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Everything posted by DoctorAtomic

  1. I think the prevailing opinion is that this version of Shogun did *not* go the white savior route, which we've seen in the original and of course far too much in other media.
  2. A proper, bombastic Doctor Who villain. Who can play the opening theme. Would you want to see the first Beatles album, or St. Pepper? Ruby even mentioned Revolver. I'd think you'd rather see them at their peak. I really enjoyed how wonderfully bad the music was and their reactions. It was really interesting that "the music" was still buried in Paul and John but, they couldn't access it. Was this the first time the Doctor confirmed that Susan was their actual granddaughter? It's also interesting the the Doctor doesn't always have the answer to everything all time this time around. For some reason for me that xmas Bells song always creeped me out. I don't mind that there's a mystery to Ruby, but I also agree being the key to the universe again is a bit much. I mean, it's the universe. Quite fragile if all these young women from London have to keep propping it up.
  3. I didn't think the Doctor was going to go for Roslin-ing the monster. I'm not complaining, but I was surprised at the political issue sliding in there. I assume that the crew resigning in protest was due to leaving the babies behind, but I would have liked a little more from them. I always have to laugh when the Doctor talks about 'fixed points' or 'paradox'. Of course you can go back to Ruby Road. And I did enjoy the callback to Nine about being slapped by "someone's mother before."
  4. That's the good kind though. I was thinking of Reagan and his speech about the fictional 'welfare queen' (his words). It's basically affected social policy since.
  5. DoctorAtomic

    The NBA

    The Cavs gave a lot, but Boston gets that 9 point cushion and they seem to be able to hold on if the opponent goes to the 3 too much. I think Boston is hoping Pacers and Knicks goes the distance so they can get some rest.
  6. Except for Wolf, this is the second time the Tobins really dropped the ball for an culinary event important to Ham. Honeybee really could have waited to unravel the Wife mystery. I don't blame the kids with Beef though. They tried.
  7. Gas stoves are now are new national crisis? This is why nothing can get done. Everything is always a catastrophe. I have to agree with Jon pushing back on the interview. Yes, there are unprecedented challenges and we need new ways to deal with them, but this isn't the 'worst it's ever been.' And there always were. It's just now, I'd say the acceleration thereof is new. While I'd agree that social media is a serious issue, I think the lack of context and trying to build on past achievements is more severe. Not to discount what people are concerned about, but I also don't think we're as polarized as we really are either.
  8. That's why I figured the move like American Dad. I mean, don't not turn down easy money if you can still swing it. Both are still good shows with solid ratings.
  9. Same with being poor. "WHy nOT puLL yourself up by your BooTStrapS?!" That mentality has been pervasive for over 40 years; I don't see it changing anytime soon. I'd also suggest that the voter ID laws and such aren't so much racist (though there is some element to some of them), as much as they are socio-economic, of which there certainly is a racial component. American Idol is cool and all, but I wish we had something like Eurovision. Everyone talks about being so polarized. Give us a Eurovision. tbh, I actually think the fancy lassos are a good non lethal option *if* the police are trained to use them. I wouldn't suggest using them if someone was armed, but even if they're just running away slower, you can still catch them easier.
  10. There's a lot of places like convenience stories and markets where you just tap your card and that's it. Coffee shops and what they showed in this episode; the bar I like to frequent, still have tap the card, but then the tip menu comes up and you have to sign it. You usually can get the receipt emailed.
  11. Maybe cutting back, but I doubt it's too expensive to produce, and it's still consistent in ratings. I don't see the need to end it.
  12. On the fridge, it says "Tobin Ice Accords. Act normal until the power comes back on." And everyone signed it! Crooked butt cracks run in the family! Beef should come down here (and I'm up north for here). We have an ice cave that gushes a huge waterfall in the summer. I liked Moon's scheme to get the pee. I think they missed an opportunity to do an anthology with Wife. This plot was good, but not quite enough. And Dennis! To be fair, what did Honeybee leave behind? The curtain store in Fresno? She was restless anyway and looking to get out of there.
  13. Tipping is a good topic to tackle. I do tip well to the places I frequent which is usually because of drinks. However, I agree with Homer that they put in a service fee and tip included, and then asked for a tip. I was at a restaurant with a big party and they did the same. I did add a lower than my average tip because of that, but most of the people there didn't add anything extra. I do tip at the coffee shop because they'll give you a refill. One thing I don't do is tip housekeeping. I just can't. So I just put out the do not disturb sign and no one comes in. Just so you all know, legit nuclear power plant operators make six figures easy. The woman with the cargo sweats and the other guy I think are from an actual Eurovision song or video.
  14. I didn't think they're would be new episodes tonight for Mothers day.
  15. irl, Tokagawa still has to beseige Osaka castle as the final victory to consolidate power. That's when he really becomes the Shogun. So even though he wins that battle against the regents we saw here, it wasn't the final battle.
  16. Wouldn't young adult books being in the young adult section already be the same as putting the E on the albums from the 80s. Funny enough, back then, I think Frank Zappa made the suggestion that an album's lyrics could be accessible for the parents to read first before letting the kids buy it. I don't suppose that parents today could give the books a once over similarly.
  17. DoctorAtomic

    The NBA

    I think Indiana is the more challenging match up for Boston. I know the Pacers are down 2, but I still feel like they're beating themselves more than getting beat.
  18. Where did you go to college? Monk - "Berkeley". Well, that's accredited too. I always remember because people irl always are like 'whoa' when I say it. I usually add more colorful language.
  19. I still can crack up when Six and Balthar look at the angels then each other - "You can see them?!" Those two actors had fantastic timing.
  20. I don't think it's even primarily explicit sex because none of that content is in the kids' section in a library, than it is stories about LGBTQIA+ characters that are kids, which don't really talk about sex. There was a comment above that they think if kids don't read stories about gay and queer kids than they won't 'turn' gay. (which I know isn't real, but that is me reflecting on their motivation for banning the books.)
  21. No, but I did mention above that under a version of the bill, the bible could have been on the list of reportable books. The bill that passed narrowed the definition of 'offensive materials' but didn't provide any funding for libraries for support. I tend to think today's youth are a little too sheltered. Did no one else play, 'Red Light, Green Light, Strap On' at recess?
  22. I do think it's the job of the librarian to classify the books accordingly, but another part of the problem is that parents want the librarians on the hook if the kid wanders into a section that they shouldn't. Like I said, some of the rural libraries just don't have the personnel. It's hard to lay it on their feet. How old are kids that they're going to the library on their own anyway? Wouldn't the parents be with them? My state (ugh) had a bill that was fortunately vetoed, where any given library would be fined $2500 a pop if a kid found an 'inappropriate' book. It was really broadly worded. But, of course, you all know what books were on the list. It wasn't Stephen King. I actually would like to see the librarians just tell everyone off like the guy in the hearing.
  23. DoctorAtomic

    The NBA

    I don't think you really have to. The Pacers only lost by 4, really by 1 if you take away the bonehead technical foul on Brunson before the inbounds at the end. Refs aside, cut down on a few turnovers and run them up and down the court, and I think they have a good shot. It's just mentally for game 2 whether they can keep the intensity up.
  24. DoctorAtomic

    The NBA

    It's a tight game at MSG with the refs up by 1.
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