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Everything posted by DoctorAtomic

  1. You knew that was coming. I did like the second Trump clip where they all were nodding and then 'oh, no. No no no' and all the middle fingers went up. Josh's whole deadpan 'I wasn't expecting this' was excellently delivered. Ronnie's piece on (of course) Foxconn not bringing 13,000 jobs was peak Ronnie. I'm sure he told the woman he was going to be derisive, but she totally didn't break at all. I was dying - no jobs is better. That's zero jobs. This is negative jobs. You farmers and your jobs! The thesis of the piece is manufacturing jobs. Why is this always a thing with candidates saying they're going to bring jobs back? We're not a manufacturing country anymore and haven't been for a while. What's the next generation of jobs? That's kind of what the TPP was about.
  2. I don't think I'd want to see that. It's a little over the top and not consistent with the fall of the Jedi in the PT. It was more of a sclerosis. Yes, there was arrogance, but there was also a 'this is how we do things because this is always how we did it', which is probably worse imo. That basically is why Anakin doesn't get raised to Master. He 'didn't pass all the tests'. Well, he was fighting in a galaxy spanning war and clearly surpassed any test you could give him. But they wouldn't budge. Guys like Qui Gon and Kenobi are legitimately good guys. There were plenty of Jedi in the Clone Wars that were good guys. That's why it's tragic when Order 66 takes them out. Yes, they shot themselves in the foot, but at the expense of good people. Now, if you want to do a show about *fallen* Jedi who became disillusioned with all that, then I'm all in. That was basically Dooku, but that doesn't mean there weren't more before him. It would be very much of the Council to expunge records or seal records of fallen Jedi. In fact, we have a the perfect opportunity here with Smilo Ren. We're all (correctly) assuming he left the Order. So maybe the show might have been better served from his pov.
  3. The entire stadium was mostly Colombian fans, so hard to sit somewhere else. Though you'd think the players would have their own section. I was saying last night that Colombia showed how to manage a game properly down a man to still get a result. No disrespect, but Panama is no Uruguay.
  4. I was rooting for the Netherlands, but taking our overall discussion here, Southgate had no problem taking off Kane in both matches, while Ronaldo remained in the game. Like I said before, England just played better. The Netherlands just disappeared for long stretches.
  5. Probably a better post for the media thread.
  6. It did take some time for all the pieces to get on the board though.
  7. I think Jedi Trinity would have killed them all even if she knew. I do think stomping in to demand testing was the catalyst to the whole debacle because it led to both Torbin being brainwashed and acting rashly (which, really, Trinity could have Force Yanked him off the bike, but ok), and Sol becoming obsessed. While not the Jedi's fault, they put themselves in the position for Torbin to be brainwashed. Trinity could have just said, 'let's talk one on one' too. They were all pushing her to go in together, but it's her call. I do think it was unclear, but I also think they were going for him to freak out when he found out the twins were created from the force. They could have added some lines like, "Those are just kids; the witches are doing some ceremony to them" where he was thinking that the witches created them for some sacrifice. They didn't say or show that, and I think they missed out on cluing us in more. Also, I think Sol took the 'you don't have a padawan' slight a lot more than was let on, and I think we should have been tipped off that Trinity really insulted him there. Or, "hang on, my daughter is in trouble, let me find her." I think the whole confrontation could have played out a little more organically with just a few more minutes to hit those beats.
  8. I'm still rooting for the Netherlands with 2 minutes of stoppage time, but they disappeared from the PK to the end of the first half. Then, when they seemed to be fresher for that next 15 minutes or so, they didn't really take advantage. Cracker of a final on Sunday though.
  9. I don't see how she could have known. I think the show would have tipped us off. The show actually played fair here. It was clear Osha didn't want to be ascended and here come these exotic people with fancy toys. They devoted the entire first flashback episode to Osha, starting with her running off to be on her own because she felt so hemmed in. No show is above criticism, but they have mostly been straight with the audience. My continuing issue is the unnecessarily short run times, and I think this can be attributed to a somewhat messy narrative here too. Another interesting point is that Jedi Trinity was all mocking Sol about no Padawan, so he can't handle it and obsesses over Osha, who ends up walking away anyway. I think we need to know why she did. There's enough here for me to like. I don't mind the nonlinear narrative. They got to what actually happened here, which I think was a necessity to the overall narrative. I liked them killing off all the Jedi. This is a fair criticism though. I'm baffled because just another 5-7 minutes per episode fixes this easily. I thought the reason we have streaming services is to be able to see the stories with the latitude of being able to breathe. I don't care if you need to throw in another ad break. I'm sure D+ isn't hurting on finding sponsors.
  10. I don't think she was either. There was no way for her to know all of the others were linked. What was Aniseya warging into before Sol stabbed her? Because she was going to let Ohsa go, so I don't think she was going to attack anyone. I think I had speculated in the first flashback episode that I thought the witches might have been fighting each other and the Jedi plowed in there and screwed it up causing everyone to die so I was partially correct. The Other Mother basically motivated Mae to start the fire and lock everyone in. The fight was really good though. Makes you wonder why they didn't seek out more Wookie Jedi. I will give the Jedi a bit of a pass. They legitimately thought the planet was lifeless, but it wasn't. Taking samples etc., isn't really a big deal. They're out to investigate this 'vergence' so there is a reason for them being out there. Then, they found people. Same thing, you want to check it out. The whole "our right to test" was highly undiplomatic, and I wasn't seeing where Sol's sudden obsessiveness was coming from. Also, you don't have to hold up the ramp, just force pull the kids. Come on. I think it's a little clunky overall, and I think we're missing how Mae and Smilo Ren met.
  11. Right, but they at least tried to give a fair cheat with the helmet and Yord saying he got in your head. So, if I'm a blackbelt fighting essentially 10 drunk yellowbelts, I like my chances. The Jedi are weak because they're not in fighting shape. The Jedi of the PT? No, that shouldn't happen. Jedi Trinity shouldn't have been killed either imo, but if she's well below a Qui Gon or even Kenobi, then sure, I can buy it. I mean, there's a level of buy in. Everyone is entitled to their own level. Part of the problem I think is the lack of world building where we don't really know if in fact these are weaker Jedi. I'm inferring from Yord.
  12. Did you all call it 'on groundation?' Where's Lucy? She's on groundation because he mom caught her vaping.
  13. I think the decision to award the own goal is up to the organization; i.e., UEFA for the Euros. There's an official onsite. The referee only needs to note that the goal is legally scored.
  14. How old is Charlie supposed to be? I thought she was too old to be at a playground.
  15. There will be no FRAUNCH fries in Berlin.
  16. It's somewhat subjective, but in this game, it looked like that the ball was going in regardless of the defender getting a foot on it. The other one, I don't remember clearly, but iirc it was deflected off the defender in.
  17. I'm going to reiterate that I don't think the debate really matters, and I do agree there's way too much pearl clutching over it. I take his point, and the segment was funny with the charts, but next week is the gop convention, and this is likely all shoved out the news cycle.
  18. The whole brainwashing Jules was super creepy. They had answer for everything. Grandfather had a stroke; random friend shows up; foster family teed up. That Doctor is a monster. I liked that Lucy spilled the beans to the boyfriend sooner than later. So now he can be more involved. Similarly, getting Lucy and Jules on the same page already is a smart move. Charlie is unraveling hard. I'm glad they're keeping this plot going. They are kind of ignoring her. Can she read lips too? Lucy doesn't talk much to her when she's signing. The actor playing Jules is doing well too. So far she only got to be hostile, which is understandable being kidnapped. Now she's getting to show some nuance. That diary was so cringe. She's as relentless as Lucy. I love in 2050 you can just still roll up to someone's house. I wasn't expecting him to have written the entire diary. I figured someone else wrote it and just cribbed the line from the book. You'd think they would have AI do it. That seems some weak nonsense chatgpt would be able to come up with. The scene forcing her to take the pills was chilling too. Good thing 'a lady needs her own bathroom!' I'm pleased to see Reed Diamond doubling down on his Reed Diamondness.
  19. It looked like a disco with Zoidberg in a leisure suit. I hope they show Einstein disco dancing with Hammurabi!
  20. To make it worse, the keepers can't move much off the line like they used to either. There used to be some leeway in that first step. Technically, a proper dive isn't "lateral". Based on the way you push off the plant foot, there's a slight angle, so the window between you and the goal is smaller because you're diving 'out' to the ball. Without that, it's largely a lateral dive, which gives the advantage to the kicker. I don't see why you can't just make them follow through on the shot once they start their run. You can run up from as far back as you want. So if you're going to let them hop all around, the just limit the start of the run from the 18. That's still a long six yards. I don't know why teams play for PKs, when it gives more of an advantage to the lesser team to just hang on. I think it's set up in the quarters that a group winner plays a group runnerup. It looks like it's A1/B2, B1/A2, C1/D2, D1/C2. I don't see why they can't go A/C B/D or A/D B/C. It may be due to how the groups are actually seeded and what nation goes into what pot. Because you don't want a Brazil/Argentina until the final or at least the semis. Any tournament is going to be set up so the top seeds won't meet until later on. Of course, then you get a runnerup upset.
  21. Was that a shot of the Amazon homeworld in the trailer?
  22. I thought maybe the Portuguese soccer governing body would have told him to let Ronaldo play out his last Euro. There's no tactical reason to keep him in the game when he's not doing anything. I think there is enough data because all of the big name guys play in the top pro leagues, and I don't think it would be too hard to obtain footage to study them. There's lots more PKs over the course of a regular season of 35, 40 matches than in international matches. One of the guys over the weekend did that. This was what I was trying to say in my last post. Yes, I know it's a mental game, but I also think they're over analyzing it to the point where they tend to strike poorly. You see the shooter trying to look off the keeper. Just put your head down and focus on setting the plant foot properly. Given how close the spot is, if you strike it well, it doesn't matter if the keeper goes the same way. We saw that plenty of times. I know you have to practice, but really the only way the keeper should get it, is if it's hit bad or they just make a tremendous athletic dive, but even then, they have to take off the right way on the shot. So just smash it. They're never going to get anything in the upper 90s. I don't think it's fair that they can run up and stop. It didn't used to be that way. Once you make you run, you should have to complete it.
  23. Oh, please, no. The realtor was so vapid. I think they could easily make a sequel to this one where Axel moves from Detroit and works as a PI with Billy for Jane. You could still have Bobby around.
  24. They *open* with The Heat is On. And then there's a massive shootout chase in a snow plow not even 10 minutes in. I don't think I'm going to make it. There's too much The 80s per beat. They're hitting all the songs early. Lots of nice easter eggs too with the pictures on the wall, the knife. I have to say, it's clever writing. You can't just do 1984 over again and try to capture the magic. I liked Bobby's retort - go ahead, and threaten my manhood; that doesn't work. They didn't waste much time establishing that Kevin Bacon was the bad guy. I thought we were going to get some drama with Axel yelling at Jane about defending a cop killer, but they kind of took a nice left turn on me there. Of course, it makes sense Axel would want to at least hear Rosewood out. He did mention it, but it's not liked he tried to talk her out of it. He called about Jane; then he's missing. He's going to want to unravel that thread. I cannot imagine how Paige wasn't breaking left and right with the scenes of just her and Murphy. There were a couple of times where she was supposed to laugh, but she looked genuine. Good casting with Gordon-Levitt too. He's good in everything. The damn closed captioning on Serge is killing me. It's worse than his actual dialect. Killer climax shootout at the mansion. Good on Netflix for giving all the money. I don't know why there aren't more. There's got to be a market for it. I'm in that demo, and I have the disposable income to afford streaming services. Not everything needs to be pg13 for kids.
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