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Everything posted by Pearson80

  1. Didn't Ron write this story with Lucas and his niece, the one that Bonnie was passing off as Lucas' daughter.. Rex and Lucas are half-brothers via Kate.
  2. Could you please say that again for the people in the back, the media is the worst... My contempt for them has grown exponentially, I just can't with them..
  3. What is the vibe of the show? I am not seeing it here...
  4. Megan is an insufferable bitch, motherhood has not soften her at all.. I am just over her now and always...
  5. I am just speculating but I think she is going to go through IVF and wants the privacy to deal with it. I remember how Aisha spoke with such raw honesty about the ups and downs with IVF that can be very stressful and difficult for some people. It can take a toll on a couple. Eve is lucky that she is wealthy and has a billionaire husband to just concentrate on achieving their goal of having a baby without the stress of work.. It makes sense that if she wants a baby then she should be with her husband full time and not be on another continent with a different time zone.. On a shallow note, Eve has gotten better looking with age, she is stunning. She used to be a bit rough around the edges when she used to roll with the Ruff Riders. Female rappers were often as hard as the males.. Plus, good Black don't crack...
  6. Mayor Pete has really come into his own, you guys should see how he owns a certain news channel that has a different perspective on issues and he often leaves them speechless with incontrovertible facts.. Megan should take note from him, you can voice your opinions with people who don't agree with you without devolving into histrionics.. I loved Joy's raw honesty and I know it makes people uncomfortable at times because she comes off bitter but she is being true to who she is and what she has been feeling.. Plus, she speaks for a lot of us...
  7. I have to agree with you that Eve did not bring anything deep to the show, her opinions were often lame and uninspiring, not everybody can be like Aisha. I could listen to Aisha all day long and not be bored, an intelligent woman who is thought-provoking but I digress. I am so happy that Eve found a great man after all the BS that she has been through with other men. I hope that she does have her baby.. I wish her well, I am pretty sure we will see her again at some point..
  8. The ladies were on fire during the first block, I agreed with everything that they said and Ana as always just rocked. The mods have warned us about our opinions during this election week, so I am going to leave it at that..
  9. She most likely had a C-section because in some hospitals more than 70% of births occur via C-section.
  10. Exactly! Mo was a good person but she was allowed to be flawed. She always showed disdain for Holly and was insecure around her because she knew of Ed's past devotion and love for her and it was a stark contrast to her liking Roger who Ed hated with the heat of a thousand suns.. That era of Guiding light was just golden, I remember a television critic saying that Guiding Light was the best show on TV, period..
  11. Jensen's Vicky became more like Marley as time went on and it added to my dislike of her.. Her Vicky lost something special with Marley's absence. Anne Heche was awesome as Vicky and Marley.. She gave Vicky a vulnerability that made you love her even when she was being difficult and Marley a quiet strength that Jensen could not duplicate.. Jensen was okay as Vicky, her Marley was the absolute worst.. Having re-watched the show on youtube, I noticed that Vicky and Marley were always in scenes together in almost every episode, whether alone or with other people in group scenes, If there was a big party the twins were both there, no wonder Anne burnt out and opted to leave.. I don't remember that during Jensen's era of playing the twins.. Her Vicky and Marley were barely together and their stories rarely intersect, diminishing the twins' bond that was always there during Anne and to a certain extent when Ellen originated both roles.
  12. Beautiful post and I loved how the Holly/Blake/Ross storyline permeated throughout that story.. Ed/Holly bonding was also another treat and I loved how Holly reamed him out when she found out that he cheated on Maureen. Even though she had had an affair with Ed while he was with Maureen in the past but she did not come off hypocritical or self-righteous. The writing during that time was so excellent and nuanced. I only wish Beverly's Alexandra was there to find out about her good friend Lillian having an affair, given what happened between Mindy and Roger. The Alex/Mindy/Roger storyline was another great story that was wonderfully written and acted by the principals but I digress. Nancy Curlee hated killing off Maureen she said she had lots of stories to tell for Maureen. The Maureen/Roger friendship had so much potential., damn you to hell, Jill!
  13. That was a very good story and his coming out to his class was very powerful. I always got the impression that Kevin's brother who killed Laurel was gay as well. The show kept on hinting that he was and his self-hatred for being gay was fueling his intense homophobia against Michael. I hated Laurel, what an awful character. It was creepy how she zeroed in on Natalie and her family.. Speaking of Natalie, I thought Timmy's raw grief with dealing with her death was well-done.
  14. This will be an interesting stressful week and I am grateful Nutmeg will not be there to add to it..
  15. Jack used to have an affinity for prostitutes, perhaps during the Peter/Jennifer coupling in a moment of weakness and self-loathing he hooked up with a prostitute and got her pregnant.. No thanks to Jack and Kate... They did have awesome chemistry when Deborah Adair played her, to be fair she was a chemistry magnet..
  16. That is not true and Cuomo did a lot to help his state and he has every right to blame him. Cuomo has been a leader for New York and has been a rock. New York was a hotspot for Covid and under his leadership, he has brought down the numbers without any help from the federal government. New York gives more to the federal government than they get back. No leader is perfect and he has nothing to be ashamed of.. His approval rating is through the roof, I have no doubt that if he were to go for another term, he would get it hands down.. In a time of crisis, I would want Cuomo by my side..
  17. I don't like how he handled some things during his stint as Mayor of Chicago but he knows his stuff. I loved how he said that the lower courts need to be expanded before even looking at the supreme court.. I would say more but you guys should google and see what I mean..
  18. True but the country was in a different place, any criticism of him was met with retribution, remember the Dixie chicks. Whoopie had alienated the Black community with her boyfriend's blackface debacle. So she must have felt alone after she and Ted broke up. I remember she bitterly said in an interview that she was no longer Black enough for Black people,,
  19. I loved it too and it showed the resilience of Black people..
  20. The Black male support is exaggerated by the media. The majority of Black men of all ages as a voting bloc voted against him more so than any other male group in this country. I get really chafe when people like Bari rely on Black media personalities like Charlemagne da god to speak for the Black community . Black people are not a monolith but are usually politically astute and pragmatic when voting for their best interest..
  21. Same here, There are villains on soaps and in other genres that I have found interesting but never wanted to win in the end. I thought Tony Soprano of the Sopranos played by the late James Gandolfini was an interesting villain and that was due to his talents. Not to mention, the writers never wanted us to root for him like Ron and company wants us to root for Ben the serial killer or Kristen the psychopath. Tony was a monster while he was capable of showing good qualities as a human being, he still remained a monster.. Monsters are not good after all is said and done.. Soaps no longer know how to write that type of complexity. They have characters do all type of heinous stuff and then six months later they tell you that they are redeem and you should forget what you saw..
  22. Poor Kayla, Ron is just disgusting! How does het get away with writing these type of stories? unbelievable!
  23. Why is the show so enamored with that repulsive pig Piers Morgan? I refused to watch him today..
  24. The show will never give up their Stefano obsession, the story above sounds horrible...
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