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Mom x 3

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Everything posted by Mom x 3

  1. Did you know they are going to do a revival of this? She creeped me out the first time around. That would be a hilarious plot point.
  2. *kermit flail* I love this family. Mostly for John Goodman, but I'll take what I can get.
  3. I love it all! I can't wait.
  4. So, since the reboot ended I've been binging the entire series again. Although season 8 sure had it's stinker episodes, I just watched the one with Darlene's wedding and it is absolutely criminal that John Goodman didn't get nominated for this episode. He did a phenomenal job portraying someone who doesn't realize they are having a heart attack.
  5. Oh, it says John Goodman is "very interested." That's a good sign. I want a rereboot!
  6. T is for twitter, which more people should really avoid.
  7. Q is for Quiet, which is how Roseanne should have remained.
  8. Gah! I was so looking forward to the next season. I understand why ABC did it, and I'm pissed at Roseanne Barr. She's nuts, and she can say whatever she wants, but she is definitely going to feel the consequences of saying whatever she wants. I have an uncle who is pretty racist, but he does know when to keep his mouth shut. *sigh* I'm going to miss this family.
  9. The boob mashing into his arm? Or the fact that they couldn't even get their two lead to pose for promo photos together?
  10. I am a hospice physician, so I deal with this quite a bit. A PoA is only effective in the event the patient does not have the ability to make decisions for themselves. That being said, there is a DPoA (Designated) and an MPoA (Medical). A physician can determine a patient's capacity to make their own medical decisions and can use an MPoA if they determine the patient is unable to. Only a judge can determine a patient's competency on whether or not the patient can make financial decisions and then financial decision making goes to a DPoA. As Grace and Frankie are both of sound mind, the children in no way should be able to sell that house unless both were evaluated by a judge, as they are both co-owners. That being said, I totally hope Nick bought it for Grace because he knows her well enough to know she will come out of her funk. I wouldn't mind if Sheree bought it for them though. THIS! She was okay to assist with a procedure that - while a natural process - can still result in a 200% mortality rate if something goes wrong, but she can't be alone with the baby? I didn't like Bud much before, but he is my least favorite character this season. He and his wife. I'll keep the baby because she is freakin' adorable. To address the first part, both of these women have had profound hits to their self esteem. Not only did Grace find out that the love of her life (Phil) passed away, but she got scammed as well. In addition, she is seeing the company she built tanking (through no fault of her own) and she is getting blamed for it. Add that to her insecurities with her looks and health while dating a younger man, and one can see why her self esteem is nosediving. Frankie feels helpless because of her legal status of being dead, and is relying on others for basic needs. In addition, Bud just gut punched her and told her she is not allowed to watch the baby she helped deliver and name. The kids kicked them both when they were down, which is why I can buy this scenario. If they had tried this shit last season, both ladies would have told their children to go pack sand. And Robert and Sol can go take a short walk off a long pier. I am way too invested in this damned show.
  11. Forgive the skepticism, but what a great way to get amazing ratings on the last episode.
  12. I don't mind the casting of a 20-something so much, but it needs to be a 20-something with some gravitas, like a young Natalie Dormer. Don't cast someone who is 26 but could pass for 16. And I agree that he looked haggard on Castle, but I do think a great deal of that was lighting and wardrobe (absolutely terrible).
  13. I know it is totally in character for Frankie to go off the deep end about things, so it is a tribute to how good Tomlin is that I want to strangle Frankie every time she does it. Grace can be overly harsh and does so frequently, but Frankie, Sol and Robert have all shown epic levels of selfishness at different times over the four seasons. This was Frankie's episode.
  14. I'm doing a binge re-watch of Voyager now. I agree with all of the above. The holodeck was way overused. The series got much better when Jeri Ryan came on, and she is a fabulous actress. I kind of hate the fact that Mulgrew nixed any relationship with Chakotay, because dayum he has easy on the eyes. I get her reasoning though.
  15. This is a small town. Joyce's son died and she essentially went crazy (to them). I can easily see the whole town pitching in to help her fix up the house when Will was found to be alive. She was thin, but she looked healthy to me. Not to be pervy, but when her shirt was off she didn't have pencil stick arms and her ribs weren't protruding or anything.
  16. Putting this here because I cannot seem to find the Josh Stewart thread nor the Cast in other roles thread. Please move as needed. Will stars AND directs!!
  17. Holy Cow! Is that crowd waiting to get in or is that just what a Chicago city street looks like?
  18. While I wasn't a huge fan of Walker's character, I thought he was written badly rather than acted badly. I'm not surprised he got let go. But that was one hell of a letter he wrote. Absolutely beautiful.
  19. Agreed. I loved Blake. I loved that she was super intelligent and her relationship with Spencer.
  20. I disagree about putting a blindfold on Whispers. The man is trying to annihilate a species of humanity, and he can invade their minds once he has made eye contact. Put his damned eyes out completely! Then set them on fire. Jonas can then go die in that fire. As for missing the physical meeting of the cluster, I'm willing to wait to see what else is in store. This show gets very little wrong.
  21. Awww...I was hoping that was a misdirect and that she would turn out to be his sister that was left behind.
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