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Everything posted by DanaK

  1. That baby rhino was so cute and feisty. I’d be very nervous to be around an adult tiger, especially while messing with his tail
  2. I was not expecting Linda Hamilton. Harry's dual jealousy/admiration of the new doctor was pretty funny
  3. Yes, 2 episodes a week for 3 weeks
  4. The 2021 Comic Relief "movie trailer" for their "2020: The Movie" parody. Jodie and Mandip are in it but their part is under a minute
  5. The show's title is "The Unicorn" and the premise is that single women will find a widower very attractive over a divorced man or one who isn't married yet for reasons I don't fully remember
  6. There was a trio last season; remember the mother and her two daughters? And I agree that groups shouldn't really compete against solo singers
  7. Per Cultbox, they were filming at Atlantic College on March 17 https://cultbox.co.uk/news/headlines/doctor-who-series-13-filming-at-atlantic-college There was some filming in front of an old stone house on campus and in front of a silver Daimler luxury car that was possibly from the late 60s/early 70s There was also some filming at Cardiff City Hall on March 8, where apparently Mandip and Game of Thrones actor Jacob Anderson (who also played on Broadchurch) were seen eating lunch, so Anderson may be a guest star On March 18 the crew was filming interiors at Kongs Cardiff, a bar with arcade games, and The Hayes
  8. Regarding the flashback segment in Thursday's episode, I think a continuity error is that Mike didn't have a beard. The first episode of the season had him growing one as long as the pandemic lasted Other than that, a fairly good episode, with the sisters bonding
  9. At least 2 girls I think. I believe we have seen them a few times I’ve noticed the 3 guys have a very easy friendship while the 2 women don’t quite have that. I wonder what it was like when Wade’s wife was alive
  10. Wade having bunches of women chasing after him was the original premise of the show. They seem to have forgotten that a bit with the relationship with Shannon and now are getting back to it
  11. Glenn could have been showing Lowell unusual deference because he thought Lowell was kind to his dad after Cloud Nine knocked off his business. Notice Glenn turned on him after he learned the truth Zephra could have decided to dump Cloud Nine because it no longer made sense to their bottom line, especially with the pandemic, as a lot of these business deals just don’t work out, or that was their original intent. They can use the store buildings and customer lists for other things
  12. Lowell was clearly off his rocker. Was he still owner of Cloud 9 or did he leave when Zephra took over? Nice to see Amy pop up at the end and willing to help sniff out the rumor of Cloud 9 closing Jonah clearly still isn’t over Amy Nice that Cheyenne and Glenn pushed back on Lowell’s crazy ideas, including Glenn refusing to fire or punish Cheyenne
  13. Dean is a real piece of work. Weird how he missed the gallbladder issue but caught the genetic condition (and was obsessive about it to). Manning and Crockett did undercut him, but they were right. Then he tattled on them to Ethan
  14. Wow, I completely missed the radiologist report was referring to a years ago injury and not the current one; I don’t even remember Casey’s Season 2 injury. The episode makes somewhat better sense now
  15. Good news. I didn't like the pilot all that much, but the next few episodes got much better. I'm working my way through the season
  16. This is moving from Paramount+ streaming to Showtime linear. It will be shown sometime in 2022 http://thefutoncritic.com/news/2021/03/17/showtime-to-exclusively-air-the-man-who-fell-to-earth-starring-oscar-nominee-chiwetel-ejiofor-937014/20210317showtime01/ I had some intention of watching this when it was going to Paramount+, but since I don't have Showtime, I guess I'll have to wait for the DVD set
  17. Just to note, April should be better given all the new programming happening that month, including a 3-parter on Hemingway
  18. You know, I'm really glad Candice was able to find her voice as a Black woman in this series and stand up for herself and have that represented on screen even if stuff wasn't front and center. It took some time, but with the right showrunner, it happened. Of course, if the right showrunner hadn't come along, Candice would probably be fighting and struggling to get her voice heard. You have CBS's All Rise, which is struggling to have the voices of their POC cast heard and POC stories represented while they got a White showrunner who seems to be working against that. This is why representation behind the scenes matters
  19. DanaK

    S07.E03: Mother

    I’m not sure about several things in this episode, but the sequence with Iris helping Barry get his speed back was beautiful and emotional and the best part of the episode I’m not sure I fully understood everything that was happening with Eva, but getting her to stop via a “choose peace and love” pep talk was at least a different way to defeat a season’s Big Bad, though lame at the same time. The pandemic really messed up a lot of shows’s plans The way they handled Ralph was strange and awkward Was this supposed to be the last of last season’s episodes, or at least the Big Bad storyline?
  20. Premieres Tuesday, March 30, 9-9:40pm. Note it's a documentary short
  21. Yeah, I agree, especially in the last couple of weeks. Storyline-wise, I think right now it's just Sonny's storyline that has me fast-forwarding
  22. Promo at the end of the March 15 episode says the show will return April 12 for an uninterrupted run of 7 episodes (I would assume the last of the season)
  23. I couldn’t help but laugh at the teen who was totally gaga over Blake but it was Nick who turned for her
  24. There were a lot of issues with nerves tonight. The duo, though likable, did a face plant with an acoustic performance that had trouble with being heard
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