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Everything posted by DoctorAtomic

  1. I don't think it's that. He was never going to be a Tom Cruise, but he was as good an actor as anyone in that time. I think part of the problem is they felt they had to turn down projects that others were in as Emilio was explaining. So maybe more sour due to missed opportunities. He's had credits in every year literally since he started except for covid. You tell any actor they'll have steady work for 4 decades, and they'll take it in a heartbeat. Plus, several of his films still have traction today.
  2. They really gotten to the main mystery quickly too, in only 3 episodes. There's a lot more to go for me. They know who Mae's targets are so they should be looking for the Wookie next.
  3. It's rare outside of the cities that I mentioned do new infrastructure actually get used after the Olympics, versus, for example, the Rose Bowl, which is basically used year round. That's a waste of money ending up bankrupting the city. I mean, I guess you can't limit the hosts to the 'haves', but on the other hand, you're basically killing the environment. It's the same with the World Cup being somewhere like Qatar versus literally every other country that has pro soccer leagues and therefore actual venues.
  4. We were talking about this earlier in the morning today. I was just a little too young, but I eventually saw all the movies. It's like I lived through it, but wasn't a part of it. I was saying this morning that the John Hughes movies I really didn't care for, though I always thought they were very good actors. They still are. I can 'get' the movies later on from living through the times, but just no primary source material, so to speak. My high school experience was also ridiculously normal, so I just didn't think the movie high schools were the norm. I do remember the term 'Brat Pack' in the news. I didn't realize it included more of the actors than I originally thought because when you think '80s' you think the John Hughes movies. No Downey though? I didn't think you'd throw Risky Business and the like in there. When you expand that beyond John Hughes, there are a lot of movies I did like. Like the prevailing opinion here, I didn't realize they resented the term. I can totally see why. The deconstruction I think is important and interesting. I didn't know there was the big feature on Emilio (no one called him a nepo baby). It's kind of a commentary on Hollywood; here's a remarkable group of young actors that people want to see, let's milk them as much as we possibly can. Can you imagine now, with social media? I did like that it seemed like no one had any animosity to one another. McCarthy wasn't saying the Emilio feature was deliberate or anything. I thought it was interesting that Gladwell posited there were no cultural touchstones anymore. (Also Team Ducky is a fallacy. That doesn't exist.) I'm not sure I entirely agree that there's no touchstones anymore though. I also find him trite. The producer from St Elmo's Fire had a good point that they could have turned it on its head and made it work for them. Too bad none of the managers, agents, etc., were more forward thinking. Rob Lowe and Demi Moore seemed to have a positive perspective on their influence. I thought having the guy who wrote the Emilio was great, and I actually liked that he wasn't apologetic about it. McCarthy wasn't so pleased. Although, in the end, these were all really good, successful actors. I do think the point there, is that they were all incessantly asked about it constantly in any media appearance at the time rather than being able to just talk about the movie. You're not pulling that on Clooney or Pitt. To be fair, 'brat pack' is kind of hacky. I don't think the author of the article was saying they were entitled or anything, but it's not the best choice. McCarthy did say at 40, they would have all been 'whatever'. Say want you want about the movies, and we don't seem to like them too much, but 1 - Moore's comment that 'old Hollywood ended' rings true and 1980 was a total paradigm shift, and 2 - Lowe pointing out that just about all popular media has been a derivative of the Brat Pack, he specifically said The Entire CW, ain't wrong. I also would think that their representation wasn't ready for such a paradigm shift in the industry and wasn't able to provide 22 y/o actors the cover that they might have needed. They stuck the landing on the end though.
  5. I'm pleased at the end they showed Rygel with Brian Henson because they made all the characters for Facrscape and they were really creative. In one episode, they actually just used a Skeksis with no explanation. Henson sounds like a guy who just wanted to work. His films pre-Muppet looked interesting. I only caught the tail end of the Muppets in its original run, but I think all the shows are on D+. I know the movies are. (Take a left at the fork in the road!) I was impressed at the level of guest stars. Hard to get any higher than 70s Elton John. I thought you said you make these while I sleep? *Gets whacked over the head with a mallet* As a supplement, Howard has been making some of the podcast rounds to talk about the documentary. I heard him on Conan and then on The Treatment (I think). He talked about how he used quick editing like Henson did because the story just really fell into that rhythm.
  6. Crying About Dildos was our senior prom theme. I think repression, yes, but it's also they're all mad that they don't have the spine to experiment, or that time passed them by, or they blew a shot at it, and why should these people be having fun then? I mean, you know they're all watching porn. It wouldn't be so profitable unless just about everyone was watching.
  7. They're not all FBI though. There's temples everywhere and it didn't seem like they were doing much of anything. I'm wondering if there are just so many Jedi around that they know what to do with. So I'm saying if Trinity, Sol, or the Wookie sensed that there was someone powerful in the Force, they can at least go investigate even if it's on a non Republic world. I'm not suggesting that they can legally mandate testing anyone. But Osha did seem interested of her own volition. What actually the rule of law is has always been tenuous.
  8. They did show a big explosion. What I didn't get is when Mae lit the book on fire, they cut into the room, and suddenly the whole door was on fire. It seemed odd that it escalated so fast, and then spread into the main room to cause the explosion. I still think the witches were fighting and the Jedi stuck their nose in a made it worse. I don't have a problem with the Jedi aren't as good as you think or Sith might not be totally bad, but there's been a long term deconstruction of the Jedi philosophy. It's a bit much. This High Republic era was purported to be a golden age. I get we're at the end of it, but you'd think Jedi Trinity would come off more sympathetic and reasonable to the witches. "Hey, we're not going to report you, but the kids are really strong, and we should talk about it." To be fair, do the Jedi have to respect Republic jurisdiction? I can buy the argument about the X-men in finding kids and training them so they're not a danger. I don't know if just taking the kids is something that's always been around or was new. Also, there's not much for them to actually do otherwise. But it's always been compared to a monkish order from the jump so cutting attachments doesn't bother me that much. I just wish there was a middler road to not constantly make them out to be trash.
  9. Yeah, but saying it to an actual French person is gold.
  10. "HE'S SKIING ON ONE SKI!" My roommate was from France in grad school so we always asked him if he liked FRAUNCH dressing. I didn't find St Elmo's Fire much anyway so you didn't miss much. I can't say I'm a fan of those movies either. I was just too young when they came out, and when I finally got around to watching them, I think I was a little too old. I can appreciate that the acting was good, and you really had about 10 or so really great actors all contemporaries; that never happened before, but the plots were all cloying. Even The Big Chill. I watched it a few years ago because it's a "classic" and it was all 60s music and Jeff Goldblum not quite at his Goldblumness yet. And they drank a lot of coffee. Great SNL skit though. I'll give a UO on the movies themselves - Fresh Horses was far far far superior to Sixteen Candles and Eric Stoltz was the best actor out of all of them. There's two movies that are *the* 80s, if you didn't live through it and really want to know - Less Than Zero and Wall Street. That's all you need.
  11. I think Jordan missed the point on the whole 'Hunter Biden's case was a distraction from what's *really* going on' in that they know it's just a fabrication to whip people up. I take his point, but I think it wasn't the best angle to take. I take Charlamane's point, and I've got the worst mouth at work, but I'm not sure the messaging problem is not swearing in Congress enough. I'd rather see elected officials acting like adults. Nothing wrong with being fired up, but still.
  12. The other question would be how the Jedi found the witches in the first place. With Sol skulking around the forest in the first place, it looked like they were there for a while. I suppose their ship needed repairs, but that's a huge coincidence.
  13. I'm pleasantly surprised we're getting a flashback already. They've done a good job of not dragging out plot; getting to the twin by the end of the first episode. And non Jedi Force users? Yes, please. Flashback Jedi Trinity is even better than Force Ghost Trinity. Not for nothing, like the Jedi can't sense the children. That wasn't the best tactic there, Mother. And the Jedi don't take children? Were there different rules in the High Republic? Because I'm not buying it. I thought it was clever to get the kids to fail on purpose. And that lasted all of 3 seconds. To be fair though, if all you're doing is hiding out on a seemingly very rural planet, wanting to know what's out there is natural. I'm not seeing they had much of a life with the adults being snippy all the time and no other kids around. I'm actually surprised Mae actually started the fire. Unless she meant to burn the book and just dropped it. That seems like a lot for burning one book. There's no way she killed everyone. Unless they're implying the explosion did. I'm thinking the witches got into a fight over Osha. How about we get the dudeflakes from Star Wars and Doctor Who together, and I'll start the fire? I'd say this is brand new and you're not missing anything. I've never heard of the Thread before. Unless you guys are saying this is another branch of Nightsisters? This whole ascend deal is new though. There's no way the Jedi initiated any attack. That would kill the entire character of Sol. The witches might have been fighting and the Jedi tried maybe to intervene or came when they saw the fire and some of the witches may have turned to go after the Jedi. They've made a huge deal about Jedi not drawing unless they intend to kill. I'm not sure the three of them and a padawan could take out all the witches. I certainly can see why a young Mae would blame everything on the Jedi though. Given the trauma, I could even buy that Mae even blocked out that she started the fire. Or maybe that's just what the most powerful made up to justify their own nonsense. People with different interpretations don't seem to live too long unless they play ball with one side or another. If they're calling it the Thread, then that's not a two sides interpretation. In a sense, the Jedi are holding Osha back if she's being forced to see it only one way.
  14. That wasn't popular? I thought around here everyone enjoyed it. I think the good thing about all the Star Wars shows is there's something for everyone. I'm just not interested if there's no Force users. Doesn't have to be Jedi v Sith, but I'm not going to bother otherwise. For others, there's Andor. I can enjoy Mando even though it's not really 'Forcey' because there's really not many Jedi around and poor Grogu can't really be trained or learn anything about who he is. So when he does do something amazing, it's got a big impact. I'm not so sure that 100 years before our 'present knowledge TPM' of the Republic is going to look that different if technological innovation has kind of stagnated over the several centuries of this High Republic era. That's just my take from the episode. It's a fair criticism though. If it was the beginning of the High Republic, I would agree for sure.
  15. afaik, LA was the only to make money.
  16. I do think the Doctor is the main character, but this episode struck a good balance. I prefer the Doctor to be a major character on Doctor Who though. I don't really like Doctor-Lite episodes, but I can live with Companion-Lite episodes. Blink being the exception to the rule, and the Doctor was technically in the episode.
  17. I always enjoy the satire across the board (not just on this show) about corporations trying to squeeze more money out of their junk by appropriating pride. However, Eczema Opie not being in the league of the hot black girl really took it. I don't know a ton about Clark, but I don't quite get why she's getting flack. Or what I seem to think she is. Back in the 80s, Bird and Magic were rookies but were hailed in the media as the face of the league and have been widely credited as 'saving' the NBA. Sure, the OGs at the time in the league made them pay their dues. But they were marketed as the stars of the league. I'm not saying the WNBA needs to be 'saved' in the same way, but certainly capitalizing on any ratings boost would be the smart move. Again, she's got to pay her dues, but I didn't get the attitude from the reporter in the interview (I didn't catch her name). I agree that leading with her getting a hard foul is silly, but she missed the point that her teammates aren't really leaping to her defense either. She went on about if people knew Vegas was threepeating, etc. Yes, there's plenty of exciting things that most people don't know, but I'd say the marketing tactic to get more people interested in those things would be Clark. John kind of asked that are current fans more wanting the WNBA to be "theirs" and not welcome the expanded interest? She didn't seem to have a good answer except that the Sun were 9-0. And? I'm also calling it out a little on the Olympic team for the same reason. Clark doesn't get the 14th spot on that roster? They're something like 30 billion - 0. There's not much risk here.
  18. I read an article a while back that proposed the Olympics rotate thought cities that have existing infrastructure to handle the event; Moscow, Beijing, LA, Tokyo, etc. Not necessarily that those citizens want them either, but there's so many cities that go bankrupt or build brand new facilities that just get swallowed by the jungle and never used again. I don't know if that's equitable, but there isn't much data on any particular city that gets a significant bump from hosting.
  19. I certainly enjoy the topics on the show because they're odd and not widely known. This was a bit much for me. I don't want to get too much on the soapbox, but do we really need to dredge up ocean golf balls? We've got other ways of getting off fossil fuels we can currently employ. Who went out and put the note on the bakery?
  20. Mike also didn't have the best attitude to women either, and that got called out a lot.
  21. The worst showrunner of Doctor Who is always the current showrunner. I swear this is the only place where it's ok to just watch a show and like something about it. I'd give fans a bit of a pass on the Eight kiss because it's the first time it ever happened, so it's fair that it was a big deal. I think the half-human nonsense was far more egregious, and it seems we've corrected that anyway. I figure Rogue has to return; Groff was just too good. I don't know how the Doctor would find him, given how many dimensions he said there were. Unless Rogue can figure out how to contact him.
  22. DoctorAtomic

    The NBA

    I wouldn't be surprised to see it 2-2, but Luka and Kyrie need to be lights out. And Dallas can't get down 10 and have to spent the whole game clawing back.
  23. I was excited to wind down a summer Sunday with the Tobins.
  24. I'm wondering if it just thinks it's new and they're just putting something on after football because there's no episode description.
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