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Everything posted by DoctorAtomic

  1. In light of the evolution of disco to house, I've been listening to the bangers when I was coming up, and it's clearly four on the floor disco. You Don't Know Me. Stardust. All of that. I backed up my friend when he DJ-ed and needed a break for 10 minutes way back then. It's all disco.
  2. As I am musing, McCarthy was in Less Than Zero. You can say all you want about the John Hughes movies, and I'm not taking anything away from them. However, Less Than Zero is a definitive 80s movie if not *the*. I'm surprised he didn't mention it. The movie came out in 1987, so I suppose his deal was with early 80s. Still though.
  3. I know the penalty shootout is a skill and 99% mental. But it's also 12 yards away. You can go up and just cream it. The ball is mostly going to go in. Even when the keeper goes the right way, striking well, it will still go in.
  4. The Swiss handed the game to England in extra time. They didn't have to go for broke, but you had Kane out, and England wasn't interested in offense much.
  5. Is it the manager, or is he being directed to do that? It doesn't though, in any sport. It's timely defense. You get stops when you need to get a stop. You may then be only winning 1-0, but you still need to manufacture offense. If you're asking your defense to basically play sudden death for 90 minutes, that's going to run out.
  6. Pepe was crying. And he's allowed. He left everything out there. I don't think Portugal was good enough to advance even this far anyway. I just think France is playing with fire if they think relying on the defense so much is going to hold. If Spain can run them up and down the pitch like they did against Germany, France is going to be gassed by the second half. You have to think they're worried to not have scored a goal at all yet. I find it hard that Spain would be shut out totally. I wish there was a way to have more of an incentive in extra time to go get it more and not be so gun shy that you're just sitting for penalties. You get an extra substitute, so you can change over half the lineup. It looked to me like Germany went for it in the first ET period but then just closed up shop in the second. It's almost like they weren't expecting Spain to give it a few more shots. It's unholy how open Merino was.
  7. I don't think France has a shot against Spain. I don't know if anyone is playing better than Spain right now.
  8. I only meant both genres came from marginalized people in a depressed NYC, but the gay panic was certainly real. But both do have commonalities. So maybe that's why hip hop was allowed to breathe more. I'm not knocking one or the other. I like both. I grew up with both. I think I could have gone for another hour at least.
  9. I always liked disco. The first record I ever listened to was Hot Stuff. There's not too much I didn't know. I'm surprised they didn't tie in disco and hip hop more because they kind of came up together and for common reasons. One thing I thought was interesting was that there was bad hip hop like there was bad disco, but hip hop still endured while disco didn't. I suppose being just on the tail end of I, I can't inherently grasp how big it was. So maybe hip hop got more time to breathe. However, what I didn't know was that disco really evolved into House and all that came from there. So disco is really still with us. I really liked seeing the drummer that literally invented 4 on the floor.
  10. That's really my only criticism of the show besides how short the episodes are. I'm not expecting the differences between PT and OT. i'd think there would be similarities with PT technology and ships, but it's been discussed here in reference to culture, class, etc. There's nothing that makes this "High" Republic though. I assume there's been no war in a long time, but it's not clear what the Jedi actually do. I think it's fair that Sol was considerably wiped and freaked out about everyone being slaughtered on top of his almost slipping to the dark side to notice Mae immediately. Maybe it didn't come across strong enough, but there was enough there for me to buy in. He picked up on her soon enough after he calmed down. If they dragged it out to another episode, that would have been a bit much. And he jumped into action once he figured it out. I think part of that criticism goes with the former. We're all familiar with the prequel era, so we've seen a lot big Jedi battles already. With insufficient world building, the impact of how rare and unprecedented this is doesn't land like I think they wanted it to.
  11. There was a tepid review on FB about because everyone has to have a hot take, so I replied, "So what you're saying is anyone GenX is going to love it. Ok." Today on Press Play the reviewers both loved it though.
  12. I actually thought they were calling him Mark, which is actually funnier. But, Mog. Of course.
  13. He left because he realized that Osha was Mae and didn't want to bring her back just to be arrested. He told her he needs her to find Osha, since she's the only one of them who knows where Smilo's hideout is.
  14. I was rooting for the rematch. Austria just scored too late.
  15. Well, I'm going to take a large share of calling it about Smilo Ren trying to recruit Osha for his Acolyte last week. Their scenes were really strong. He's low key hilarious. "Hey, before you draw that sabre on me, can I put my clothes back on?" I was a little worried about Sol, but I assumed he was freaked out about everything to not think about the switcheroo so soon. There was a fair amount of time though. If he still didn't know to the end of the episode I would have been rolling my eyes. Rwoh has a lightsabre WHIP?! STOP IT. She even used the force to pull it out. Come on. That ending seemed very deliberate.
  16. I think I have to remember that Lucy isn't Jessica Jones. I can give her some slack that seeing her younger self was triggering, if we're to (correctly) assume she's carrying around massive loads of trauma, and she almost got killed. She should have showed the scar sooner, but she did end up showing her. I think Jules was actually listening to her all along, but on the other hand, she was terrified and looking to escape. Even in the bathroom, Jules was thinking about why she didn't remember anything. I'm not sure she was buying the story about falling off the bike either. I mean, you can't have Jules right off the bat believe Lucy, but if they're the same person, you have to think Jules has the same concerns. I think we need to know more about what went on in that 2 year time jump. Lucy is clearly informing her actions on this, but we're not in on what happened.
  17. All I need is the Pointer Sisters. I'll take coked out 80s mansion goons though. Seriously, this could be 90 minutes of Easter eggs and I'd be fine. tbh, the original was obviously a showcase for Eddie Murphy, but they packed a ton of the 80s character actors in there. This should be my Saturday night movie depending on the soccer schedule.
  18. I don't expect the US to be a perennial threat to be in the final. There's only 3 or 4 nations total that you can basically pencil in. Even the semifinals. However, I don't think 2 or 3 quarterfinals over the last 20 years is pie in the sky either. That's not the current coaching staff; that's a structural problem. Not advancing out of a tepid Copa group is a symptom, but it's also a current issue. Tons of players have international experience now (something Klinsmann said was important); Pulisic was third? in scoring in Serie A. I don't see the current strategy and mentality is going to translate to any success in 2026. On top of all that US is one of the host nations; this is as best a chance you're going to get to make an impact in the World Cup.
  19. I don't think they're getting past either Spain or Germany. I'm just saying I think he'll break out for a couple of goals. They tried, didn't they? And then rehired him. Dempsey said on the postgame that the search took a long time, so I think they couldn't find anyone. tbh, I think USMNT as an organization needs to take the stick out of their ass and hand the reins over like they did with Klinsmann, but give them a fixed period of, say 6 years, to go through a Gold Cup and WC qualifying and another Gold Cup. I'm wondering of the people they went after wanted more authority or assurances and they just didn't do it. Say what you want about Lalas, but he was 100% correct in his ranting. Maybe he shouldn't have ranted, but I can respect he feels some ownership. Tactics, I personally don't think a 433 is effective if you don't have a true 9. To be fair, the defense is playing really well, but I can speak from very low level experience, when you're playing 90 minutes of sudden death, in that you know if you concede, then you're probably taking the L, it wears you down. I don't see as is how you're getting out of a group stage if you can't score. If teams know they need at least 2 to beat you that's a whole different playbook than, "we can get one when they get tight and then lock it down for the remainder." It's partially that, but it's also dictating the mentality of taking the point and going into game 3 without it being a must win. Granted, the 2nd goal seemed soft to me, but I didn't see tactics changing much to eliminate those chances. I said it before, a disciplined team with 10 men can come away with a result. tbh, they scored first after the red card. They really should have taken all 3 points.
  20. I said before, I don't know why we need the episodes to be 35 minutes. They could add some more time for worldbuilding.
  21. France is holding up well in the back though. I don't think Portugal can do much against France, and you have to think Mbappe will break out at some point with a burst of creativity and get one. I don't think either of them can beat Germany or Spain who just generating a lot of chances. USA just doesn't never seems to have the mental toughness to get results since maybe 2002. This game should have been meaningless if they just managed the game well against Panama. It's not like Uruguay had a must win here. They're not even *that* good. tbh, I thought the goal was soft and wonder if Turner was fit enough for the game. USA needed to win though. 0-0 still doesn't cut it. That's the problem though. USA doesn't play enough meaningful international games because they never give themselves enough chances. So they'll probably get an ok draw in 2026, decent chance they'll advance maybe with some help, and then they'll implode in the round of 16 because they'll get tight. They should have never fired Klinsmann.
  22. They didn't waste too much time bringing Felix in. Weird the way they were saying "your mother" "my mother". I thought pairing them at the bar was a good way to deliver a little exposition. There's got to be a connection to the baby picture and Lucas. As much as I like Ritter's "I do NOT need this right now" face, you'd think she would have showed the scar sooner. I would have also tried the other arm for the qr code or whatever that is. There's no way she doesn't have some kind of embedded identification. Another 'future touch' - driverless Uber. I'm skeptical in general, but not that far fetched. 'Quakerism' is an interesting detail to bring up. And the Pats are still around! I'm glad they're picking up on Charlie shooting someone, and it's fair the bf wants answers at this point. I don't know why she didn't show him the qr code either. No need to drag it out. Same with the office building confirming they're the same.
  23. France gets a gift, and Ronaldo gets a prayer today at the Euros. Garbage.
  24. I watched Jon's post-debate show. I thought it was all right. He did send up the both of them, even though a majority of the press was on Biden. I don't think the debate itself actually matters in terms of individual voting choice. I think it's out of the news cycle by next week, if not today.
  25. No, it's not that Mae cut her hair. Osha always had shorter hair. So Smilo should notice that. Mae cut her hair and then went off with Sol. Smilo wouldn't have seen her with the shorter hair at all.
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