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Mom x 3

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Everything posted by Mom x 3

  1. I keep hearing about a Spacebars sequel, but the last I read Brooks said it was very dependent on whether Rick Moranis would come back or not. I love that pint-sized man.
  2. Oh my. That was hilarious!
  3. I'm glad to see Bear from Person of Interest has been able to find work elsewhere. *grin*
  4. I would go for any of that. I would love to see Caviezel on TV again.
  5. Z is for Zahedan, Iran. No way Dorothy would let Sophia go there. With her mouth, she'd be arrested before they left the airport. Blanche probably couldn't deal with the dress code. Hmmm...how about for the next one: Items the girls would love or hate that exist now but didn't exist (in the same form) in the 80's. A....airport security as it currently is. Again, Sophia would go to jail.
  6. Heh. You lost me there. Venkman was completely creeptastic for the entire movie. It may not have been full on misogyny, but definitely stalker-like and disrespectful. Venkman was a huge jerk.
  7. I made this over the weekend with orange marmalade. It was AMAZING! Ooh, I probably should add that I doubled the onion soup mix and also added chopped onion and bell pepper, as well as halved the amount of marmalade, as I don't like it so sweet.
  8. Is the guy playing Alvarez channeling Gerard Butler via 300? Because that is totally the vibe I get from him. And I thought Garcia was politely hostile to Alvarez due to some sexual tension there - different than Morgan, because they always came off as brother and sister to me.
  9. I would totally buy that to go with my collection of unused cookbooks and get everyone in my family a copy for Christmas.
  10. Christmas episode Also, I hope they are wrong that the actress playing Sun will be leaving after this season.
  11. Oh geez, I've been scrolling through the old ones for days. Forgive me. V is for Veracruz, Mexico, because "It's beauty is found in it's grit rather than it's grandiosity." W is for West Texas, where I am, because there is nothing here but red dirt.
  12. X is for Xamien, China where they wouldn't be able to afford to go since it would cost more than a new roof.
  13. Oh wow. That was lovely. The ending was awesome.
  14. So glad you posted this! I remember watching their hilarious Twilight parodies. You are correct - insanely talented.
  15. He didn't quit it for his wife. He didn't quit it when he became a single parent. I don't see him quitting it for Jack. I like the character of Hotch. He is a great FBI agent. However, he is an okay dad and was a mediocre husband, in my opinion.
  16. Ugh. Season one Beckett would have had a plain, pretty dress. Probably no train. Sensible shoes. The dress she had for the wedding-that-didn't-happen was very showgirl.
  17. I kind of love the idea of a recast. I agree that it is hokey, but I really like the character of Hotch, even though he hasn't done too much in later seasons. It can be done really well (Bewitched, Roseanne) or really poorly (Dumbledore), but it is almost always interesting.
  18. I love that hairstyle. I didn't even think of mullet when I first saw it, because I thing of the "redneck mullet." I think it looks great on her.
  19. I'm glad you said this, because I took a look also and could not figure out why people were calling him a douchebag.
  20. They fired him. That's sad, but they probably figured they would save money that way.
  21. I don't have much of a problem with a regular cop knowing some of this extraneous information, I have a problem with Kate Beckett knowing it. This is a woman who has so traumatized by her mother's death at age 19 that she transferred to a different college to help her alcoholic father and was so driven that she became the youngest woman to ever obtain a detective badge. When we meet her she is all business and professionalism and a secret fan of the Derrick Storm books. She wore plain clothes and sensible shoes. She was an impressive detective but was still unnerved when Castle surmised her tragic history. She had so much angst about her mother's death that it railroaded multiple relationships. Yet during all of that she manages to do some modeling, become an expert about classic cars, comics, sci-fi, magic, motorcycles, and spent a semester enjoying Russia. Having knowledge doesn't make her a Mary Sue, but her variety of knowledge about certain things just seems excessive. When you add to that the fact that over the course of the series, she began wearing clothes way out of her pay grade, always had perfect hair (ridiculously long tresses rarely put up) and makeup and chases suspects in 3-4 inch heels, it begins to not feel genuine. For me, anyway. I totally respect that you feel differently though!
  22. I think you nailed why I ended up disliking Beckett over the course of the series. I loved her in the first two seasons, but this know-it-all schtick got old really quickly. I agree that it made more sense coming from Castle, as he has had to research multiple topics to keep his novels fresh and interesting (case in point: Voodoo), but from someone who was traumatized by her mother's death as a teenager, she sure did a lot of living and learning before that event. A better route may have been to make her unfamiliar with more things, as she would have foregone a social life in order to perseverate on her mother's case, but YMMV.
  23. Could a girlfriend be in Clyde's future? This was tweeted by the Elementary writers.
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