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Everything posted by DoctorAtomic

  1. His best line summing up all the nonsense about the election - "They put tampons in the boys room!!!!" I don't care.
  2. That's what I was getting at.Also I was saying it's not rising or falling based on book purists because you're making the show for the wider audience. Aren't there other shows like that though? This is amazon; they're not struggling. Not coming out with a bang, I guess I can buy. Who's fault is that though? Saying 'keep the viewing figures up' doesn't seem accurate to me. We're watching and discussing the show when it airs over here, so I don't know what the OP thinks they're gaining.
  3. I wouldn't call this place anti-show or book purists, and there's plenty of discussion about the show when it airs. I'm sure we'll all be talking about season three. For only eight episodes. I don't see what else I can do. I doubt if there's a ratings issue, and I don't know why it would matter on streaming, that it's the book purists.
  4. I understood that all the contracts had run out, so having to re do them all I thought would have been a huge lift, with perhaps some of the actors just moving on because they have to work.
  5. The printing technology didn't exist when they were young, but scanning did. Young Eleanor-as-Ritter got scanned for the pregnancy issues. So they used that for Lucy. Darros could have had a scan of his of his younger self for any medical reason. He would have been younger right around now-ish or 2030-ish, and he's a billionaire. He'd be able to get access to his medical data. Or, maybe in the future, you actually own your data. And we saw in the flashback that young Darros (same actor) apparently was beaten by his father. He could have gotten a scan for a concussion at some point. It seems like these scans are fairly routine procedure. And the young version of Darros doesn't seem *that* young, so the scanning technology existing is fine with me. The question is where they got the data for young Eleanor-Jules. We know Eleanor looked like Jules at the time of the suicide from their memories looking in the mirror, so maybe they scanned her for trauma, and again, big billionaire got his hands on it. It's not a huge point, but Darros was up front about saying he printed her, and we know where the Lucy and older Eleanor scans came from. I'd just like to know since the show has been thorough. So far all the plot points have been addressed. Darros specifically wanted to print a young Eleanor. It seems like it should be something we should know. Technically, the series already aired, so I don't want to search and get spoiled.
  6. I think the fundamental problem with the episode is that it requires a lot of inference from the viewers. If there was a witch, that's fine, but we need to be tipped off. If the witch wanted Ruby to stop the PM, then why stay around when Ruby succeeded. Not to mention that the previews made it seem like Ruby was stuck in a bar and everyone was telling horror stories, which would have been a better episode. You don't have to spoon feed, but for largely a kids' show, you still need to play fair with the audience.
  7. She was a little much with the 'Darros has plans for Jules' because Darros arranged for her to be adopted, and without Lucy taking action, likely would have just still been a regular high school kid. I don't quite get the plan there. Were they always going to take her away to the compound? That's probably more traumatizing. She wasn't getting along with Richard, but that seemed more like typical teenager. She got along well with the mother. They didn't explain how they got the data from Eleanor as a teenager to print her out that young. I take the point that all the printouts are potentially brilliant scientists, so it makes sense for Darros to get a young Eleanor and young, uh, him, to continue his agenda, but I don't see how the adoption fits in there. I also enjoyed the big mystery of the bloody knife. Oh, my dad killed himself in the bath. It was awful. That's it? Yes. At least we age gracefully!
  8. I never thought the boxer wasn't a woman. I was confused all week at what was going on. Good scathing commentary by Kosta though. Talk about grasping at straws.
  9. Remember when they were fun because they were just on the X Files and everyone knew it was only fiction? The last supper was a supper; and they had bread I would think, maybe some cheese, I don't know how hot it was, and you dip the bread in oil and some other things; they had some things to drink too, it was a long time ago so wine, lots of wine in jugs all over the table. Here's the thing. It was the last one. They wouldn't do it again. Because it's the last so now we call it the last supper.
  10. Quite the shot of Lucy and Eleanor in the kitchen. Hawes really killed the 'what if I could have you back' monologue. So we at least have some confirmation that 'Eleanor' was away in Berlin. Which, like I said, you can just have her on sabbatical and no one is really going to be contacting her regularly for meetings, etc., and it's far away enough that Lucas wouldn't be constantly in touch. Poor guy though. Not that I agree with printing out people, but I don't think you can just say 'you need to just let go' to Kira Manning precisely because of what she went through. I thought we were going to get the usual esoteric nonsense with the psychologist, but she just blathered on to Lucy and earned that backhand. That's why you cast Ritter. Huge loving it with 'go and earn her trust' and Jules not buying it for a millisecond and making off with the key and robbing the place. Reed Diamond consistently hilarious. Oh, right. She'll lead us to Lucy. I do feel a little bad for him. He's not really the bad guy here. Lucy escaped, and it's entirely reasonable she could be dangerous since his guy got shot. Jules was supposed to be settling in at the compound, and it's not his fault she escaped either. I hope he ends up turning on Darros. But, he also disdains the printouts so I don't know. I'm not sure I'd be berating my own printout either. Knowing me, I would not care for it.
  11. I think he knew exactly what he was saying because he used his dog whistle voice. He's always 'sarcastic' because he can say, 'oh, I'm joking everyone is so sensitive'. I don't think it's working anymore. I didn't see anyone rushing to his defense to spin what he 'really was saying'. I'd love to play poker with this guy if he had any real money. He's got more tells that you could count.
  12. I'm not a birthday party fan either. I like my birthday, but I'd rather just do something for myself. People make your birthday about them. I liked that all the characters were here though. We haven't seen Fry's past in forever. At this point, 1000% fanservice is fine with me. And Fry being called 'Phil'. Fun for ages 3 to 99! No wonder I hate it! The baseball said, 'Please go away, Mrs. Fry.' That was a rough ending for Fry. Getting frozen was probably the best thing to happen to him.
  13. He's also got the conspiracy angle going for him. It seems like it would mostly be a wash than taking significant Harris votes.
  14. I am glad John brought up who might benefit from voting for RFK. I don't see how he takes votes away from Harris though. Just in general, in the news, typically RFK is called an anti-vaxxer. That's mostly your extreme right crowd, no?
  15. I don't want to be a professor-y, but the reason we get these RFK type people is because no one knows what science is as a process. So you see a conclusion and you work back from there to think where it came from, which is what John was getting at in this episode. Or you extrapolate incorrectly. Saying 'follow the science' is actually wrong; it's follow the process. Granted, they're not doing themselves favors with the poor public communication, but our general lack of education doesn't help either. I kind of wished Fauci just told everyone to stfu and calm down while he fixes the problem that he's literally dedicated his life to. Oh, he makes money? So what? So do I. That's where you get the conspiracies from, and once you get there, you see conspiracies everywhere. I can't imagine how exhausting that would be. Then, the problem is if you're all, 'well, I'll change my mind if I see the right science,' is great, but then you just question the source of the information. No wonder RFK is so jacked. Having to move those goalposts all over the place.
  16. That's his 'dog whistle' voice. He does it a ton.
  17. We're all having tons more sex. That's why. The cats can watch. I don't care.
  18. I want a Crouching Tiger event where they fence in the treetops.
  19. I need Desi to tell us where to sign up for AP Buttstuff. I only took AP Calculus.
  20. They did in the elevator but Eleanor said no because of Kira's career.
  21. Lucas was born via surrogate not Kira. iirc they said something at the dinner here.
  22. I'd add that initially Jedi were styled as ronin at the start too. Throwing in the whole council and all that as basically civil servants wasn't the case at the start.
  23. I hope they show how it happened, but I'd guess that Kim paid for Tory out of legitimate Cobra Kai funds. Kreese, on the other hand, must have a teleporter. Spain may also not have extradition treaties with the USA.
  24. I don't necessarily need to root for characters on a show, but as long as there's something interesting in some of them. And I think there was enough to keep me going. That said, with some distance, I think Osha is kind of a tragic figure, and they could have gone harder into this. Sol could have been, and maybe they were going for that, but he came off more creepy obsessive than tragic. I think they could have been an easy fix.
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