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Everything posted by DoctorAtomic

  1. "Oh, another Beverly Hills Cop? Cool. I'll check it out". **Trailer uses Neutron Dance** YES PLEASE
  2. This movie was hilarious, tight, and well acted. There is no objective way it could be panned unless you're grinding an axe. When I was a kid, I ate the frosted chocolate or frosted cinnamon. When we had parties in undergrad I used to get them for my friends that would get high and totally nom on them. The parallel with the space race was perfect and how they figured out to package it in foil. I watched the whole Made Men scene three times. Hamm and Slattery didn't miss a beat. Unreal. I think Gaffigan stole the move though. The kid at the beginning was great - Leave the box. I assume it had to be deliberate, but the conference I was at last week, had custom made pop tarts at the reception.
  3. They showed at the end of the episode that Mae was all alone and scared. I can buy she blames the Jedi because had they never shown up, Osha wouldn't have gone with them, and she wouldn't have had to start the fire. We also don't know when the master found her, where she was, or what he said to win her over.
  4. I'd like to know what actual research Sinatra did because what she read was just as tropey and pandering as Monk's book.
  5. I think that's fair. For me, the Doctor is an aspirational figure, and the Companions grow and learn about themselves by traveling, being capable of more than they thought they could be. I feel Ruby could be in that place (again, unspoiled). I liked for her that there really didn't end up being any stakes, per se, but there's a moving on in a good way. Ryan, Martha, and Donna clearly fit that for me. I also didn't think the "I love you" wasn't *lurve*. There's some growth there, and that's good. In terms of not sticking the landing, we just didn't have enough time with the two of them. I wouldn't say the ending wasn't earned but the actors weren't really allowed to breathe in the roles. Per se. I like saying per se. I don't quite get Fifteen saying he's never thought about family before, when Thirteen was all about The Fam. In terms of the ending, I don't think it's Susan, even though she's been brought up a lot. The Master seems too obvious. In Classic Who, I suppose that means the Rani? The Valeyard doesn't seem to fit in this context. Whoever it is, knows what a TARDIS is. Interesting that 'clever boy' was said though. He had very Doctor moments for me, but there just wasn't enough screen time for that aspect to play out. I think here it's agreed that part one of this finale was where he was the most Doctor. This was the plot for Torchwood: Miracle Day also run by RTD. I did like watching, but it took some work. We had a thread at the old place.
  6. I like the show, but I think it's a fair criticism that RTD can go way too big. There's no way I was buying they're killing off Kate and Ruby's mum. Right off the bat, the stakes just aren't there for me. To be fair, Gatwa definitely sold it. And, to be more fair, I always like when Classic Who is brought into our modern times. Taking the TARDIS hostage fired me up! How dare you! I did like the TARDIS that was bits of all of them. I noticed Fifteen was outfitted very much like Nine as well for part of it. As much as I (fairly) criticized 73 yards, I'm enjoying that there's a payoff here too. What I don't get it why a so-called god didn't know the name. You'd think clever Doctor might have played that angle. Technically, I guess they did. I guess I'm just used to the Doctor being more shouty in these situations. Dragging Sutekh behind the TARDIS like the dog in Vacation seemed overly cruel for the Doctor. I don't know what other choice they had, but Fifteen didn't seem too phazed. I did buy that actually killing him affected the Doctor. I think I was mostly relieved the Ood were ok. I almost wanted Ruby to just delete the information on her mother and just walk away from it all. Good casting though. I liked the resolution that she was ordinary but important because we all thought so and not the most special girl in the universe. I enjoyed the goodbye, but it missed just a little for me because it was only 6 episodes. Of course, I know they traveled a lot 'off screen', but there wasn't much of a mention of that either. I'm unspoiled, and I would like to remain that way, but for an ending, this was nice. Ruby has more family, and she doesn't seem traumatized. We did kind of miss why the birth mother was dressed up like death nor seemed too concerned some guy waltzed out of a police box at the same time she was dropping off her baby. She didn't seem like she was 15 at the time either. I don't think the snow was ever really explained. Was it meant to be Sutekh? tbh, this was a 2 parter, so there's six other episodes, but 2 of them were Doctor-lite and both of them lite. So we really only got 4 episodes of proper Doctor Who. That's too bad because the actors were really good.
  7. Mae had to tell Manny Jacinto, tv-wise, because we're being tipped off that he's the master (speculation not spoiler). iirc, she tells him what's going on, and then she wants to rest, he traipses off to 'find water'. Then she finds Jedi Wookie dead and the master shows up. It's a 'fair cheat'. They established these two have a close enough relationship with one another that she'd confide in him. We also don't have the benefit of an inner monologue. He's evasive about how he's serving the master and seems to know the remote world and exact location where Jedi Wookie is hiding. Has just enough time to sneak off to 'get water' and then all of a sudden the Wookie Jedi is killed clearly from a sabre. When they do the reveal, viewers naturally would want everything to add up, looking back. As to why all of a sudden Mae changes her mind, I agree that was abrupt. Knowing Osha is still alive clearly was a factor, but it did happen fast.
  8. First of all, I certainly agree. However, in offering a larger context, two things; we're always hearing how *this* election is the one the really matters all the time. I think all elections are consequential, but I can also buy people just being exhausted. I'm voting, like I always vote. Just make it about that. Second, it's not really 'equally bad'. It's more like 'my issue is the most important and it wasn't done exactly how I wanted so I'm throwing a tantrum.' I'm familiar with 2025. PBS covered it consistently. Obviously, it's terrible. Practically, I don't know if they're going to be able to do what they think they can. Putting in 'loyalists' who don't know where the actual levels are to pull won't be able to do much, and the courts will probably block a lot, especially any violation of separation of powers. I just don't see 'ruthless efficiency'. You can't fire people from the NRC because they're empowered by the Atomic Energy Act. There's a violation of separation of powers imo. It would be the same with NEPA. I clearly don't want to rely on that though. I also don't think that 2025 will just move on to 2029. My hot take is Trump supporters are also exhausted and aren't voting for him. They have cover to say, 'well, I think we should move on.' I wonder how much money has been donated to food banks since the show started.
  9. Does the Republic have geologists? I would think how all these planets evolved would be fascinating. We never really saw a legitimate university. It's interesting they said 'stationed' on the witches' planet. I didn't get that from the last episode. It seemed to me they were just there. I like how the Jedi all just tramped into the forest with no backpacks, water, first aid. I didn't either, but I think we should have. The show has been moving plot point quickly. I don't know what Mae was thinking with turning herself in, but I get the reasoning provided here. However, she murdered two Jedi in cold blood, so other than pleading guilty and throwing herself on the mercy of the court, I don't get what outcome she's going for. And the Jedi aren't going to be merciful. Mae isn't protected by a jury of her peers. I do like the point of killing the Jedi Wookie after Mae renged. The Jedi aren't going to believe "she walked in to turn herself in and he was dead already". It's not like the Jedi are showing presumption of innocence. They could assume she took his sabre and killed him with it. So we might actually get some sort of Star Wars Fugitive after all.
  10. I think Action was on about the same time as Profit. Also ahead of its time and a better fit for premium cable.
  11. DoctorAtomic

    The NBA

    From what I watched, it just seemed like Dallas just couldn't get a stop or a basket when they needed. That just didn't work against Boston, who could. And you just can't shoot your way back into the game against them. Dallas seems either to be missing a piece, or someone outside of Luca and Kylie needs to develop a bigger presence game on and out.
  12. She did have the full journals though. That's why I thought they were in Portuguese.
  13. I thought someone else wrote them. He couldn't write.
  14. It is a two part episode, so I'd expect a more active Doctor next time.
  15. Osha definitely made a remark early on that she and Mae were the only kids there. I could buy that there was a third party there. I don't think any of us here think that only 3 Jedi and a padawan wiped out all of them. We don't actually know why the Jedi landed there in the first place either. The ship could have just needed repairs, they could have been investigating the twins, or following something else. It's not like the Jedi were going to discuss anything. They should have.
  16. I thought the journals were in Portuguese. They were the dominant power, so if you're in their employ, I figured they'd all learn the language.
  17. Yet Monk's book skyrocketed. I think they were trying to point out there how actually good he was. She did a lot of research and worked hard, and he blew his book out without batting an eye. I thought Issa was also going to be in on it, that she was playing them all too, and in a way she was, but more corporate about it. I finally got around to watching it because it was on Prime. I really liked it though. Lots of funny reaction shots from Wright and the dig about selling books at the airport. Just everything he did resulted in more success.
  18. If you are a contemporary or the times; like I said, I was a little younger, but I was there, I would recommend watching it.
  19. I won't get into too much until more people watch. Normally, this is my Sunday, but I'm traveling through time and space (a whole hour in the past!), and I didn't want to wait until late next week. Nice to see the Doctor and Companion actually interacting together for most of the episode too (and I did like Rogue a lot and credit to Ruby for having her own agency to get into battle mode). But still. We got a big confirmation in the opening tease, and a new employee at UNIT! I did like the Doctor saying that the Brigadier was 'the best of men.' I don't know why the TARDIS had to fly into UNIT. Can't she just go in there like everywhere else? I thought in the whole setup of the episode after the opening, the Fifteen was his most Doctorish, if you can get what I mean. I really enjoyed Redgrave and Gatwa one on one (I don't want to say what they were talking about yet). She actually looked younger than him. Funny that showing the lamppost in winter at the church reminded me of the Lion, Witch, and the Wardrobe. This was a DOCTOR WHO EPISODE. Full stop. Shallow - Kate looked hot.
  20. That's a tough point there. Just in this episode, Sol said he was 4 when he went off with the Jedi. That's hard to say he had informed consent, in an ethical sense. Yoda was bitching that an 8 y/o Anakin was too old, and, which I agree with the general point, someone that powerful probably should get some training so as not to be a danger. They aren't, but the Republic did force the Jedi into being soldiers in the Clone Wars. I would suggest the likes of strong personalities like Windu and Yoda probably would have objected in a more realistic interpretation, but they didn't. I think that may have been a misstep because in the OT, Jedi/Sith/Force was considered a dead religion. Suddenly being a political body in the PT was something I'd say wasn't well thought out. The Council made bad decisions though. Which lends to my point that maybe they shouldn't have been a political body versus a monastic order. I do agree that the deconstruction of the Jedi as a philosophy has gotten to be a bit much. I don't really have a problem with that precisely because political borders don't really mean anything. And, as we've been saying, if they sense someone is powerful in the Force, they really should check it out. I think the point of contention was 'It's our right to test them'. Again, informed consent. Jedi Trinity could have come at it with more sensitivity.
  21. She did make a remark about them being the only kids there, and we open the show with her having run off into the forest. She also hesitated with the 'I'm for you and you're for me' when they were walking back too. I can buy that being shoved into this out of the way place to just hide out and be isolated could be tough. When the mother was doing all the Force Push lessons, it looked like Mae started pushing her around too. tbh, I think she just wanted a break from everything and the Jedi offered a way out. Had the mother or the birth mother maybe just took her on a play date once and awhile, she'd probably be ok. I'd agree the one on one with Osha and the mother about why she wanted to test with the Jedi and possibly leave could have been tighter. I think we stepped into the episode where she was already frustrated. I don't think there's much to it more than that. I would have liked to know how the kids felt about being force babies.
  22. I need to see more of you around the lab. Fine. I'll gain weight.
  23. DoctorAtomic

    The NBA

    Yes. The forearm push to generate space rarely gets called. Watch some of the Joker's highlights. He's way more of a culprit since he's so big. I don't think it's a big deal tbh. I don't want to see tons of whistles on offensive fouls all the time. I think they call moving screens way too much. I would prefer they bring back the handcheck to even it out a little, but I don't want to see a return to the 90s. I think the game is actually quite good right now.
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