer. Does candy have demographics? Do people who wear high heels not eat M & M's? Maybe I took it personally because I do in fact wear high heels and have been known to eat M & M's. But I do agree Tucker Carlson will use anything to continue his fantasy of it's a war on conservatism. As soon as I hear the words Tik Tok I instantly zone out. Could.not.care.less. True but he isn't just stupid. He is dangerous. If he wasn't a Kennedy nobody would pay him any attention. But his name gives him some credibility with people who are already poised to believe what some people call disinformation but I call lies. From what I have read his wife Cheryl Hines doesn't share his anti vax beliefs. Bill Maher is always going to be Bill Maher. His beliefs are always going to be about being able to do whatever he wants to do. Everyone else be damned.
  22. Made worse by the fact there are at least two LGBTQ writers on staff. And of course Cynthia Nixon and Sara Ramirez.
  23. I still literally laugh out loud whenever I watch that episode and Samantha starts to faint when the doctor asks to see her in that room. They did tackle serious subjects and injected humor without minimalizing the seriousness of things. They also would show the heartbreak of things without it being too depressing. Miranda’s mom dying and Charlotte's miscarriage come to mind. AJLT doesn't do any of that. And honestly they aren't even trying.
  24. For me I thought that was the implication. And you are right it seems to have happened again and this time it's Miranda who sought it elsewhere. So why does she get to think she is in a rom com when she excoriated Steve for only straying once and not even emotionally investing in someone else like she has?
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