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Everything posted by DanaK

  1. This will be pushed to 8:30pm ET (half hour later) to accommodate the President’s prime time address
  2. Color me fully surprised if Franco is well and truly dead. I think the last time I was completely surprised by a major character’s death was maybe AMC’s Jessie Hubbard in the 80s I will say I haven’t been too impressed with Roger’s comedic takes as Franco, but I think he’s been good when he does drama
  3. Renewed! http://thefutoncritic.com/news/2021/03/09/the-equalizer-televisions-number-1-entertainment-series-starring-queen-latifah-is-renewed-for-the-2021-2022-broadcast-season-220211/20210309cbs02/
  4. Good episode. It was interesting to see Dele rebel a bit I'm really not liking Tayo at all. He's got that arrogance about him of thinking he has all the power because he's the husband (except he basically deserted them). I hope Dele at least has a fun time meeting his extended family
  5. Clearly Tina is very serious about her music, to the point of trying to get the other band members thrown out, which of course was very wrong for a dad band. Overall, a fun episode
  6. Buck was really obsessed about that one date. I hope he can work things out with that reporter. The vaccine segment was nice I thought the hours ticking by with the man on the roof segment was pretty funny, with the crew taking bets on how long it would be I'm not sure I understood what Christopher was upset about. Was it that he was afraid of the teacher replacing his mom or that his mom would be forgotten?
  7. Promo at the end of the March 8 episode says the show will be back from its Winter hiatus April 19
  8. Same here (I’m not a sports fan in general). Very, very interesting
  9. Premieres Tues, March 9, 2021 My notes have this as a short and HBO's schedule says it's 45 minutes
  10. He apparently got solitary confinement for a time because of that I can't believe he straight up admitted to the interviewer that he conned his investors. I feel sorry for all the people he roped in to help him with putting this together, especially those who never got paid.
  11. That's where I knew her from! Thanks. I didn't really like her character there, but I liked her here
  12. It looks like the Season Finale will be on March 18 according to a press release on the Futon Critic. I think the finale was initially on the 25th, but that appears to be a repeat now http://thefutoncritic.com/listings/20210225cbs01/&date=03/18/2021
  13. This is such a fun show and as others have said, the diversity among the regions is quite interesting to see. With the pandemic, I’ve been learning to cook and bake more, including learning to cook different kinds of pasta other than just spaghetti. I did cook a dish with prosciutto wrapped around chicken but didn’t really like it
  14. What is Kenny Johnson’s situation? I thought Luka’s injury was just the character and his weird absence for the leadership thing was maybe a cost cutting measure, but was Kenny really injured? I mostly liked the episode and the new team member, but I agree that she should have gone in the hole first to treat the victim, not Honda. That made no sense. And I don’t like that they have Chris spiraling, including one night stands. Molly should be thankful Street is no longer dating the boss’s daughter. That was just awkward, especially given how protective Hicks is
  15. Fairly interesting stories. Erin needs to keep an eye on her boss; she's a shark; I think they stepped on their reporter story with the AG having an affair with her. Minus that, I think Jamie was right to arrest her when she touched the evidence. Baez got too deep with the serial killer; she's lucky to be alive
  16. The one in Kenya? I believe so
  17. I never liked the Nash character so I’m glad he’s gone. Grant was funny with the various Wells impressions. I’m tired of Iris in the mirror talking to herself. It was an uneven premiere, including using 2 supporting characters in place of regulars. But at least the show is back?
  18. This latest episode of Mike going meat-less for a week had an undertone of friction between him and Vanessa that suggested an issue of her being too controlling Sad that Mandy had pretty much given up her fashion business after becoming a mother. I'm not sure living with on her sister's property was any better than living with her parents The Jeff Dunham ventriloquist storyline was cute but not much else
  19. The Valentine’s dinner that ended up including the whole group was very sweet, the highlight of the episode. It’s too bad Adam is normally browbeaten by Bonnie. That relationship is not as perfect as they tried to make it seem at the dinner. But it does show how welcoming Adam is to Bonnie’s crazy friends
  20. It almost seemed like NBC was in a hurry to cancel it after America left. They could have given it a couple more seasons. Who knows whether their reasons were due to ratings (which seemed decent), Covid, or something else
  21. I kept wondering if that was the real Hasslehoff. He was doing such a parody of himself, I wasn’t sure
  22. Glenn’s stern admonishment to the raccoons eating the cake (“Guys. Guys. Guys!”) had me rolling Jonah causes so much trouble with his awkwardness and need to please Nice to see Mateo trying to move forward with his life
  23. I'm not sure I understand why Katie and Greg didn't think of the older kids first and discuss it with them when deciding who should get Anna-Kat if they died Not if you knew what went on behind the scenes. But on-screen, it would look like the usual kind of change for a show after several seasons
  24. Watched episode 1 and part of episode 2 of Season 2 so far. I too am a sucker for baby animals, the cuter the better (though maybe not reptiles). Baby hippos are much cuter than the adults. I kept thinking that koala was a kangeroo. I guess I've never seen a koala that young before; I suppose they tend to stay in the pouch out of sight until they are older. Those baby elephants in Africa were so cute, though I'm not sure I would want one charging me to get its bottle @CrazyInAlabama I suspect moving shows over to the streaming platform from the linear channel(s) and no longer playing on the linear channel is the new way of doing business. Sad for a lot of people who aren't ready for streaming or don't want to get another streaming account. At least Discovery+ seems to be the streaming home for a lot of Discovery's linear channels plus some others I guess; consolidation helps I guess
  25. Matt Smith is in the Netflix movie His House that was recently released
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