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Everything posted by DoctorAtomic

  1. No, I just think they're anti-woman because they never had girlfriends. If dudes were channeling clean, they'd be all up their ass, and any of them would sell out their brother to be bonded as a warder. And I'm not an Aes proponent per se, from an organizational standpoint. I see them more as the church in medieval times. I was glad they had some other groups in the books.
  2. This is the time of year that I say I do not care for the Nutcracker. I don't have anything against ballet. It's the story that I just don't get and seems ridiculous. I also do not care for GOB but that is year round.
  3. I was thinking the same thing, but he doesn't know Dexter killed the son. Yet. (speculation). I did like the girl actually having some wits about her, and trying to fight. I'm not really feeling the plot with Harrison. Not the actor's fault. I'm not really interested in a chunk of the show with high school kids at a party rolling.
  4. No, season 3 aired on ITV first in August I thought.
  5. Funny, the head of the news channel is on Curb as a Hulu exec.
  6. I think Seth Rogan was only supposed to have a cameo; Jews for Jesus was a family member.
  7. We still have the specials, so that should be fun. tbh, I kind of wanted Thirteen to just destroy the watch when she was on Division, when the Swarm were taunting her. She's still the same person who helped all these people. She's not going to stop.
  8. They could be dealing it out slow since there's about a billion characters and don't want to overwhelm the audience. I don't even remember when Av first appears.
  9. We know it's going to be a regeneration, but I thought Thirteen said 'no regenerations?' Although Ten treated his regeneration as sort of a death, so I could see Thirteen feeling the same way. I did laugh at the Doctor sassing the other for being 'ooh touchy' when she wanted to explain the plan.
  10. Sleepy Hollow is a classic case of not knowing the show you have and forcing it to be the show you want.
  11. And a little bit of Captain Jack. He would certainly be flirting with himself. Jericho certainly did well for himself too. I enjoyed it, if only because they did a serial instead of the usual format. I wasn't surprised that the finale was bonkers. I wasn't expected three Thirteens (Thirty-Nine?). I actually enjoyed all the characters. Not that I hinge much on continuity, but when Ten met Whilf on xmas, Whilf said everyone left London on xmas because of all the Doctor shenanigans in the past, so I wouldn't be too surprised if the universe was smaller. I'm sure no one thinks the Sontarans, Daleks, or Cybermen are gone. Certainly, escaped. But, it might be better facing off against only a few rather than whole ships at a time. I don't think all the Lupari are gone either. I don't know why Time said that the Doctor has no more regenerations either. Eleven got a whole new set on Trenzalore. Of course, the Doctor isn't dying either.
  12. I don't think you can beat Larry v Richard Lewis. Jeff and Leon can kind of make Larry break, and Susie and Larry have their own thing going, but those two always try to up each other and it can go off the rails fast. Richard Lewis is the only one that can catch Larry off.
  13. I didn't know Richard Lewis was going to appear! Him and Larry I think are the best combo. "When are you going to die?" was awful, and they're the only people that can pull that off. I was surprised Ted Danson is involved with Young Larry since they can't stand one another. I don't know who the actor for Young Larry is, but I think he fit in well into the show. I liked that Susie and Cheryl didn't buy Larry for second. I don't know if they made up Faulker or not, but Larry seemed to get a huge kick out of it. Losing by the one vote was hilarious, but there's no way that wouldn't trigger an automatic recount. I have to agree with Larry though about the ex-wife being a 'widow'. That was a good classic bit for the show.
  14. That was the gist of me asking if Trinity was the One this time around, but let's split it if we're right. I do hope the transgender metaphor is explored more though; I was surprised at the time that the genders were all the same.
  15. I have no use for Valda et al., but they're there, so I have to roll with it. I can buy that he can stealth them out or snipe them, and then chop off their hands. He's got 6, but that could have been over 10 years or something. He could offer them tea and put poison in it. Or, like it was said, you get to the warder, there's going to be some shock to the Aes, so you can take advantage of the confusion.
  16. It also implies that for these super sorcerers and their amped up bodyguards, that they can be actually killed. It's a good early death that ups the stakes of the show and establishes some boundaries to the story.
  17. Are they trying to say Trinity is The One?
  18. You're always going to get the intense fanboy faction of anything that will always be default at trashing the product. I've seen a smattering of comments that pop up in my Facebook feed, but I'd say mostly good with most agreeing that a ton needed to be cut. A lot of the negative comments are on the diversity of the actors.
  19. The Aes aren't omnipotent, though many think they are, as we have seen. I could buy Valda picked them off one by one. Or just overwhelmed them with numbers. We have seen Moiraine severely injured. You could conceivable hide on a ridge and then just shoot some arrows down.
  20. You know the universe is going to be saved. In the smaller stories, you still know the Doctor is going to 'win', but sometimes there's actual deaths and not always necessarily a reset button.
  21. To be fair to Rand, he's all 'hey, Mat, you can talk to me' and kind of hovering over him. Rand saw Mat with *a* dagger just before the Fade reared its head and they hoofed it out there immediately. I don't think Rand really has had a peaceful second to reflect on anything at this point.
  22. The Professor is a great addition to the team. I liked that they weren't giving up, and we jumped into them adventuring away. Couldn't the TARDIS find them? Or are we handwaving that her being degraded is why? Though painting the Great Wall was brilliant. They worked well together. And Yaz's hat. I'm typically not a huge fan of when they up the scale of the show to the universe level. I like the Daleks, Cybermen, and all them. There's at least a purpose there. The universe this and that is just drawing on a wall to me. It's big time petty. And that lady was full of it. They're terrified of the Doctor. I did like the speech about the Doctor inspiring people. That's all I want from the show. Some adventuring. I don't like anything about 'chosen' stories either. There's no reason for the Doctor to be 'chosen'. But think of it this way - One still stole the TARDIS and left and ended up on Earth. There wasn't any destiny involved. All the regenerations have been like that. Even now - Thirteen doesn't want the universe to end because of all the people. Being this 'timeless child' doesn't matter in the end. Given the show has been on long enough to collect a pension, continuity isn't really going to hold up past last week. The show is about being in the moment, much like the Doctor. I thought for a second there that the 'mother' was the Doctor. We're going to have to call the Doctor Thirteen Thousand. I'm not clear on the motivations of the Serpent. Was he in cahoots with Sontar all along, or just playing a long game to wipe out earth and that's the play he made?
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