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Everything posted by DoctorAtomic

  1. I forgot about the tooth. So, there you go.
  2. Ugh corn. I actually think this topic is right in the show's wheelhouse. We're all paying to support massive corn surpluses. I don't drink anything with the corn syrup in it anymore, and I haven't had beef in years. There's so much of it that they have to require its use.
  3. Would the heat destroy the watermelon though?
  4. Good for Bob for being so chill about Tina going on with the UB.
  5. DoctorAtomic

    The NBA

    I'm hoping the Mavs and Wolves is a good series. The Mavs aren't going to be scared of them.
  6. I didn't know upper butt was a thing. Is it a thing? Who is Sam? Is he a new character? I liked seeing Teddy be good at his job. That was a cool deal in basement. So cool that other people showed up for late night. I really like when the restaurant is popular. They should have charged more for late night. It's too bad they couldn't keep it up and just every few months open it up. I like Tina, but this plot was a little too wacky for me. I can buy she's going to socially awkward, but putting your skirt in the dryer in someone's house is a bit much. I've also been over her Jimmy Jr nonsense for a long time anyway. So going to a party to dance with him for upper butt isn't drawing me in. Zeke being amazed at the CDs was killer. I totally buy Zeke just going to the party and dancing around like a maniac.
  7. DoctorAtomic

    The NBA

    I was rooting for Denver, but they just came out flat in the second half. You need to adjust when you're bricking 3s.
  8. Nice to see Beef with Carissa still. I like when Beef is outside of the family doing adult things. I can understand that all the dates were a lot, but I don't think she needed to snap at him. He was trying to do something nice. Carissa seems way low maintenance, but she still needs to communicate that. And she did, basically, at the end. I don't think Beef really quite understands how Kathleen screwed him up. I have no idea why Ham was eating a salad in the pool. I took care of my pool. I kept that like liquid glass. Where in Lone Moose is there a kinky escape room?! Wink-wink!
  9. The opening metal theme with the brain was really well done. Everyone freaking out about the brain was hilarious. Nelson doing the shopping was a cool character touch. Church - the big book of stuff that never happened. And a Yahoo Serious shout out at church! That was in the dishwasher! I will place my Heisenberg hat on the shelf until fall.
  10. DoctorAtomic

    The NBA

    I think Pacers/Celtics will be a good series because they'll get up and down the court and won't try to out-3 Boston.
  11. I was rooting for them to get in, and Chelsea made a huge run to Europa too.
  12. DoctorAtomic

    The NBA

    Spike Lee has a sad with his orange glasses. Finally, the media can get off the Knicks' jock. They've been forcing them all season, and I've been saying they're just not that good.
  13. That would beg the question of what would have happened to Kenobi.
  14. She already was a rage monster by the time Thrawn got there. He channeled and directed that rage. That was on the tail end of her TIE design and some old crusty career military just dismissing her. Being on the end of dismissal like that is really galling. "Thrawn fails to point out" isn't really a fail; it's calculated. So I just don't think working for the Empire is inexplicable. I don't think Morgan chooses a different path with perfect information. Robots coming in and wiping everyone out is one thing; Grevious is a monster out of a nightmare. She's got damage and trauma. That's what happened. I almost feel a little bad now Ahsoka got her, and I'm one billion per cent Ahsoka.
  15. fwiw, I think it's great that there's means to tell all different kinds of stories now. I don't know how expensive these mini series are to produce, but since we're not seeing Mando or Ahsoka probably until I'm collecting social security, I'd like to see more of these. My main interest is really only in the force stuff though. I have to laugh, where we have characters named Ahsoka, Anakin, Dooku; we have just Morgan. Oh, and Hondo! I did like that young Morgan was largely hostile. I can buy it. I also laughed at the guy complaining about the cost of the TIEs. Ok. Did they have coupons for the Death Star? A job is a job. To be fair, Thrawn did ask her why she 'seeks Imperial favor'. tbh, I think she just didn't fit in anywhere. She was an angry kid (justifiably). She wanted revenge; ok, so you're all correct in saying that those parties are gone. So what? You still want to take that anger out. Your actions don't have be rational or logical. She did say 'my world has been burning since I was a child'. We all know Thrawn well enough by now. He's not going to point out to Morgan that she can let it go. He knows she's smart, and she can contribute to his goals. I can only speak for myself, of course, but I don't think my own talents have been recognized where I work to the extent that I think are fair. I'm not filled with anger and hate because I have outside collaborators that do value me, but I'm listening to Thrawn if he rolls in to town. I understand the criticisms, but I think there was a more philosophical bent to this story. Was that the Beskar spear that Morgan fought Ahsoka with in the live action show? How about Tales of Rex?
  16. I understand the history, but is there a reason why Jean decided to wear the Marvel Girl get up for this mission? Or did she just feel like being in a skirt that day? It's not like the X-men typically wear masks, like Spiderman does. I had to look up En Sabah Nur (which is fine). It looked to me at the end like Rogue and Magneto looked at each other when he said his name. Do they know who he is (or is going to be)? I think it's going to be interesting if Season 2 may be telling simulatanous plots over different timelines. (I'm unspoiled to anything; just riffing.)
  17. Where was Spider Man? I missed him.
  18. I'm kind of put off by all the "my X-men". It makes me feel like Xavier can't let go and let them stand on their own. I also don't like "my students" irl either for kind of the same reason, so it could just me be. Part 2 I was surprised to see the Hulk and then realized it was Morph. Still cool though. Is there a reason Morph can't Morph into one of the super sentinels? And is there a reason Jean was wearing the green dress get up than her usual fighting costume? What was the point with the goofy mask? They're all calling her Jean. It's not like a disguise. I was a little confused as to why they didn't just let Magento go and live on his asteroid if he wanted to leave, but I guess it was because he was the only one who could fix the planet. I didn't quite follow why Cable was shooting at Jean either. I liked the episode, but it was kind of sloppy. It's a streaming service; they're not limited by time per episode. I could have used a few more minutes to take it all in. Part 3 Uh oh. Even I know about the Phoenix when they showed in the credits. I did have a good laugh when Magnus said people argue over who is the best victim. Still holds up. I was impressed to see Xavier be such a BAMF, and Magento actually look worried when he took over his mind. And Rogue! Can all of them breathe in space? Or was it meant to be that the asteroid was in low enough earth orbit? If it's the latter, it's ridiculously stupid to just shoot a bunch of missiles at it. Why couldn't they pull up Phoenix to stop the asteroid? I like the pacing in this part better than part 2. Still a lot going on that I think I'm just missing with Magento Protocols, and Asteroid M. It always struck me as inefficient that Cyclops has to touch the glasses to activate them in a fight. Good for Cyclops to show some mercy for Bastion though. I think it was the right call. Also good call on Magneto saving the day. A little much with the "Magneto lives" but he's a drama queen. Coming up in Season 2 - The X-men help the Egyptians defeat Ra and bury the Stargate!
  19. The Master is dead until they're not. It's like 'no Jedi escaped Order 66." Until you need them to.
  20. What a take down on the high school renaming. "If you're coming back to rename your old high school, you don't have much." "They're not going to have the energy to go to Charlottesville again." Great job Josh Johnson.
  21. Not if you live in red states where they won't raise taxes to cover basic services like road repair. Additionally, if the plows get wrecked it's a cool million to get a new one. The news always publishes stories about not passing the plows on the roads every winter.
  22. The only way Anakin doesn't go dark side is if Ahsoka stayed.
  23. Big day for Chelsea in position for Europa with an assist from ManU. They still need to show up Sunday though.
  24. iirc, state attorneys general sued Sackler. A federal court may have ruled to take all the cases together and there was a huge settlement rather than having 100s of court cases. I don't know how the money is allocated though. It seemed from here that it goes to each state.
  25. Who was voicing the chatgpt? She was hilarious.
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