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Everything posted by DoctorAtomic

  1. I'm totally taking credit if this happens. I would think the show is going for something besides the usual Jedi v Sith. My other guys is that the sisters probably join forces at the end to defeat Smilo.
  2. When was Palpatine actually born? Because I thought Dooku was born soon, no? Would Yoda be at the Council at this point? I can certainly see the Council having top secret files that your Qui Gon level Jedis wouldn't know. In TPM, the fact that there's Sith (Maul) out and about and a civil war going on, no one is really going to worry about an isolated incident 100 years ago.
  3. I wouldn't say I'm a Triumph fan either, but they really nailed this segment. They were just coming in hard satirizing the 'undecided voter' and just eviscerating them for it. There wasn't any pretension in the bit. Which lends to the further point - who are these people who agreed to it? Triumph told Sideburns to just sit it out. There's your Rickles style of comedy where you're insulting people because 'your wife's into fat guys?' and literally telling someone they're too stupid to vote. Most of that had to be improvised.
  4. I guess this season is about the tragedy of Hades in these early stages. Even though he's a stalker. Kind of. He did bring the horse back. And the horse seemed to like him. I liked that Persephone did have agency. They're certainly telling original stories and got really good actors.
  5. There's a kids burger competition over near where I live, and they showed some of them on the local news. One kid made a provolone, grilled pineapple, and bacon bbq. Another had one with guac. Easily burgers of the day.
  6. I mean, there's a million Jedi running around the High Republic. You're going to have redshirts. I think the show did a good job with Jecki and portrayed a developing understanding and emerging friendship with Osha. I was actually surprised she died. I think you needed Smilo Ren (this is why we have the internet) to rip through a whole bunch of them to show that these Jedi just are ready (ha!) for a real threat to them in the Force. They tromp around the witches; everyone dies. They rush to save the Wookiee Jedi; everyone dies.
  7. iirc, on this show, the last time the UK had elections, the knock on the Labour candidate was that he was boring. It's like you can't win for nothing.
  8. Congratulations to the USA being in a Copa group that wasn't too hard to advance through and imploding. As a better side, you can play for the point being a man down. Getting through the group stage requires effective management. I'm not pie in the sky about the USA, but advancing out of group stages is an expectation. I'm rooting for them, but, man, it's hard to be your friend, guys.
  9. I'm not going to go back and rewatch, but I thought when Osha was watching the fighting between the trees, that when Yord was taking some swings, they did a voice over like Smilo Ren (HA!) was messing in his head to distract him. I think the prevailing opinion is they do know. If Sol doesn't because he's dealing with the whole massacre and getting his padawan killed, the show has been brisk with the plot that I think he'll figure it out soon. Also, we know the sniffer definitely knows because he's got Pip with him. I think Smilo (love it) clearly knows because at the end when he rolled Osha over, they had a very clear shot on her arm tattoo. If the show is going for the bonkers, how great would it be if Mae repents and is trained as a padawan, while Osha becomes the Acolyte?
  10. The problem with watching on youtube is that there's no opening and setup to the segments. That aside, the Triumph segment was gold. I'm not a 'blame the media' guy, but you know soon we'll be getting the deluge of 'undecided voter' nonsense, and 'what we can learn from them.' Please. These people cannot be satirized enough. Granted, this segment was slanted to Biden, but they did get digs in on him too. We'll see you in 4 years when you can't decide between AOC and Kyle Rittenhouse.
  11. thedailyshow.com just bounces over to P+. As far as youtube goes, what's annoying is that the opening segment, for example, has 7 ad breaks so you keep having to click skip every 150 seconds or so. You can't just leave it on to watch.
  12. I've got enough streaming services that I use regularly that I don't feel the need to get another.
  13. Why these episodes only 5 seconds long? Does Disney not have the money for 45 - 50 minutes? Or even 40? Force Pull someone onto your saber after you ran someone through needs to be on a Sith recruiting poster. Killer Halloween costume too. If the Sith/master/whatever wasn't playing with Sol, I'm impressed Sol is that good. The rest of the lot were taken out quite easy. The padawan wasn't bad either, but I don't think he wanted to kill her. I did enjoy that the force was used more in the fighting. And all the hand to hand was cool. I don't know if it was on purpose, but the 2 on 1 duel was like Kenobi and Anakin taking on Dooku in the Clone Wars. I'm sure none of us were surprised by the reveal either. Credit to the show though, they didn't drag it out. So now the show is basically The Jedi in the Iron Mask. I'm going to give Sol a pass for not knowing right away given everything that happened. Also, the show is brisk. I wouldn't be surprised if he does figure it out quickly. If he doesn't know already, like many said. Darth Manny should know Osha because they had a glaring shot of the tattoo. The table read must have been something else. Yord said something like, "he doesn't fight by the rules and gets in your head". It's fair enough. The Jedi haven't fought for real in how long? I always leaned to the Sith just being better fighters overall. Or they just don't believe him. We're in an era of trashing the Jedi, so I could easily see this happening. He was giving a speech about the Jedi and rules and all that, so it would make sense that Jedi would call anyone not a Jedi, Sith. Of course, none of this explains the Jedi kill list.
  14. I noticed today because my cable company doesn't carry CC, but I always watch the show the next morning on the website.
  15. Not so much they finished third, but they didn't win a game in the group stages. I'm watching the Euros, but I'm also watching Copa America. Costa Rica held on and took a point from Brazil.
  16. Is the show not available to watch through the Comedy Central website anymore?
  17. That's what I meant by a reasonable and valid point being given in a Reed Diamondy way. He's assuming Lucy killed him too. With their limited information, the boyfriend could have done it for all they know. But, the guy is dead, and she's in the wind. Finding her is a priority. Do we know Lucy is the first? If so, maybe in the meantime they tried again to be more 'stable'; the loss of the long term memory seemed to be an issue. The younger girl seemed to be able to come and go too.
  18. I don't think the technology would accelerate much either, once you get to a hyperdrive, for example. Being constantly at a galaxy spanning war isn't going to lend to too much technological innovation without supply lines beyond keeping the ships and lasers running. We're before all that though by a 100 years though. Being set in the High Republic Era was a billing for the show promotions, and there isn't anything noticeable at all. What makes it "High Republic". Are they less racist? Different economics or strata? I'm talking only an extra scene or two. Being on streaming, we're not limited to 35 minutes for the episode. We watched 5 to 7 minutes of walking through the forest. No one made any small talk about anything?
  19. I'm enjoying the show because the plot is moving along nicely without the usual tv manufactured drama moments. Creating twins out of the force was not necessarily new, but I like that it seems this is something that's been attempted. My criticism is that we're lacking any worldbuilding of this High Republic Era. I don't expect to see Coruscant to markedly different, but this could easily be just a sidequest set in TPM era.
  20. STOLEN. Someone needs to do a routine "We talking about flags? Not healthcare. Not gun control. We talking about flags." a la Allen Iverson. I'm going to hedge on any scotus ruling on the ten commandments. Sometimes, they thread the needle. Also, it's got to work it's way up to them. It's not automatic they take the case. Even then, 4 have to vote to take it up. I'm also hoping it's a slippery slope and a whole other bunch of nonsense gets posted in the schools to underscore how ridiculous this is.
  21. Probably not, but Reed Diamond's organization doesn't strike me as totally above board either. And, we're going from printing organs to using the technology to cloning people (possibly). In the scene with Reed Diamond (and this is what we're calling him, yes? 'Tom' is just not him) and her, she said something like 'your (or our?) boss makes that decision.' The simple answer could just be that she nobly patented technology to print organs but got into bed with the wrong people to get the technology up at scale and is in over her head. I don't think she's shady because she clearly considers Lucy a real person and doesn't seem to be buying that 'the clone is damaged'. Although, to be fair, Reed Diamond's argument, which is his job to do, is reasonable. He just did it in a Reed Diamondy way. Also, Lucy is responsible for killing his friend. Keeley Hawes has been a fave from 'Spooks' so I don't want her to be shady especially if it looks like she's playing such a beloved character from the OG. Given who she is, I also need a strong buy in as to why she would agree to cloning knowing what has happened. Other observations - I like how it's 'futurey' in 2052, but not totally scifi. There's still old buildings in Boston because why wouldn't there be? Old trucks will still work. The phones are the same, just thinner.
  22. I hope not. That takes a lot of agency away from all of them. I don't think RTD is making a break if the villain of the season is from Classic Who, and the last shot is of Romana. And Mel was featured heavily. It was said upthread that the situation didn't lend itself to a discussion of regenerations. imo, Fifteen is a lot more emotional Doctor, and he told Kate about trying to open up more. So he also just doesn't see himself as that person. Saying "that was me a long time ago" may not feel right. Or, the Doctor was thinking a million things at once, as always, so this trivial detail wasn't particularly important to get into at the moment.
  23. I remember reading something about the show a while ago, but I'd since forgot anything about it until I saw an ad this week. Great moment when she broke out of the room and was just in a warehouse. I was not expecting that! I don't know if I would have continued to push buttons and put my hands in things though. This strikes me as a very Krysten Ritter role. Eating out of cans while building rockets and engines and whatever. And she speaks Spanish. She just needed to punch someone, but the kick to the face worked. At the beginning, Doctor Keeley Hawes was saying something about long-term memory not "settling in", but then said later she was printed, which we saw. So maybe this is a new clone technology. I do hope the show doesn't go too overboard on the conspiracies and shadowy organizations. It was getting too much. Reed Diamond being very Reed Diamondy. They've got all the heavyweights in here. I like the idea of clones at a different age. You're just not going to capture the OG magic with the same actor, even though Ritter could probably pull it off. Too much of a risk if she's not flawless. Is Doctor Keeley Hawes who I think it is?! The previews I assume are still spoilers. The young Lucy looks kind of like my FB friend when she was younger. I hope more people watch!
  24. I'm sure there's a procedure to rejoin if they had a withdrawal procedure in place. I would think the UK would have to vote on it like they did with Brexit. tbh, I don't think, as a concept that national service in terms of local volunteering is that bad of an idea. My local professional society group does that. Of course, the execution would probably be a disaster because we can't ever just do anything. Similar ideas have been around. MLK day is typically a 'day of service'. Also of course, right on cue "we can't have government services because people choose to be poor".
  25. I'm not tired of Bill. I watch the show every week. Over the past year or so, the episode threads didn't really lend to discussion of the episode and more leaned into just hate watching on Bill even though there is a thread to do that. I'm not a Bill fan boy, and he's certainly not above criticism. Everyone of course is entitled to their own opinion, but I don't feel that both watching the show and talking about it, and ripping on Bill are being accommodated fairly. ymmv, but the stark drop off in activity could be as much about being tired of Bill's deal as it is that discussing the actual episode has been stifled.
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